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The Randy Lerner thread


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17 minutes ago, Arj Guy said:

He has turned Aston Villa into a club which gives up and accepts relegation in January. I wish him nothing but the worst

Spot on. He has humiliated our great club and turned us into surrender monkeys. I'll never forgive him for these last 6 horrible, shameful humiliating seasons where we've shuffled from one disaster to another. It's one of if not the darkest periods in our history and it was all self imposed by a feckless American whose apathy has turned us into a national joke. 

I know that sounds pompous and dramatic, but I curse the day the day that man turned up at Villa Park with his PR bullshit. 

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Aston Villa under Randy Lerner


And then, very much like a spoiled little brat. He can't even bother to pick up the pieces so he leaves it to his servants to do that.

Edited by sne
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13 minutes ago, darrenm said:

Dear Mr Lerner,

I know you're trying to **** off, but please can you try a bit harder?


Absolutely. Let's not forget these quotes from Tom Fox. 


Randy Lerner is not ‘motivated to sell’ Aston Villa right now, says his right-hand man.

The American billionaire put Villa on the market last summer, but no buyer has materialised despite ongoing speculation.



“I don’t think he (Lerner) is a motivated seller right now. I think he’ll want to make sure that he’s put Aston Villa on the best possible path for the future.

“He’s very involved in the football club, he watches every match.

"I’ve been at his house watching matches together and both of us are standing up pacing around at various points of time - depending on what’s happening - so he know’s what’s happening here.

“He’s very, very well informed as to the business side of what’s happening on the pitch.”

Birmingham Mail

I'm glad to know he paces round the house when watching us, like his tattoo it shows he cares eh?

Whilst the club is apparently up for sale I think it's clear that he could be doing more.


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6 minutes ago, jacketspuds said:

Such as?


As the last 5 years have been a slow and painful demise for our club, I'm thinking of something similar for our owner.

1) Chopped in half with a battle axe while his skin is shaved away with a rusty cheese grater

2) locked in a dark room with a Justin Bieber (sp?) Album on constant repeat. 

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1 hour ago, theboyangel said:

don't forget the tattoo either - that must have cost a few bob

About the same as next seasons budget. 

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