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Christian Benteke


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I'm actually not being paranoid at all and i haven't taken them to heart. I'm simply debating the point. If you look at the comments and then my my opinions it's pretty reasonable to deduct that those comments were indeed directed at me and i will say again that the point we are debating is whether POSTERS ON VT are influenced by computer games concerning football. The book you have quoted above. Is that guy on VT? He might be but i'd doubt it. It also doesn't quote him stating that 'Football Manager' has influenced his views on football in the context of our debate. 'Football Manager Stole My Life.' Just referring to the fact that he probably played this game non stop and became hooked on it in the same way people get addicted to other things.

its a book about the influence of the game. It ranges from indivuals, to groups of fans, to specific countries to football in general.

Again, if you don't think that any fans are influenced by video games whatsoever, then fair play to you.

You're wrong (imo of course) but fair play that you'll stick by your views.

Anyway, I've had enough of this. As NV alluded to, you're arguing over nothing. You've taken a relatively throwaway comment and snowballed it into being some condescending put down of all fans who aren't positive. Which it never was whatsoever.

I'm out.

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Which point? (Sorry, I don't have time to read the last few pages).

I have made the point that posters commenting on looking the manager sacked after nine games, or turning the club around after nine games have been directed at me. Since i've been the only one to suggest sacking our present manager it would be more than reasonable to suggest that those comments were directed at me.
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But that's not what he's saying.

What he's saying is games like football manager have sort fo warped the perceptions of signing players.

You see it every transfer window, people asking (not just on VT) why transfers aren't done and dusted in a few hours.

They've always taken a long time. It's just that people get this perception that you whack in a bid, it gets accepted, player accepts the contract and you're all done.

People tend to overlook other factors like, as we've mentioned, settling in and personal negotiations and other red tape and hoops that need to be jumped through for transfers to happen.

No-one's saying that people can't tell the difference between real life and video games. All that's being said is that it can give us a warped perception of what is actually involved in football SOMETIMES.

I hear that the New FM13 has now taken all this into account and have made 'signing players' more realistic in terms of some of the above problems highlighted. ;)

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its a book about the influence of the game. It ranges from indivuals, to groups of fans, to specific countries to football in general.

Again, if you don't think that any fans are influenced by video games whatsoever, then fair play to you.

You're wrong (imo of course) but fair play that you'll stick by your views.

Anyway, I've had enough of this. As NV alluded to, you're arguing over nothing. You've taken a relatively throwaway comment and snowballed it into being some condescending put down of all fans who aren't positive. Which it never was whatsoever.

I'm out.

Again i was debating the point raised that posters on VT are influenced by video games.

You might think it was a 'throwaway comment' but i felt it was worth debating since it was alluding to negative views by posters on VT explained by not knowing the difference between reality and gaming. It snowballed due to debate and thats what a forum is for and i believe i was right to raise the issue even though i do respect your opinion and thats me out.

Right back on topic. Benteke's rubbish isn't he.

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I have made the point that posters commenting on looking the manager sacked after nine games, or turning the club around after nine games have been directed at me. Since i've been the only one to suggest sacking our present manager it would be more than reasonable to suggest that those comments were directed at me.

You post a wind-up, you get some bites, the cycle continues.

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I think the key question here is, is Lambert any good on Football manager 13 (or whatever it's called these days)?

If he is, then the PROVES he is indeed a superb football manager. :P

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Unless one is posting on a myriad of other forums under this identity, I don't see how that can be interpreted as being directed at a specific poster.

Of course, if you think it's directed at you, then that probably is good evidence that the shoe fits....

Thats not the post i was responding to. :crylaugh:
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So you're in the habit of quoting posts you're not responding to?


Ah, my apologies :blush: . I did retort to several posts and forgot about that one. My main focus was on another. It was Pangloss and PB's posts which got me going on page 88 as you can see and thats really where the debate started. Still stand by my point of debate though.
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