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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Men who take their girlfriend to gigs and stand near the front then kick off whenever anyone bumps into her. Fock off and stand at the back if you don't like it.

My mate and I had a game of buckaroo at a James gig last year ... Find a bloke at the front and see how long you can hold on for as you try to get him away from the barrier that he is gripping to as if his life depends on it as he starts doing some weird head and body wild shake to get you off him without using his hands

Was also some numpty there with his girlfriend doing exactly as you say .... He started screaming at people and putting his fists up .. Which meant he got bumped even more :)

Edited by tonyh29
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Men who take their girlfriend to gigs and stand near the front then kick off whenever anyone bumps into her. Fock off and stand at the back if you don't like it.

My mate and I had a game of buckaroo at a James gig last year ... Find a bloke at the front and see how long you can hold on for as you try to get him away from the barrier that he is gripping to as if his life depends on it as he starts doing some weird head and body wild shake to get you off him without using his hands

Was also some numpty there with his girlfriend doing exactly as you say .... He started screaming at people and putting his fists up .. Which meant he got bumped even more :)

Men who take their girlfriend to gigs and stand near the front then kick off whenever anyone bumps into her. Fock off and stand at the back if you don't like it.

My mate and I had a game of buckaroo at a James gig last year ... Find a bloke at the front and see how long you can hold on for as you try to get him away from the barrier that he is gripping to as if his life depends on it as he starts doing some weird head and body wild shake to get you off him without using his hands

Was also some numpty there with his girlfriend doing exactly as you say .... He started screaming at people and putting his fists up .. Which meant he got bumped even more :)



You can say that again...

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Men who take their girlfriend to gigs and stand near the front then kick off whenever anyone bumps into her. Fock off and stand at the back if you don't like it.

I've got a good story about that. We were at a Charlatans gig a few years ago and we were bouncing about in the mosh pit. Somebody took exception to being bounced about and decided to punch my mate Andy hard in the back a couple of times so he threw the elbow at them and got them right on the point of the chin, dropping them.

Turns out it was a girl who threw the punches but my mate didn't realise until he turned around and saw her on the deck. He was just about to apologise when her boyfriend decided to go all white knight and was like "whoever did that **** DIES" and tried to square up to Andy. Only then did he realise Andy was 6'5" and could have battered him with one hand behind his back. Never seen a blokes face change so quickly. If you want to go into the mosh pit then don't complain if it's a bit rowdy!

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I never - ever - put an x on the end of a text.


I do but only when I text my mate Felix



Hmmmm. I'm willing to bet that you would hardly ever put an 'x' on the end of such a text. Who puts the recipient's name as the last word?


Felix: Coming down the pub 2nite?


8pints: OK Felix





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I never - ever - put an x on the end of a text.

I do but only when I text my mate Felix

Hmmmm. I'm willing to bet that you would hardly ever put an 'x' on the end of such a text. Who puts the recipient's name as the last word?

Felix: Coming down the pub 2nite?

8pints: OK Felix



"Back together with the ex"

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So I go to the main section and see that there is a 'pessimists thread'. Sums it all up really. Joyless word removed's.

If you think of it as the self-deprecation thread, it makes it a bit more palatable.

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I was watching a 'Best of Buzzcocks' the other night on BBC2. Apart from being very funny and reminding me that there isn't enough Simon Amstell on our telly, man did they give Coldplay a hard time :lol: Noel Fielding being the main protagonist. Oh and Phil Jupitus is another in my 'how the hell is he a comedian' camp.

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Legov dislikes this...

Yeah well they're okay, some good tracks, merely tolerable for the most part but there are a lot of worse musicians around

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