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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Rocket on Soccer AM

I did joke earlier that he was the only good thing about the show but only because the joke was set up that way . Unless there is an interesting guest on I can't think of a show that has become so dire . Considering it is based on football as well it's truly staggering .

Soccer am has been on its arse for years now, its picked up a bit since max Rushden joined but generally I think its run its course and should be scrapped.

Also why did sky scrap that gameshow where they went to grounds on matchdays in favour of that fantasy football show.

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What is worse than stubbing your big toe? I'll tell you what.. stubbing an already stubbed big toe! I nearly simultaneously vomited and cried with pain. My big toe now resembles a split sausage  :(

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the price I have to pay for watching football all weekend - soaps


its just the same regurgitated shite in all of them, the gangsters / criminals, the murderer who gets away with it, the baby who's parents aren't its parents, the couple that break up every 6 months and get back together 6 months later, the funny old woman, the wedding that blatantly wont happen, then more recently the spectacular events that would spend a week on the front page of newspaper in the country but is somehow meant to be believable and the everyone is gay storylines (I think 7 out of the 30 characters in hollyoaks are now gay)


they really are **** awful and yet the other half cant get enough of them

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and as I typed that I caught the advert for "vera" or some boring looking crap, someone butchering "where is my mind" by the pixies


what is it with slowing down songs until they have absolutely no life in them and having some dreary girl sing over it? I blame john lewis and their bloody adverts

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the price I have to pay for watching football all weekend - soaps


its just the same regurgitated shite in all of them, the gangsters / criminals, the murderer who gets away with it, the baby who's parents aren't its parents, the couple that break up every 6 months and get back together 6 months later, the funny old woman, the wedding that blatantly wont happen, then more recently the spectacular events that would spend a week on the front page of newspaper in the country but is somehow meant to be believable and the everyone is gay storylines (I think 7 out of the 30 characters in hollyoaks are now gay)


they really are **** awful and yet the other half cant get enough of them




I say this to my Mom when I visit her. She laps up Emmerdale and 'Corrie'. I just don't get it. Its just a daily dose of depression. Why go to work each day then come home and watch other people go to work and gossip on the TV! 

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My toenail has been black for a few months now. Can't wait for it to drop off so I can eat it.

You absolute word removed. I'm here eating a tasty dinner in a restaurant and read that.



Sorry. Here's a photo so you can visualize it better. I'm sure it would go nicely with whatever you're eating.



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I've long held the belief that soaps act as an opium for the working class. They glamourise shit, scummy lives in miserable settings with next to no social mobility and people lap it up like it's a bloody grand thing to be a miserable alcoholic with four children, one of which is a mass murderer, two are estranged and the other is a good hearted grafter with a secret drug addiction. But it's all O-****-K because they get to have a big piss up every weekend and talk in whispers and share gossip when some pouty faced business owner turns up, who inevitably turns out to be a bit of a word removed, serves them right for having the cheek to achieve anything. Boo hiss!


Load of Bollocks.



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I've long held the belief that soaps act as an opium for the working class. They glamourise shit, scummy lives in miserable settings with next to no social mobility and people lap it up like it's a bloody grand thing to be a miserable alcoholic with four children, one of which is a mass murderer, two are estranged and the other is a good hearted grafter with a secret drug addiction. But it's all O-****-K because they get to have a big piss up every weekend and talk in whispers and share gossip when some pouty faced business owner turns up, who inevitably turns out to be a bit of a word removed, serves them right for having the cheek to achieve anything. Boo hiss!


Load of Bollocks.



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the price I have to pay for watching soaps all week - football


its just the same regurgitated shite in all of them, the overpaid prima donnas / millionnaires, the diver who gets away with it, the player who's club isn't his club - he's on loan, the couple that break up the top six every 6 months and fall back down the table 6 months later, the whipping boys, the transfer that blatantly wont happen, then more recently the spectacular Super Sunday events that would spend a week on the back page of newspaper in the country but is somehow meant to be believable and the no-one will come out as gay storylines (I think 0 out of the 500 characters in the Premier League are now gay)


they really are **** awful and yet the other half cant get enough of them


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