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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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You know what pisses me off? That in four years of being on this forum I have still yet to get a custom title.


Maybe I should be more pissed off that I clearly haven't contributed anything original to get myself a custom title :(


Star Player > Strawberry Blonde

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You know what pisses me off? That in four years of being on this forum I have still yet to get a custom title.


Maybe I should be more pissed off that I clearly haven't contributed anything original to get myself a custom title :(


Star Player > Strawberry Blonde



Nah, a custom title is an achievement, no matter how daft or light heartedly insulting it may be.

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Nah, I don't care what custom title I get. I'd wear it like a badge of honour.


I just clearly don't have anything original about me that is deserving of a custom title. I don't have a Lego obsession, I'm not dangerously close to being ginger and I don't have sex with common workplace cleaning apparatus. Booooring.

Edited by Ginko
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Someone, I can't remember who now... lapal maybe? Anyway, they wanted to change my title to Pato because it's Spanish for duck and duck is one of my nicknames.


I seem to accumulate dumb nicknames wherever I go. Duck is a family nickname and my old games testing friends call me Badger for no real reason at all other than a completely random moment when one of them called me it and it just stuck.

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Doesn't really bother me, I'm used to daft nicknames now.


The duck thing came about because we looked after one of my cousins a lot when I was about 7 and when he was learning to talk he tried to say Richard but came out with Duck Duck instead.


The Badger thing, as I said, was just random and stuck. Aside from that the only other nickname is from my schooldays with the classic 'surname + y on the end'.

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That's probably the most relevant one.


No need to petition though. I don't want one because I had to ask for one. Custom titles should be organic and spur of the moment. Unfortunately, BOF doesn't deem us fit to grace us with his presence any more so the chances of new custom titles are relatively slim I'd say.

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