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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I've always been led to believe that it was an offence to warn other drivers in such a way.

Not sure what offence it would be and it has never stopped me doing it, but I always thought it was something I might get caught for at some point.

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I've only been caught speeding once. I don't tend to speed really, except on the motorway.

Anyway, i was caught by one of these vans. It was sat at the bottom of a long hill, on a huge wide road that is still a 30, and it was parked under a railway bridge behind some parked cars. if anyone knows it, it's the dip between Dovehouse Parade and Olton on the Warwick Road.

It's very very hard to stick to 30 down that bit of road. As I said, it's really wide, not that busy (at that time) and downhill for a long way.

Add to that I'd just finished work at 1 pm on a Friday afternoon in the middle of summer, there's no surprise I was caught.

Anyway, my point is, no coincidence that they parked the van in the darkest part they could find, right at the bottom of the hill.

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Right...blokes who give it the Charlie big potato about how they talk/treat their missus!

It drives me up the wall, the asshole opposite me at work is always going on about how his missus does as she's told and how he doesnt have to tell her he's going to the pub after work and how he comes back whenever he please's.

How he never tells his missus he loves her an refuses to do the washing up or change his little kids nappy as ''it's her job''. And he's always going on about ''you just need to tell um' how it is...if they dont like it they can **** off, you need to keep a leash on um!''

Its really not big and really not clever and it doesnt impress me, in fact it just makes me think your an even bigger asshole than i first thought.

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Had this twice today in the office.

Blokes phone home and talk to mrs, then talk to babies under 6 months "What are you doing ?".......

Having kids changes blokes. Only in the very worst kind of ways.

Out of interest, do you have kids yourself, Neil?
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The tedious new guy at my running club, and his Facebook status updates:

"He who sedulously attends, pointedly asks, calmly speaks, coolly answers and ceases when he has no more to say is in possession of some of the best requisites of man".

I'm fighting the urge to reply "Shut the **** up, then".

Un-friend job, I think.

Please tell him to "shut the **** up!" please please please

Thing is, he's a big bloke, ex-military, bangs on endlessly about his post-traumatic stress thingy (not belittling this at all, but if you knew him I guarantee you wouldn't be impressed) and I actually think he could be a borderline psycho.

Better simply to avoid rather than confront, probably.

bloody hell, went to uni with a guy like that, fits the bill to an absolute tee, not called ben is he?

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Had this twice today in the office.

Blokes phone home and talk to mrs, then talk to babies under 6 months "What are you doing ?".......

Having kids changes blokes. Only in the very worst kind of ways.

Out of interest, do you have kids yourself, Neil?

Nope, can you tell :D.

Dunno mate, drives me mental and I know it really shouldn't. It's a combination of those 2 blokes and a 6 month pregnant bird sitting 2 metres in from of me as well with all the scans and huffing and puffing that goes with it.

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