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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Went to London today by train today

Selfish word removes that take a seat and put all their bags on the one next to them then sit looking at 30 people in the carriage standing up ... Yeah some people do ask them to move them but they shouldn't need to be told common decency ought to be enough

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All these facebook status updates with I rode xxx km's today or so and so ran xx km's

We are not bloody French , we use miles in this country nobody cares about km's ... your just using them cause it looks a bigger number

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Lads who walk around the pub / club, and look like they're carrying rolls of carpet. Often they look like they're no strangers to 'roids, either. Chill out, stop trying so hard, and be a decent ******* human being for once in your life!

Yes! What the **** is this? The way they hold the pint aswell, as if it's a stamina test!

**** off you fruity muller corners.


i remember being in the pub once and there was this lad with another lad i knew, me and my mate had a drink with them and this one lad thought he was the proper bollocks, tight top big bulging muscles and thought he was gods gift. id never met him before but he seemed like a proper poser, anyway after a few drinks i started taking the piss by pinching his arse and blowing him kisses. he didnt like it one bit and in the end gave me some kind of warning which i laughed off, i knew he was just all for show so i said you fancy an arm wrestle mate and he absolutely jumped at the idea, it was like all his birthdays had come at once because there was plenty of women in the pub and he thought it would make him look good. anyway i embarrassed him and absolutely smashed him, he was mortified ha. 


Did you pull his hair a bit as well? 


damn right i did, this bitch dont hold back.

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They're going to demolish Didcot powerstation's cooling towers between 3am-5am next Sunday. Oh well, getting up that early will be worth it to see a bit of Didcot getting blown up.

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Men who wear too much aftershave. Usually have a similar look - shaved head, denim jeans, t-shirts with something boxing related on them, Nike trainers and an Argos chain or bracelet. Usually walk with that dickhead hard man swagger too.


I can smell them downwind, and I'm not even a fox.

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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Men who wear too much aftershave. Usually have a similar look - shaved head, denim jeans, t-shirts with something boxing related on them, Nike trainers and an Argos chain or bracelet. Usually walk with that dickhead hard man swagger too.

I can smell them downwind, and I'm not even a fox.

So where did you bump into stevo ? :D

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They're going to demolish Didcot powerstation's cooling towers between 3am-5am next Sunday. Oh well, getting up that early will be worth it to see a bit of Didcot getting blown up.

If you played your music too loud during those hours someone would call the risers.... And yet they are going to presumably wake half of Didcot by setting off a controlled explosion
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All these facebook status updates with I rode xxx km's today or so and so ran xx km's

We are not bloody French , we use miles in this country nobody cares about km's ... your just using them cause it looks a bigger number

You lost me at facebook.

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melon as a starter



Did you take a hot tub time machine back to the 80s?



Harewood played for us 2007-10 MV, don't remember him starting that much though.

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All these facebook status updates with I rode xxx km's today or so and so ran xx km's

We are not bloody French , we use miles in this country nobody cares about km's ... your just using them cause it looks a bigger number

No one gives a shit how far they've run or rode either

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All these facebook status updates with I rode xxx km's today or so and so ran xx km's

We are not bloody French , we use miles in this country nobody cares about km's ... your just using them cause it looks a bigger number


I have this with Fahrenheit. Not only do I hate attempting to spell Fahrenheit, I have to do maths in my head in order to understand what temperature is being talked about. Sports (especially footie) are started to only use it, and I didn't come across it once when growing up.


I'm not being funny, but does anyone find it more logical to use a system where 0 is freezing point rather than -32?

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All these facebook status updates with I rode xxx km's today or so and so ran xx km's

We are not bloody French , we use miles in this country nobody cares about km's ... your just using them cause it looks a bigger number


I have this with Fahrenheit. Not only do I hate attempting to spell Fahrenheit, I have to do maths in my head in order to understand what temperature is being talked about. Sports (especially footie) are started to only use it, and I didn't come across it once when growing up.


I'm not being funny, but does anyone find it more logical to use a system where 0 is freezing point rather than -32?



That is not the worst of it, I nearly got in a punch up once when I tried to convince a bunch of drinking buddies that at a certain point Centigrade and Fahrenheit are exactly the same.


They looked at me like I was Puddin'head Wilson.

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