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Christian Benteke


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But that's not what he's saying.

What he's saying is games like football manager have sort fo warped the perceptions of signing players.

You see it every transfer window, people asking (not just on VT) why transfers aren't done and dusted in a few hours.

They've always taken a long time. It's just that people get this perception that you whack in a bid, it gets accepted, player accepts the contract and you're all done.

People tend to overlook other factors like, as we've mentioned, settling in and personal negotiations and other red tape and hoops that need to be jumped through for transfers to happen.

No-one's saying that people can't tell the difference between real life and video games. All that's being said is that it can give us a warped perception of what is actually involved in football SOMETIMES.

As Pangloss said, SOME of the nonsense on here is down to video games. An easy example, I've seen more than a few times the phrase "he's good on football manager" (seriously) used as justification for interest in a player. That right there, is nonsense.

Yes i have also seen the phrase 'he's good on Football Manager' on VT but it has been used with tongue firmly in cheek. I haven't seen anyone using that to state fact! Anyone previously suggesting it as fact would have been crucified on here and rightly so! Thats what i mean by people knowing the difference between video games and reality and i'm sure that fans in general are very much well aware of what it takes to sign players even without the amount of media coverage on football today. Its just very condescending and maybe a little insulting to suggest that fans don't know the difference between reality in a football club and something on a games console.
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Yes i have also seen the phrase 'he's good on Football Manager' on VT but it has been used with tongue firmly in cheek. I haven't seen anyone using that to state fact! Anyone previously suggesting it as fact would have been crucified on here and rightly so! Thats what i mean by people knowing the difference between video games and reality and i'm sure that fans in general are very much well aware of what it takes to sign players even without the amount of media coverage on football today. Its just very condescending and maybe a little insulting to suggest that fans don't know the difference between reality in a football club and something on a games console.

I think it has to do with more of the general trend in society. We are always looking after instant reward. If politicians does not reward us immediately after being elected, they will have a hard time. People want the new sofa so much, that they are not prepared to save a few months. They will rather use a credit card, even if that is an economical suicide, as they trade their future standard of living away to get the instant satisfaction.

Sky, Internet, more aggressive media has also made these "instant reward"-things applicable to football.

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Yes i have also seen the phrase 'he's good on Football Manager' on VT but it has been used with tongue firmly in cheek. I haven't seen anyone using that to state fact! Anyone previously suggesting it as fact would have been crucified on here and rightly so! Thats what i mean by people knowing the difference between video games and reality and i'm sure that fans in general are very much well aware of what it takes to sign players even without the amount of media coverage on football today. Its just very condescending and maybe a little insulting to suggest that fans don't know the difference between reality in a football club and something on a games console.

Some fans don't know the difference between some aspects of reality and some aspects of video games. Mainly because they don't get to see those aspects of reality, but they do get to see those aspects portrayed in a video game, specifically making signings. Some fans seem to struggle with the fact that it isn't as streamlined as they think it should be.

In exactly the same way as some people think a court is made up of good looking lawyers shouting objection and winning cases in 5 minutes with brilliant speeches and judges hammering their bench and shouting "ORDER!".

They never get to see a court in real life but they see it on TV and think that's what it's really like.

That's not condescending. It might be condescending if you aim it at a particular person, but no-one has done that.

If you really think that all fans know everything there is about running a football club and NONE have had their view clouded by video games (and other media fwiw) then you're very naive.

By the way, the "he's good on football manager" was just an example. But I absolutely have seen that used in all seriousness on this board, and elsewhere.

Hell I had a friend at university who based all of his football knowledge aroun Pro Evolution Soccer. He'd tell me Man Utd's latest signing was amazing and when I'd ask where he'd seen him play, he'd say he hadn't but he has great stats on PES.

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So if you're not too thrilled with our worst prem start and only 1 win in 9 league games you're unreasonable and influenced by computer games?

Briney said it on another thread and its true. I don't remember many people predicting this start to our season, in fact I'm sure most people who mentioned we would be fighting for relegation again were mocked and laughed at. Very strange.

And funny that people talk about computer games on the Benteke thread. I wonder how many people had heard of him when we first put a bid in?

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Well, you would hope so. What do you attribute the tendency fo some posters on here to want everything now to? Like, there are some who think a manager can come in and turn around a shambles of a football club in less than ten games. There are others who expect a kid from Belgium to have somehow deliverrd more than he has done already.

I know form experience that playing these games, if I sign a star player I expect him to tick immediately, he is a creature made of statistics who doesnt require a settling in period. If I take over a struggling club I can look on various forums and find a formula for turning that club around. If I fail, I reload.

