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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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90% of earphones are built like that because it's the best (cheapest) way to achieve a higher quality of sound.

I'm not sure how you could wear anything different in the gym anyway, they'd fall out?

I went for these in the end





i use similar when i'm running   ... they stay in my ears rather than the buds that fall out  every 2 seconds 


sadly they last a few months then stop working .. even the "sport" ones (i.e more  waterproof)


basically I'm a sweaty sod when i exercise and i think I kill them by sweat getting inside the ear piece  


Same problem here. Can't wear headphones at the gym, destroy earphones by being a sweaty bastard. It's an impossible situation. I'm just going to have to start hiring a band to come with me to the gym.

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I like this one and "Cheer You Up".


Somebody recently pointed out that most of my VT contributions are (pretty much equally) in these two threads. 


Which probably proves something, although I'm not sure what. 

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In ear headphones.

I really hate wearing them, and it seems like they're on the rise.

Bit Rory Delap? Or do you mean something different to iPod style headphone which I thought were 'in-ear headphones'?
No, maybe I used the wrong term.

I mean headphones like this


Ones that you actually have to insert into your ear, like an ear plug.

I hate them.

Ah right. Yeah I hate those too, can't even get them to sit in my ears when I'm sat still let alone if I dare to move.


worst earphones to wear in the gym .....fact

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Those ear plug style ones fall out anyway. I've had a pair (they came with my last phone). 

And they just feel so uncomfortable.


Im with you on this. I have to ram them into my ear and they still fall out, normal Iphone ones work fine for me. 

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Also, I clean my ears every morning, without fail, but I still can't wear those ear plug ones without getting bits of ear wax on them.. Minging

Edited by Stevo985
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You shouldn't clean your ears buddy, your ears doth cleaneth themselves. You'll get an outer ear infection, then you'll have something to be properly pissed off about.


Well I've been doing it for 20 years. I think I'll take the risk over having waxy ears

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He thought he was safe, and for 29 years he was... until one day...


One ear infection in 29 years. I don't like those odds one bit.


Let's face it Stevo, you're a ticking timebomb. You might get an outer ear infection tomorrow, or you might get one in 30 years time. Is that a risk you really want to take?

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The fact that this thread is always the first one I read when I come to off topic.

It's a clear indication of how much of a miserable clearing in the woods I am :(


Embrace it like I have!

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Is there anything to be said for actually banning people from the internet for say 10/15 minutes if they use your/you're or they're/there/their wrong? Notification: It appears you have made a simple grammar mistake. Please review the following information for the next 10 minutes on how words that sound the same are not generally interchangeable

Paging jimzk, with reference to his superb substitution of the word 'his' for 'he is'.

'His a good player', etc ...

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