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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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noise. any noise.


i want silence and nothing but silence.


Lies, you're a pretentious music snob if ever I met one ;)


In fact, the more I read your posts, the more I'm convinced you're Morrissey.



i want silence so i can listen to my superior music without distraction.


i'll ignore the morrissey insult for now, but rest assured, i will have my vengeance.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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I dont get it, did she give birth to her husband? It's a baby, it doesn't know what it is yet so why would you expect a card and gift from it?

I was in trouble because we had to buy my step brothers kid a first birthday present last week. I was happy with a £2 rattle that it could chew, shake, make sounds and lights up, the missus wanted to spend, I **** you not, £15 on a farm noise keyboard. I said I'd only put £2 towards it as it's a baby and would get the same enjoyment from the rattle. She want impressed.

I don't get people.

Don't get people or don't get women? Because if it's the latter than give up trying to get them!

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St Patricks day, seriously who gives a ****?

Let the irish have their day have their fun, barcelona tweeting pictures, Allianz arena lit up green, I bet most the pubs in England are knee deep in plastic paddies


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Never ever got the fascination with St Patricks day, when I was younger I was in the pub every night of the week, St Patricks day used to piss me off cuz I'd lose my pub for the whole night to absolute clearings in the woods in stupid **** hats

Same as new years, I drink in the pub everyday of the week and then you want me to pay money just to get in, **** that

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As someone who used to drink a lot of Guinness, the biggest issue I have with St Patrick's Day, is the fact people go to the pub, drink Guinness, and that means a shortage for the people who drink it regularly. I've no issue with people celebrating though. I've enough Irish family and friend to realise it's a good craic (Ooh look at me using an Irish word!). 

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It's **** awful. A bunch of pissed arseholes trashing the streets while wearing stupid **** hats and various items of green clothing because that somehow makes them 'Irish', despite the fact that the day has nothing to do with national identity, in fact it's a celebration of some old dead git that brought the very belief system that still clings on desperately to the country in the shape of ridiculous abortion laws etc.

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It's **** awful. A bunch of pissed arseholes trashing the streets while wearing stupid **** hats and various items of green clothing because that somehow makes them 'Irish', despite the fact that the day has nothing to do with national identity, in fact it's a celebration of some old dead git that brought the very belief system that still clings on desperately to the country in the shape of ridiculous abortion laws etc.


Yeah, but did you get bitten by a snake today? Exactly! 

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It's **** awful. A bunch of pissed arseholes trashing the streets while wearing stupid **** hats and various items of green clothing because that somehow makes them 'Irish', despite the fact that the day has nothing to do with national identity, in fact it's a celebration of some old dead git that brought the very belief system that still clings on desperately to the country in the shape of ridiculous abortion laws etc.


And here was me thinking you'd be the type of guy to embrace it

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Getting hungry at about 3/4pm is the worst. It's too late for more lunch, eating anything will ruin tea, but it's also too early for tea, eating now will leave you hungry later in the evening. Just can't win.

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Bad mistake. It's a fair old wait between luncheon and afternoon tea, which is why you should make the former last a good while.

Tuesdays are the worst.

I usually have lunch around Midday.


But I'm not home to eat dinner until gone 9pm.


That's way too long without food!

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Bad mistake. It's a fair old wait between luncheon and afternoon tea, which is why you should make the former last a good while.

Tuesdays are the worst.

I usually have lunch around Midday.


But I'm not home to eat dinner until gone 9pm.


That's way too long without food!



I thought that one of the disciplines for body-builders is to have 6-8 meals a day?

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