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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. They're the kind of penalties I find hardest to call, where the defender is fairly close to the crosser but makes themselves a bigger target. I think it was a fair enough decision. Stones and players like him will need patience, I hate it when people glory in their mistakes and how overrated they are.
  2. The Dutch are very much in transition and we've got a second string out, it's not really a surprise that it's been low key.
  3. Had a colleague's funeral this lunchtime. Still can't believe she went so suddenly, but it was a nice service and good to see some blasts from the past to catch up with.
  4. 40% sounds wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if the number of Muslims coming out of prison is higher than the number that go in. I read that they are abandoning the idea of separating out extremists in different prisons, as they've found that whilst it would be harder for them to organise attacks, other prisoners are vulnerable to being converted and radicalised due to things on offer such as protection and a sense of belonging you'd get in any other gang.
  5. I think you need to make a proper statement, like hijacking an aeroplane.
  6. I'm trying to watch Avengers Assemble, I'm afraid I'm never going to get into the comic book movies lark.
  7. He's ok as a fill-in full back, and dare I say it for the money we paid I think he has been a decent signing. It's just incredibly irritating when players come up with this shite.
  8. I go back to if a new manager is going to be supported financially, why didn't they give Remi a proper chance in January. Even that €6m that was tied up with the goalkeeper trying to get the work permit could have been re-allocated when it got turned down. The results had actually improved in the window, to get nobody in was criminal. If they had done we may still be in the hunt to stay up and not in this limbo of supposedly trying to get the best deal terminating Garde's contract, wasting even more millions. I can understand why people are less than optimistic about a new manager coming in doing a better job.
  9. I also think it's because we've become a bit desensitised to it now, it's almost a regular occurrence. Even the Beligan attacks seemed to get less coverage than the French ones. That said, I have seen a lot of coverage about the Pakistani bombing, but I think much of that is due to it being aimed at Christians.
  10. He did have a few periods where he was pretty hopeless for us too, which get overlooked a bit. He's probably just not quite good enough a player to build the rest of the team around if you're a club fighting for Europe, he needs to join a club where the system is already right for him to just slot right in. It's not a surprise that it's not worked out at Liverpool. He's still young though, I'd love to see him at a big club in Europe.
  11. It's something I did when I was growing up but now I wouldn't really think of taking my shoes off. I do it when I go round to my folks but I still regard that as my house. I generally don't like other people though so keeping my shoes on means I can leave quicker.
  12. How can it be alleged that the scout has emigrated to Australia, surely he either has or hasn't and it's pretty easy to find out? Also, it doesn't say when he did or whether he still has the same role.
  13. Tbh I'd love to see Wilshere and Rooney playing alongside some of these players.
  14. I never knew Lothar Matthaus was this likeable. To be fair I'd be more than happy to see Rooney playing in attacking midfield with these players around him. These Spurs players have come such a long way under Pochettino, he is a genius.
  15. Agree, the Kane Cruyff turn and finish was a touch of class.
  16. Right, I've finally decided never to judge footballers on their YouTube videos. That just takes the biscuit.
  17. Perhaps if Butland had gone down they'd have stopped play but you don't know how serious the injury would be at that time. He'd made his way back into his goal so I think it's fair to shoot.
  18. It's such a huge difference between us and the real top sides, we can try our best to emulate the way they play but when it comes down to that split second of quality, we just don't really have it. Shame for Butland, but clever from Kroos to have a dig having spotted him limping.
  19. It does sound very grim. I've just started reading Luke McCallin's Gregor Reinhardt novels set in that part of the world during WWII, and dealing with the Ustase. Incredible that stuff like that was still going on into the 90s. It did allow my Dad to use the 'You get less for genocide' line on his and Mum's 41st anniversary yesterday though.
  20. It would be a classy move putting someone so badly injured on the transfer list. Just sounds like a load of lazy journalism to me, the French half of the club are painted as the villains in the press.
  21. Either way, all the coverage it's getting means we get a lot of Amanda Walker on Sky News which is good by me.
  22. Why is cheddar even more moreish when it's grated? I love cheese but after a chunk I'm satisfied, but give me a bag of grated cheese and I can eat it all.
  23. Yes I'm a bit dubious about statistics. I like Gana but he has undoubtedly had some absolute stinkers this season, which we couldn't really afford. In a better side he probably would be a lot more consistent but that's the same for most players. I'd like us to keep him next season though.
  24. It would sum us up if we ended up paying off Remi with more money than it would have cost to get some sort of striker in January to help him out, having stabilised our form a bit during the window.
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