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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. That worked well for Remi, didn't it? Sigh, I guess Pearson is the best we could hope for if Moyes isn't interested. I had a feeling that Bernstein hadn't misspoken when he said English manager. Still if he gets us up then it will be worth it, if it is indeed him.
  2. It was a weird move considering he couldn't play til January. I'm not sure where he's meant to fit into the Barca side. Dare I say it but I reckon they could have done with Adama on the bench as they basically had nothing on the right wing except Alves who played like a drain. Again, I don't know why Messi has been playing centrally recently having been out of this world since January.
  3. I've never watched that much UFC/MMA but that's one of the things that turns me off. It seems in order to win you often have to sit on the opposition and punch the other guy in the head repeatedly before the ref calls it off. I haven't seen this incident, mind you, but in general the sport does seem incredibly dangerous.
  4. Simeone is such a brilliant manager, they fully deserved that despite the penalty shout at the end. I can't work out why Barca seem to have dispensed with Messi on the right wing and playing in midfield instead, they've gone to shit since they shifted it.
  5. Two teams of footballers who keep slipping over. Put some proper boots on FFS.
  6. He'd be an absolute bargain at anything less than £10m. In a good side he'd be a great asset and I reckon several clubs will want to look at him.
  7. I had a pretty cool dream last night too, I was a policeman trying to solve a murder on a train (original, I know) and I was undercover as a gynaecologist. Not sure why the train needed a gynaecologist but anyway, it was the train's butcher that did it and I saw quite a few fannies. I actually woke up laughing my tits off. I love dreaming, and sleeping in general.
  8. I wouldn't mind O'Neil, or at least players of that ilk. I'd happily keep most of the foreign signings and supplement them with some hard working players who aren't arseholes and know what it takes in the division.
  9. I'm pretty sure Crespo had the same agent as Adama, so you're probably not a million miles away. Ilori I'm not sure, I think they were expecting him to be fitter than he was. I can understand the French players being a bit of a punt, it's the fact that someone must surely have watched Gestede a few times (probably Tim) and thought he was a player. Whoever that was, if they're still at the club, needs shooting.
  10. Giving serious consideration to going to Cuba in August. Anyone done it that time of year? It says it's the rainy season but I assume it's similar to the likes of Florida or the Carribbean where it's hot then pisses down quickly in the afternoon.
  11. To be fair it's the ones we pick up from England that are most shite.
  12. Short of building a time machine, I'm not entirely sure what Cameron is supposed to do to change any of that?
  13. Exactly, as he admitted today. His family's links to the Blairmore fund was made public four years ago without quite the same media reaction though.
  14. Originally I assume it's because his dead Dad's name was being dragged through the mud. I'd personally go tell them to go **** themselves but as a politician he should really have spun it better.
  15. I'd say he couldn't have possibly picked a worse team, but Gabby and Rudy didn't start. Just a load of miserable shite top to bottom.
  16. It would be nice to see him start a match. Now that he, Grealish, Ayew and Gil are fit I'd like to see them start together at least once just to see what crazy shit they might get up to.
  17. Surely the key thing is that it says P.A. and fashion advisor? It's not that ridiculous that a P.M.'s wife might need a personal assistant really.
  18. There's a balance though. Pulis tilts that balance a bit too far towards rather getting my leg stuck in a lawnmower than watching football. I think there are managers who can do what we want whilst being palatable.
  19. That's brilliant Even better than trying to say 'Irish wristwatch' which is impossible
  20. Looks good to me Tbh these things normally end up shite so I'm not expecting much.
  21. Warburton may have worked if we'd kept the moneyball lot, but I think the new powers-that-be will want a steady Championship manager. The more I think, the more Pearson is looking most likely. I think we'd have heard more by now if Moyes was seriously interested, I reckon he is hanging on for a stable Prem club.
  22. Yes those kits look nice. I just hope we have a simpler collar, as that's the only thing that bothered me with Macron.
  23. Rowett is interesting, I must admit he's gone under my radar a bit but it would be nice to shut up McLeish's mates in the media who said he never had a chance because he came from SHA. That said, he may not have a chance with us because he comes from SHA.
  24. I like a splash of Reggae Reggae Sauce in my beans when having a fry up. Just lifts things up a notch.
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