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Christian Benteke


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So.. Let me get this straight.

El Ahmadi lost the ball, and fouled the opposition, which lead to a free kick, which lead to their goal. But because Benteke's pass was a bit wayward - it's his fault that El Ahmadi lost the ball and resulted in fouling?

Why don't we take it back one further and say that it's the fault of whoever chose to hoof the ball to Benteke. They could see there was a Man Utd player near him, why didn't they pass to someone else?

It's a crazy point to make, Morpheus.


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That's not a fact at all. Benteke's mistake was one of a number of factors that contributed to us conceding the third goal. This is what I mean by a witch-hunt. You're trying to lay the blame squarely at the feet of Benteke when he's one of the last players that can be blamed for the defeat.

If his name was Chris Kent, he was 33 years old and had a long history of playing in the Premier League would you be so itching to blame him for things?

You still haven't grasped it have you Mantis even though i have explained my point fully. But just for you and the rest of those posters who have continually responded here we go again. If Benteke had held onto the ball, it would have pre- empt the mistakes that followed. Do we understand now or do you all need diagrams ?

Secondly i will ask the question again. If it was Bent who passed rather than held onto the ball would he have been defended so vigorously?

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You still haven't grasped it have you Mantis even though i have explained my point fully. But just for you and the rest of those posters who have continually responded here we go again. If Benteke had held onto the ball, it would have pre- empt the mistakes that followed. Do we understand now or do you all need diagrams ?

Secondly i will ask the question again. If it was Bent who passed rather than held onto the ball would he have been defended so vigorously?

There's no guarantee that had Benteke not made a mistake we would still have kept United out. There are also plenty of other factors that contributed to their goal. If the defence for example had not dropped so deep we may have not lost a point either.

There's nothing to understand. You're trying to blame the goal squarely on Benteke and then trying to pass off your own ridiculous opinion as fact.

Yes, he would, because this is such a weak connection.

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There's nothing to understand. You're trying to blame the goal squarely on Benteke and then trying to pass off your own ridiculous opinion as fact.

Yes, he would, because this is such a weak connection.

It is fact that by Benteke losing the ball in front of the defence caused the goal and us losing a point. In no way could that be deemed 'ridiculous' unless by a totally biased fan.
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It is fact that by Benteke losing the ball in front of the defence caused the goal and us losing a point. In no way could that be deemed 'ridiculous' unless by a totally biased fan.

The only fact in there is that Benteke lost the ball in front of the defence. The "fact" that this mistake is what caused the goal is just your totally biased opinion.
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That's post hoc fallacy right there.

No. There's more than enough evidence to back my point either through watching Sky Sports or MOTD. Didn't Shearer make the point on MOTD that by Benteke not holding onto the ball it led to the goal. I rest my case. :mrgreen:
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The only fact in there is that Benteke lost the ball in front of the defence. The "fact" that this mistake is what caused the goal is just your totally biased opinion.

And Shearer on MOTD. Like i said i rest my case and onward to a different debate.
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Alan Shearer the god that must be listened to hmm?

It's a ridiculous statement to blame the entire 3rd goal on purely Benteke alone. There was a long line of mistakes - Benteke - KEA - Enda all played a part in the goal. So to lay blame on one person is ridiculous.

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No. There's more than enough evidence to back my point either through watching Sky Sports or MOTD. Didn't Shearer make the point on MOTD that by Benteke not holding onto the ball it led to the goal. I rest my case. :mrgreen:

Well, firstly, it's only fair to point out the perils of putting one's stock into the 'wisdoms' of Alan "If the team scores more goals then the other team, they will win" Shearer. Second, Benteke isn't the only person on the pitch! Was his pass a contributing factor in the goal? Sure. Was it the sole contributing factor? Not by a long shot. Was it even the final preceding action?! Nay! That is some chaos theory level shoop-da-whoop to pin the entirety of the blame for the goal on Benteke, because he did X, which was followed by Y, which then lead to Z, brought it back round to A and then they scored.
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I've spent far too much time attempting to encode a video where it's not obvious that I've ripped it off AVTV to get my subscription cancelled of the build up to Man U's 3rd goal, so I now can't be arsed. If you have AVTV then watch it and you'll see:

1. The pass from Benteke was going to KEA and it was actually a decent pass. KEA wasn't sharp enough and Anderson got there first.

2. 9 stone KEA and 18 stone Anderson were shoulder to shoulder for the ball and Anderson goes down for nothing. If that's a free kick then Football's a non-contact sport and the laws of physics have changed.

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It is amazing to me that you guys let Morpheus get you so riled up. You do not want him posting anymore? Block him and stop responding to him. If everyone did, it would be like he did not exist on this board.

The fact that you all continually engage him means you get something out of it, so stop acting like you don't.

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