It seems to me as if this is the attitude that certain posters have on here, wouldnt you agree? It seems as if some posters have forgotten that football is a game involving people, people exactly the same as you or me

Reading your first paragraph it seems it is directed at me which is fair enough. First of all, i don't play Football Manager and never have done on any games console. So that in itself disproves your theory right away if you take your first paragraph into consideration. Like most football fans i can read. I buy the tabloids to specifically read about football. Within those tabloids there is plentiful information concerning transfers and how protracted they can be.

Being lucky enough to own a television, allows me to actually watch MOTD, Football Focus and Jeff Sterling on Sky. What do those programmes cover? Well the last time i looked, they cover everything to do with football. The clue is in the title of the programme you see. They are actually very informative. They talk about how clubs are run, transfer windows, and they actually speak to players, managers and board members from time to time describing how their clubs are run and how difficult it can be to buy players. Yes they actually do that you know!! These programmes always have very high viewing figures and i would hazard a guess that everyone on VT has at sometime watched at least one of those programmes, or, at the very least, have been able to read the sports pages of a newspaper.

I would also hazard a guess that many fans have also played 'Football Manager' or whatever else is available to play pertaining to football on a games console. The difference being, that with the availability of the media to the masses, i would assume that those who indeed use a games console, are very much aware of what is real and what is not unless you are a phychopath.

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Some fans don't know the difference between some aspects of reality and some aspects of video games. Mainly because they don't get to see those aspects of reality, but they do get to see those aspects portrayed in a video game, specifically making signings. Some fans seem to struggle with the fact that it isn't as streamlined as they think it should be.

In exactly the same way as some people think a court is made up of good looking lawyers shouting objection and winning cases in 5 minutes with brilliant speeches and judges hammering their bench and shouting "ORDER!".

They never get to see a court in real life but they see it on TV and think that's what it's really like.

That's not condescending. It might be condescending if you aim it at a particular person, but no-one has done that.

If you really think that all fans know everything there is about running a football club and NONE have had their view clouded by video games (and other media fwiw) then you're very naive.

By the way, the "he's good on football manager" was just an example. But I absolutely have seen that used in all seriousness on this board, and elsewhere.

Hell I had a friend at university who based all of his football knowledge aroun Pro Evolution Soccer. He'd tell me Man Utd's latest signing was amazing and when I'd ask where he'd seen him play, he'd say he hadn't but he has great stats on PES.

Its condescending when you target an opinion that someone has put forward and try to pass that opinion off as something to do with gaming on consoles. This University friend of yours. I take it he doesn't watch football on a regular basis and by the way the comment we are debating referred to posters on VT. For your other points please refer to my reply to PB.
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So if you're not too thrilled with our worst prem start and only 1 win in 9 league games you're unreasonable and influenced by computer games?


Read the thread.

No-one has said that. Not even close.

Its condescending when you target an opinion that someone has put forward and try to pass that opinion off as something to do with gaming on consoles.

No one has said that

This University friend of yours. I take it he doesn't watch football on a regular basis. For your other points please refer to my reply to PB.

Yes he does.

Morpheus, no-one aimed the comments at you. Stop being so paranoid.

They were general comments and you seem to have taken them to heart.

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i have never played Football Manager or any other football game on a games console and thats why such a statement is so condescending.
Its just very condescending and maybe a little insulting to suggest that fans don't know the difference between reality in a football club and something on a games console.
First of all, i don't play Football Manager and never have done on any games console

...PC gamer? Awesome-120110725-22047-1faqsqh.gif?1311570534

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Read the thread.

No-one has said that. Not even close.

No one has said that

Yes he does.

Morpheus, no-one aimed the comments at you. Stop being so paranoid.

They were general comments and you seem to have taken them to heart.

I'm actually not being paranoid at all and i haven't taken them to heart. I'm simply debating the point. If you look at the comments and then my my opinions it's pretty reasonable to deduct that those comments were indeed directed at me and i will say again that the point we are debating is whether POSTERS ON VT are influenced by computer games concerning football. The book you have quoted above. Is that guy on VT? He might be but i'd doubt it. It also doesn't quote him stating that 'Football Manager' has influenced his views on football in the context of our debate. 'Football Manager Stole My Life.' Just referring to the fact that he probably played this game non stop and became hooked on it in the same way people get addicted to other things.
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Read the thread.

No-one has said that. Not even close.

No one has said that

Yes he does.

Morpheus, no-one aimed the comments at you. Stop being so paranoid.

They were general comments and you seem to have taken them to heart.

Please look at comments from PB and Coda and again i'm not taking them to heart or indeed annoyed by them. I'm simply debating the point.
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