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Paul Lambert


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If Lambert was working on a transfer deal or ends up leaving then fair enough I hold my hands up, but if it is neither of those things then it's just plain cowardice. He is the manager and he should have to have a very good reason for not doing a pre-match press conference, especially now of all times.

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It is a bit mad that he aint gonna be doing the press conference but then again he could be sick of answering questions about funds and where our so called chairman is? questions the so called chairman should be answering.

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If we were winning fair enough - send the assistant (whoever that is) or a player.

When we aren't winning though I fully expect him to come out and accept responsibility and actually face the media.

It all smacks of a coward at this point I might be wrong but it certainly doesn't look that way to me.

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Why are people doing it to themselves?

Mate I know it isn't happening don't worry.

For what it's worth I actually believe Lambert is still the right person for the job of rebuilding us and should not be sacked, and if he were to leave we'd just be in the same situation as we have been since O'Neill left which is 'transition'.

I just agree with Mantis that it is pure cowardice if he isn't doing it because he doesn't feel like answering questions. We have had enough disappearing acts within our club, we don't need any more, especially not the manager who is the man all of our players are looking to.

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He has already signed for some Russian club

He hasn't yet has he? Rennes accepted a bid but also their manager has said a new bid has been made from an English club that isn't from Newcastle or QPR but they aren't allowed to say which club it is.

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He hasn't yet has he? Rennes accepted a bid but also their manager has said a new bid has been made from an English club that isn't from Newcastle or QPR but they aren't allowed to say which club it is.

if only. That would really be incredible, but it certainly wouldnt suprise me if it was fulham or some crap like that. Still, it`s easier on my mind if I deceive myself to believe these things rather than complete silence. This is killing me, you would think we had signed like 2-3 players by now.
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and me.

Lambert as the manager is the easy target, the wrong one but the easy one.

We are in this state not just because of this season but because of lerner's ineptness. Sure there have been mistakes and criticisms that are justified of the manager, like all managers. The difference is other managers have the time and space to make those mistakes, with lambert because of the state of the club every decision has to be spot on, he can afford no mistakes. Well no manager is that good to make no mistakes.

I still believe he is the best manager we could get. What he needs is support and backing , just the thing he isn't getting.

Lambert is not the wrong target for last night, that second half shambles was at least partially his doing. He's not the only "right" target, but he's one of them. The tactics, second half, such as they were, were an absolute shambles. Yes the players, after three years of hardly winning a game are a bag of nerves and have no confidence, yes players made mistakes, but tactically it was a mess second half.

Lambert is getting support, in as much as he's (so we're told) "safe". By now many boards would have been muttering about "things needing to improve" and they'd be looking around for a replacement. It seems like they've made their decision to stick with him. True there seems to be no money for better players, which is what we need. As it said in the paper today(and I agree) what they're collectively trying to do is right, but they're going about it the wrong way, but the consern is that he's made his job more difficult than it needed to be. The "experiment" is too fast and too extreme - there's no cohesion because the speed of change has been to high. There's no instinctive link up between players, because they don't know each other well enough, the side changes too often, formations, ditto.

Last night summed up our club perfectly. Not good enough. Mistakes everywhere on and off the pitch.

Lambert is not without responsibility for what's been going on.

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He hasn't yet has he? Rennes accepted a bid but also their manager has said a new bid has been made from an English club that isn't from Newcastle or QPR but they aren't allowed to say which club it is.

Ah, so he hasn't. Would be a good signing, but can't see it happening, QPR and Newcastle will offer him a bigger contract.

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Lambert is not the wrong target for last night, that second half shambles was at least partially his doing. He's not the only "right" target, but he's one of them. The tactics, second half, such as they were, were an absolute shambles. Yes the players, after three years of hardly winning a game are a bag of nerves and have no confidence, yes players made mistakes, but tactically it was a mess second half.

Lambert is getting support, in as much as he's (so we're told) "safe". By now many boards would have been muttering about "things needing to improve" and they'd be looking around for a replacement. It seems like they've made their decision to stick with him. True there seems to be no money for better players, which is what we need. As it said in the paper today(and I agree) what they're collectively trying to do is right, but they're going about it the wrong way, but the consern is that he's made his job more difficult than it needed to be. The "experiment" is too fast and too extreme - there's no cohesion because the speed of change has been to high. There's no instinctive link up between players, because they don't know each other well enough, the side changes too often, formations, ditto.

Last night summed up our club perfectly. Not good enough. Mistakes everywhere on and off the pitch.

Lambert is not without responsibility for what's been going on.

Agreed here.

The chopping and changing of the team is ridiculous. I dont think he has a clue what his best team is.

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Well said Blandy.

That second half was shocking and its the second match in a row it has gone pearshapped.WBA there were injuries but last night was al on him.He panicked and threw on every striker he could ,if Bowery was on Bench I am sure he would have been on too.30 minutes to play was still plenty of time we just needed to calm the storm and using his favorite expression go again.Instead we ran around like headless chickens.

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Look, if he's out on the training ground drilling defending tactics/ defending corners, then i have no problem with it. If he just can't be bothered to face the music, then he can **** off.

Edited by Daniel
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Look, if he's out on the training ground drilling defending tactics/ defending corners, then i have no problem with it. If he just can't be bothered to face the music, then he can **** off.

If he is don't you think that the team Captain and main CB should be there too?
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