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Christian Benteke


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Maybe I'm mad here or a bit of a tinted glasses kinda guy, but if had just been relegated or the club looked as if it were going nowhere, striving for nothing, I could completely understand. But we're not, we're doing alright and we look good to improve a fair bit next season. I find it astonishing that he doesn't back himself to give another year here, bang in 30 goals this time and impress the world even more, then go to a bigger club than Spurs on much, much bigger wages.

It boggles the mind, the human attitude. He's only **** 22...

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In the context of the post I did of course mean bids that are acceptable to Villa. We know Spurs will try to take the piss. I'm also not sure how a transfer request automatically equates to guaranteed bids. But either way, that wasn't what I was getting at.

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The fact it's a world cup year means Benteke can't afford to sulk if no bid is forthcoming. That's a big thing in Villa's favour in all of this. If he's still here in September then we will have a committed player on our hands because he can be sure that Lukaku will be doing everything in his power, playing at a higher profile club with a higher profile manager, to get into the Belgian starting line-up.


Do you really think Bentekke is that bothered about the world cup ? 

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Maybe I'm mad here or a bit of a tinted glasses kinda guy, but if had just been relegated or the club looked as if it were going nowhere, striving for nothing, I could completely understand. But we're not, we're doing alright and we look good to improve a fair bit next season. I find it astonishing that he doesn't back himself to give another year here, bang in 30 goals this time and impress the world even more, then go to a bigger club than Spurs on much, much bigger wages.

It boggles the mind, the human attitude. He's only **** 22...

It may well be the agent trying to get the best deal he can right now.

Football is a pretty fickle sport. Benteke could do his knee during preseason training and not play again. He might have a difficult second season and fall out of favour.

His hype is very high right now due to a strong start to the year. His agent probably wants to strike whilst the iron is hot and secure a contract that will set him up as a millionaire whilst he can.

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Maybe I'm mad here or a bit of a tinted glasses kinda guy, but if had just been relegated or the club looked as if it were going nowhere, striving for nothing, I could completely understand. But we're not, we're doing alright and we look good to improve a fair bit next season. I find it astonishing that he doesn't back himself to give another year here, bang in 30 goals this time and impress the world even more, then go to a bigger club than Spurs on much, much bigger wages.

It boggles the mind, the human attitude. He's only **** 22...


If anything he probably does not believe in his own ability


Perhaps he doubts himself and knows last season was a fluke a flash in the pan and he will not be able to replicate it again next season


He could be taking the easy way out by trying to force a move now while he's shit hot. Secure big wages in the process then when he has a mediocre season at least the money he's on will soften the blow


The more i talk about this guy the more im starting to dislike his attitude i think he wants an easy ride and will never reach the top of the game

Edited by AshVilla
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The fact it's a world cup year means Benteke can't afford to sulk if no bid is forthcoming. That's a big thing in Villa's favour in all of this. If he's still here in September then we will have a committed player on our hands because he can be sure that Lukaku will be doing everything in his power, playing at a higher profile club with a higher profile manager, to get into the Belgian starting line-up.


Do you really think Bentekke is that bothered about the world cup ?

Hugely bothered, yes. And it's our trump card.

It's the biggest stage for any footballer and this guy is nothing if not an ego. This is probably the greatest Belgian side ever (yes, including Scifo's '86 side) and he will be desperate to be the starting striker.

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In the context of the post I did of course mean bids that are acceptable to Villa. We know Spurs will try to take the piss. I'm also not sure how a transfer request automatically equates to guaranteed bids. But either way, that wasn't what I was getting at.

I would have thought whether a player has been tapped up or not, he would have to know that various clubs are in for him (no doubt his snivelling agent has been putting him in the shop window on the phone to many-a clubs). Without knowing another club wants you why would you hand in a transfer request when you know you have 3 years left to run on a contract you only signed 11 months previous?

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Maybe I'm mad here or a bit of a tinted glasses kinda guy, but if had just been relegated or the club looked as if it were going nowhere, striving for nothing, I could completely understand. But we're not, we're doing alright and we look good to improve a fair bit next season. I find it astonishing that he doesn't back himself to give another year here, bang in 30 goals this time and impress the world even more, then go to a bigger club than Spurs on much, much bigger wages.

It boggles the mind, the human attitude. He's only **** 22...


Personally - he scored 19 goals in a very poor team. Thats a super human effort, which he may not be able to repeat.  - The new additions seem to have had the opposite of the hoped for effect on him. In reality he has seen us purchase a lot of players from the lower end of transfer market and voted with his feet. - Im only surprised that people are surprised.

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This problem has made me respect Bent even more for not making a fuss and staying professional. 


difference is he is on big bucks and don't want to go , for the wrong reasons.

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In reality he has seen us purchase a lot of players from the lower end of transfer market and voted with his feet. - Im only surprised that people are surprised.

Can you give Me this weeks lottery numbers too?

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Without knowing another club wants you why would you hand in a transfer request when you know you have 3 years left to run on a contract you only signed 11 months previous?

I'm not saying your scenario is impossible at all. Of course he could have been tapped up. But it's also possible that he believes his own hype and is presuming acceptable bids will come if he puts himself out there. The difference between this year and last year was that we were in for him and he threw a strop to get to us. This time around there isn't a club circling with an acceptable bid so his destination (if any) is currently 'to be decided'. Which is a slightly riskier game for him to play.
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Maybe I'm mad here or a bit of a tinted glasses kinda guy, but if had just been relegated or the club looked as if it were going nowhere, striving for nothing, I could completely understand. But we're not, we're doing alright and we look good to improve a fair bit next season. I find it astonishing that he doesn't back himself to give another year here, bang in 30 goals this time and impress the world even more, then go to a bigger club than Spurs on much, much bigger wages.

It boggles the mind, the human attitude. He's only **** 22...


Personally - he scored 19 goals in a very poor team. Thats a super human effort, which he may not be able to repeat.  - The new additions seem to have had the opposite of the hoped for effect on him. In reality he has seen us purchase a lot of players from the lower end of transfer market and voted with his feet. - Im only surprised that people are surprised.



I don't think that many people are really surprised. Modern day football is ruthless. As long as we are as ruthless in securing what we really believe is in the best interests of Aston Villa then so be it.

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The fact it's a world cup year means Benteke can't afford to sulk if no bid is forthcoming. That's a big thing in Villa's favour in all of this. If he's still here in September then we will have a committed player on our hands because he can be sure that Lukaku will be doing everything in his power, playing at a higher profile club with a higher profile manager, to get into the Belgian starting line-up.



I'm actually not so sure. You have to question a 22 year olds attitude if he will throw in a transfer request 10 months after signing for a club/ into a 4 year contract. It would be one thing us offering him a new deal and him refusing it and making it public but this guy has immediately took things to the extreme.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if offers come in and we refuse them if he throws his toys completely out the pram.

Edited by markavfc40
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I'm actually not so sure. You have to question a 22 year olds attitude if he will throw in a transfer request 10 months after signing for a club/ into a 4 year contract. It would be one thing us offering him a new deal and him refusing it but this guy has immediately took things to the extreme.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if offers come in and we refuse them if he throws his toys completely out the pram.

You can question his attitude but you can't question his ambition. Everything he is doing now and everything he has done up to now has been with a view to progressing in the game. The world cup is the pinnacle and he will not want to mess that up. If he is here when the window closes, everything he does will be geared towards Brazil.
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You have to wonder, if he should end up staying how will his team mates react. They seem reasonably tight knit.

Aye there is that. I do think footballers are fairly pragmatic though and they'd probably understand why he did what he did. Goals solve most problems :)
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