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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Yeah they did that in Manchester and Liverpool too, no-one uses those either. WHy don't people use them? becuase no one wants to get on a plane dripping wet with rain and no-one wants to walk half a mile with luggage before they even get inside the terminal building

They used congestion as an excuse in Manchester and  Liverpool too. In fact before they used the congestion excuse, they used the terrorism excuse and moved the pickup / drop off point away from the terminal but you used to get ten minutes free, then 5 mins free then they just started charging as soon as you went in, then they increased the prices whilst shortening the time increments for charging etc

In fact Manchester works a bit differently, that was what Liverpool did. Manchester have a free drop off area miles away (note not pickup - you have to get charged if you're picking someone up) which is serviced by a shuttle bus, no one ises it because its every 20 mins and takes over ten minutes to the furthest terminal, in effect every one pays the minimum £5 - its a goldmine

There was never any congestion at either airport apart from Manchester but only when the Pakistan flights came in or when they dug all the roads up to implement the new system to alleviate the non-existant congestion

Well excuse or not in Manchester and liverpool, it was valid in birmingham. I sat in it every day 

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4 hours ago, bobzy said:

On the topic of Sainsburys and people being cockgoblins/spunktrumpets/wankpuffins - I popped to Sainsburys last Thursday with the little one (she's 3).  Will always look to park in a parent & child space but, as she can walk just fine and isn't a complete liability now, happy to go elsewhere.

All the parent & child spaces were taken, but there was a free space a couple up from them with a path the other side so pretty good really - park there.

On the way to the store:
- One p&c space taken by a car with 3 lads in there, driver not.
- One p&c space taken by a car with a woman packing her shopping away - no child/pram in sight
- One p&c space taken by a white van with bloke sat eating (presumed) lunch

On the way from the store:
- One p&c space taken by a couple who were among the most obese I've seen (so, fair enough I guess, they need the short walk or they might actually die)
- One p&c space in the process of being taken by a business woman in a BMW (of course)
- One p&c space taken by some complete slob of a woman; saw her get out and walk toward the store on her own

I reckon if people monitored those spaces, there'd be an almost perfect microcosm of society.  Lazy, selfish etc. etc.  There's no rule on them as far as I know, but surely people are capable of not being complete clearings in the woods?

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20 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Funnily enough I saw someone talking about her in a WhatsApp group this morning followed by "she's been banged more times than stevie wonder's toes" 

I'm going to hell 

She's rancid. Must have a fanny like a hippos yawn. Genuinely looks like a clown now. 

She was in the papers with her new fella... looked him up and he ticks the boxes of what I thought he would be - 10 years younger, tatted, beefed up and been on some **** reality tv show. What on earth he sees in a mid 40s bankrupt single mom that has seen more Japs eyes than a Datsun wing mirror, i will never know. Must be purely about media exposure. 

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6 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Alison Hammond.




Made a career out of laughing at shit that isn't funny 

I'm sure she is a nice woman, but yeah, nothing is that funny.

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8 minutes ago, Xela said:

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Another unwritten rule: if you don't have a pound coin, but you're lucky enough to find a 'loose' trolley, the correct protocol when you've finished with it is to leave it 'unlocked' for the next person. 

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As for netflix and prime.

I was a long fan of the high seas in my younger years. Then streaming came in and I was one of the first to get on that, back when the quality was shit and they still sent DVDs.

Little by little they've took the absolute piss so last yesr I bought myself a USB, a VPN and I set sail again.

They can get ****. I'm not paying double triple quadruple for shit.

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28 minutes ago, Mozzavfc said:

The people selling those dodgy fire sticks are the real winners of the 'streaming wars'

And the people using them will get fined.

First the crack down on account sharing, then come after the streamers.

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2 hours ago, Rob182 said:

At my little ones swimming, the two parents of this one kid are so annoying. Their daughter is a good swimmer, and has been very strong ever since she joined the group about 2 months ago. EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. The parents loudly proclaim how shocked they are about how good she is. “Oh my god, I can’t believe how good she’s doing”. “Oh my god, I think she puts her head under the water too much” “wow, she’s so fast!”


Have you not seen your **** daughter before you cretins?!


2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

This happened when I used to take my lad swimming. It wasn't a very big class and one week it was just him and one other kid. The other kid's mom (who was in the water with him, as I was with my lad) was quite obviously showing off. He was definitely better than my lad, and more advanced in general, so she was cycling through his "tricks". Throwing balls, saying certain things etc

I took no notice. But there was one part of the lesson where they have to grab the rail at the side and hold themselves up. Jack did it no bother but this woman's kid was shit at it. It was basically the only thing in the whole lesson that Jack was better at, but I could genuinely see her seething about it. her face literally dropped, she was so annoyed.

People are weird. Who cares?

