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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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We did it for A-Level

Thought you said you were lazy, Mike? ;)

I am. My record for handing in essays was erm... not good. What I got out of A-Level English was mostly my own pleasure, I didn't really care about my teachers' opinions of my work rate. That said, I got a grade "A" in the exam, because I found it piss easy. I'd have been no good these days where kids have to hand in loads of course work.
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I will never forgive my school for making us study Merchant of Venice academically

We did that too. I thought it was quite good. As was Othello. They're the only 2 we had to do and I enjoyed both of them.

9th grade: Romeo & Juliet (unfortunately right around the time of Luhrmann's film starring DiCaprio and Danes -- fortunately before said film came out on video)

10th grade: Julius Caesar

12th grade: Hamlet

(11th grade being American Literature, there wasn't much room for ol' Billy... IIRC, the play that year was Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie... one of my uncles married an heiress of the Lanier (of Georgia family), which would make me related by marriage to Tennessee (Thomas Lanier) Williams and the poet Sidney Lanier)

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This massive clearing in the woods... who I thought had died or slowly shriveled up is now back. Nawwwty! feck off.

How many Cockneys exaggerate their accent do you think?

He definitely does, I once watched an episode of Football Factories: International and he went to meet some Germans who said how they love to beat up the English, he suddenly dropped his accent and his 'tough guy' gimmick.

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When wires get tangled up!

The main three: laptop charger, phone charger, iPod headphones.

No matter how neatly and carefully I put these things down they always get tangled up and it really gets to me! Even though it only takes a few seconds to untangle them I still get annoyed.

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Any male driving either a TT Boxster or Evoque

All officially girls cars

Add Ford Kas to that list, no man should drive a Ka.

Or any model of Alfa Romeo.

Ka yes.

ANY Alfa? No way. The Giulietta and the Brera are lovely cars (Brera especially is gorgeous). Mito, yeah fair enough, that's a bit gay.

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I drove a Ford Ka for about 6 or 7 years. OK, it was a bit of a girls car, but I got it in metallic black to compensate a bit.

It was a top car though. Was like my very own go-kart, and surprising nippy.

It was all I could afford TBH.

I sold it to we buy any car about 4 months ago, when I got a Ford Focus. I like the Focus, it's more 'substantial', but miss my go-kart

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Yeah I drove a KA for about 3 months for a summer job.

Actually loved it at the time, but purely because it was my first ever experience of driving (only passed my test 6 months before that).

I was slightly embarassed as well though. They're nippy little things, but they really are girls' cars :)

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This winter is pissing me off something terrable.I can`t remember a winter as cold as this one.The temp has only been between 15 and 17 for the last two weeks and the breeze feels like its comming off the south pole.Role on autumn.

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This winter is pissing me off something terrable.I can`t remember a winter as cold as this one.The temp has only been between 15 and 17 for the last two weeks and the breeze feels like its comming off the south pole.Role on autumn.

PLease tell me you're not talking about 15-17 Centigrade.

If you are, you can get the **** out.

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