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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Canvasser from virgin media just knocked my door. Starts his patter by apologising for the workmen digging up the roads recently....blah blah blah..and who am I with at the moment  (the sky dish above his head is a massive hint, or so I think)......and I point to the bright red and yellow sticker on my front door stating no salesmen, cold callers, or religious types welcome. 

He argues HE'S not selling me anything which REALLY and immediately pushes my button and i growl back that it's all about sales and close the door on him, mid response to my point.

Clearing in the woods :angry:

I bleedin hate salesmen/women !

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3 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

Canvasser from virgin media just knocked my door. Starts his patter by apologising for the workmen digging up the roads recently....blah blah blah..and who am I with at the moment  (the sky dish above his head is a massive hint, or so I think)......and I point to the bright red and yellow sticker on my front door stating no salesmen, cold callers, or religious types welcome. 

He argues HE'S not selling me anything which REALLY and immediately pushes my button and i growl back that it's all about sales and close the door on him, mid response to my point.

Clearing in the woods :angry:

I bleedin hate salesmen/women !

One of the best things about moving into an apartment block is I don't get any of this shite anymore.

Used to have a couple a week at my old place. I just started not answering the door.

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15 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

One of the best things about moving into an apartment block is I don't get any of this shite anymore.

Used to have a couple a week at my old place. I just started not answering the door.

About a year ago one of them asked me if my mom or dad was in. I'm 30 and own my own home.

It was only afterwards I realised I should have just said "No sorry, they're out".

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16 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

The concept changes with every decade. With a widely multicultural society I’m not sure ‘britishness’ in its perceived form even exists these days. You can have little snippets here and there I guess.

Also wonder if it’s a city/countryside thing. Living in brum I struggle to find an identity but when I get out into the country or seaside and visit the little towns and market villages I get a massive sense of Britishness and identity but it’s one that isn’t mine being a city boy. 

Multiculturalism is a great thing, you can get a whole host of microcosms of cultural identities to experience but not one I’d consider traditionally British.

If I had to be honest, to get a taste of real Britishness I think you need to get out to the places that haven’t been homogenised into the modern business ‘big city’ world. 

For me, a day out in proper countryside, a walk through the woods, a peruse around an old historic town or market town and a nice roast dinner with a few ales to finish it off is as close to feeling British as I get now. 

Alternatively, going out and about around parts of brum with all the influences and experiences from around the world is just as enjoyable.

Although now divorced, being married to a Sikh girl and being part of her family and their culture was gratifying and an immense pleasure to be a part of. It makes me proud of parts of the country that welcomes other nationalities and what they bring to the table with open arms. 

Doing both fills me with pride and both options can live side by side. I’m proud of both our homegrown heritage and traditions and also our global mixing pot society we live in. 


 I find when I travel abroad it's only really then the being British / English kinda hits home .. I know VT's left hate Britain :P but everywhere else we seem to be held in fairly high regard , the further off the beaten track you go the more people want to speak to you , ask you if you drink tea , what's the Queen like   , talk about football (always mention Manchester bloody United)  , talk about London , even fish and chips  and say "how do you do" ...it's like the guide books  to England haven't been updated since 1954  ...


When I was in Kuwait I took some pictures of the palace (which is forbidden though they don't tell you this , mainly as there isn't' really any tourism there )  .. out came a few shouty angry soldiers from the barracks and they confiscated my camera .. when they found out I was English , the gave it back and said please be careful where you take photo's and have a nice day ... and as I walked off one of them asked me to say hello to the Queen :) ... possibly it's why I love travelling off the beaten track , I'm sure if I went to Benidorm the Brits aren't held in such regard !!

as you mention Sikh , Amritsar was one of those such places I've visited where people were just amazingly friendly and chatty when they found out we were English , we were invited to join people in the temple for dinner as it was some big festival going on ( the rich feed the poor on this day  .. probably doesn't say a lot for my dress code if I was mistaken as poor and needy :) ) ... the talk was cricket , tea , the Queen and of course the weather




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12 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

About a year ago one of them asked me if my mom or dad was in. I'm 30 and own my own home.

It was only afterwards I realised I should have just said "No sorry, they're out".

I'd never get that far.

I ended up just going with the

"not interested" *slam door*

as soon as a I realised what they were doing.


I felt bad, but it was better than wastin gboth of our time by listening to their scripted shite and then turning them down anyway

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17 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I just had a phone call from a bloke wbo impressed on me several times that this was not a sales call, before starting in about loft conversions. Slam. 

What winds me up is surely.....SURELY they themselves have been on the receiving end of such sales pitches so why do they get defensive and treat us like simpletons ?

Yeah, i know it's the job that makes them do it with the pressure of targets/leads to reach. For that reason alone i hope I never have to resort to such employment. 

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10 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

What winds me up is surely.....SURELY they themselves have been on the receiving end of such sales pitches so why do they get defensive and treat us like simpletons ?

Yeah, i know it's the job that makes them do it with the pressure of targets/leads to reach. For that reason alone i hope I never have to resort to such employment. 

When I got my last "Been in an accident that wasn't your fault", call, I didn't do my usual "They're all dead" comedy routine, I commiserated with her for having such a soul-destroying job. And hung up. 

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17 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

What winds me up is surely.....SURELY they themselves have been on the receiving end of such sales pitches so why do they get defensive and treat us like simpletons ?

Yeah, i know it's the job that makes them do it with the pressure of targets/leads to reach. For that reason alone i hope I never have to resort to such employment. 

eyh, it's a trick to keep you on the phone.

I did sales for 2 months, realised I'm not a salesperson and quit.

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1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

I'd never get that far.

I ended up just going with the

"not interested" *slam door*

as soon as a I realised what they were doing.


I felt bad, but it was better than wastin gboth of our time by listening to their scripted shite and then turning them down anyway

I couldn't do that , just not programmed to be rude ( not a dig , I can understand the sentiment)

I've even invited the Jehovah witnesses that have knocked on my door in for a cup of coffee as they looked cold  before  , I don't buy what they are selling , so arguably I'm wasting their time , just seems the right thing to do ... probably got that from my Grandad who I always remember as being a kind man to everyone

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17 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I couldn't do that , just not programmed to be rude ( not a dig , I can understand the sentiment)

No, I'm not either.

But I genuinely had so many of them that I got fed up of standing there for 5-10 minutes listening to their speech, and then having to say "Look sorry but I'm not interested"

I'm not quite as abrupt as I described above. In reality it would be: 

"Sorry, i'm not interested in *insert name of whatever it is here*" and then close door normally :D 

I was exaggerating for effect

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4 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

No, I'm not either.

But I genuinely had so many of them that I got fed up of standing there for 5-10 minutes listening to their speech, and then having to say "Look sorry but I'm not interested"

I'm not quite as abrupt as I described above. In reality it would be: 

"Sorry, i'm not interested in *insert name of whatever it is here*" and then close door normally :D 

I was exaggerating for effect

There was a time when, if I got fresh-faced Christian evangelists on the doorstep, I would hiss "Begone. I worship only our dark lord Satan". 

CBA, these days. 

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After 26 years as the home owner answering my door to salesman', I have settled on:

saying "hello" in a happy and positive manner (conveying that I'm not just being a miserable sod); spending about 5 seconds listening to them before I establish they want to sell me something;

politely interrupting them by saying 'I don't buy at the door so I wish you luck with your next customer';

smile at them as I gently close the door.

Takes about 10 seconds, I haven't wasted too much of their or my time and I haven't been too rude either.

Provided they don't insist (lie) that they are 'not selling anything' and provided they don't just tut and mumble something under their breath as they walk away, it doesn't normally bother me.

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