Yeah. My kids both did athletics. You met some really special parents in that. Thing is my son was just another competitor, think a third place was his best ever, but my daughter was good. Really really good. Was just outside the top 10 sprinters in the country when she was in the lower age group. Would definitely have been in the top 10 the following year when the older girls moved on, but she totally lost interest. 

Obviously we were immensely proud. When representing the club or school she'd win every race by miles. It only got remotely difficult at county level.   But we never felt the need to bang on about it to the other parents.  I will admit to being a bit boastful in the house when she kept beating a girl form Birchfield Harriers though.  Their facilities and coaching was streets ahead of when Solihull had. 

My sons mate was an outstanding hurdler. He would win county races by the kind of distance my daughter won club races. He moved to Birchfield for the pro coaching. He had the opportunity to go to go to America for University on a scholarship and also gave up.

It makes me sad these people giving up because I've never really had a talent for anything in particular. It seems criminal to waste proper talent but if you don't like competing or can't commit the time and dedication I guess it's hard to carry on. 

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11 minutes ago, sidcow said:


Yeah. My kids both did athletics. You met some really special parents in that. Thing is my son was just another competitor, think a third place was his best ever, but my daughter was good. Really really good. Was just outside the top 10 sprinters in the country when she was in the lower age group. Would definitely have been in the top 10 the following year when the older girls moved on, but she totally lost interest. 

Obviously we were immensely proud. When representing the club or school she'd win every race by miles. It only got remotely difficult at county level.   But we never felt the need to bang on about it to the other parents.  I will admit to being a bit boastful in the house when she kept beating a girl form Birchfield Harriers though.  Their facilities and coaching was streets ahead of when Solihull had. 

My sons mate was an outstanding hurdler. He would win county races by the kind of distance my daughter won club races. He moved to Birchfield for the pro coaching. He had the opportunity to go to go to America for University on a scholarship and also gave up.

It makes me sad these people giving up because I've never really had a talent for anything in particular. It seems criminal to waste proper talent but if you don't like competing or can't commit the time and dedication I guess it's hard to carry on. 


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7 minutes ago, sidcow said:

It makes me sad these people giving up because I've never really had a talent for anything in particular. It seems criminal to waste proper talent but if you don't like competing or can't commit the time and dedication I guess it's hard to carry on. 

I actually sort of admire those kids who quit while they're ahead. It can be a lonely and stressful life at the high levels of sport. Sometimes it's good to stop when it stops being fun, and just enjoy being a normal teenager. 

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15 minutes ago, sidcow said:


Yeah. My kids both did athletics. You met some really special parents in that. Thing is my son was just another competitor, think a third place was his best ever, but my daughter was good. Really really good. Was just outside the top 10 sprinters in the country when she was in the lower age group. Would definitely have been in the top 10 the following year when the older girls moved on, but she totally lost interest. 

Obviously we were immensely proud. When representing the club or school she'd win every race by miles.

Oh god stop going on about it!





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31 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I actually sort of admire those kids who quit while they're ahead. It can be a lonely and stressful life at the high levels of sport. Sometimes it's good to stop when it stops being fun, and just enjoy being a normal teenager. 

Yes. It became such a trauma getting my daughter to competitions I just said she should give it up. I made her complete the season though as she'd committed to the club and I'd paid for it but she definitely deliberately started losing so she didn't get picked for county. But I wasn't going to make any more of an issue about it. 

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15 hours ago, mjmooney said:

Also, I've noticed they are charging extra for more films and series, on top of the regular subscription. Now I can understand it for current movies that are also showing in cinemas, but it used to be that, after a year or so, they'd go into the regular subscription catalogue. But now? True Detective S1 - ten years old, pay extra. Twin Peaks - 34 years old, FFS! - pay extra. Taking the piss. 

My 6 year old has really gotten into Ancient Greek myths and has always liked adventure stories. I had the bright idea to let him watch the Harryhausen film Jason and the Argonauts a few weekends back. It was released in 1963 so is 60 year's old. Could only find it available on prime but they wanted £8 to buy it or £5 to rent. Sod that.

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2 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

My 6 year old has really gotten into Ancient Greek myths and has always liked adventure stories. I had the bright idea to let him watch the Harryhausen film Jason and the Argonauts a few weekends back. It was released in 1963 so is 60 year's old. Could only find it available on prime but they wanted £8 to buy it or £5 to rent. Sod that.

Great film

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2 hours ago, Rds1983 said:

My 6 year old has really gotten into Ancient Greek myths and has always liked adventure stories. I had the bright idea to let him watch the Harryhausen film Jason and the Argonauts a few weekends back. It was released in 1963 so is 60 year's old. Could only find it available on prime but they wanted £8 to buy it or £5 to rent. Sod that.

The DVD is £3 on eBay if you can be bothered / have a DVD player.

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