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General Next Manager Topic?? (everything other than Lambert)


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Because of this **** storm of a season and the dreadful usual suspects I demand that a criteria in choosing the next manager is NO premier league managerial experience. SERIOUSLY!!!

As mentioned in another I think Solskjaer wouldn't be a bad shout.

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For me it has someone who hasnt be around the premiership / SPL block. We need someone with new fresh ideas and someone who can inspire confidence in the players.

Stand out candidates, of a semi realistic nature would be Lambert / Di Mattero / Martinez.

My personal favourite would be Lambert. As a player he was successful, and was part of the great Dortmund side and has the exprience of the elite side of football, and has european influences. I appreciate the fact that being a good player does not mean you will be a good manager, however he has that winning mentality himself, and has clearly gone about installing that sense of belief and winning mentality at Norwich. back to back promotions to the Premier League, and a fantastic first season.

He doesnt play slick Swansea esc football, his teams are well organised and gritty but they play attacking football ! He has the credentials, motivator and tactically sound, I want him at Villa. He could do wonders, Eck is right, Villa are in transition, but he aint the man to take us through this period.


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I actually think Lambert would be a better fit for our current squad in terms of style, but I would like to see the likes of Collins, Dunne and Warnock shipped out and to buy some players who can actually play football. That being said, I'm still not sure on Martinez and whereas Lambert is a good manager, I can't help but think of him as MON Mk. II, which may be quite unfair.

I just want a manager who plays possession-style football. I'm sick of sitting back and defending all the time. Even under MON we played this way, we just had a much better counter-attacking game, but it's just not the style of play for sustainable success in my opinion.

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Am I right in saying we wouldnt have to Pay Wigan for Martinez this time around? Whereas with Lambert we would have to pay compensation? This may be a major factor in the decision as the board may be unwilling to pay another club a few million if they already have to pay off Mcshits contract.

Id be happy with Lambert/Martinez/Poyet. I think they all have there strengths and would be a step up from the horror show that is Alex Mcleish. Lets just hope it happens quickly though as the manager will need time to look at the current squad.

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I'm quite convinced Martinez would be an unholy disaster of an appointment.


Well as Trent noted he'd be an improvement on McLeish, but we could erect a scarecrow in the dugout and see a marked improvement so it's not saying much.

The problem with Martinez is he places style over everything. He forces his teams to play in a manner he deems appropriate even when it risks the clubs survival. Lets not forget that, despite their admittedly remarkable resurgence at the end of this season, they were shit for much of it, and they've been shit for much of his reign. And it a lot of comes down to the fact he insists on this style of football that rarely works for them. He's gotten away with it, just about, thus far, but I'm sure Wigan fans would prefer not to snatch survival from the jaws of relegation year on year and I'm convinced they would be more... comfortable if they were managed by someone with a bit of pragmatism.

He's also bought a load of rubbish in his time.

I don't think we have the players to make the most of his game style, and I think we'd be awful under him as he insisted on a style of football unsuitable for our situation. Given that we're also arguably in a rather fragile position right now (weak squad, lots of work needing doing and, you can assume, not a whole lot to fix it with), I wouldn't want to gamble on him. I think he'd have us lose and lose a lot.

No... no thanks to Martinez. I said as much last year, and I think the same now, now amount of miracle turn arounds makes me ignore the fact that his Wigan have been terrible much, much more often than not. And a lot of that is his fault - it's possible to make teams out-perform themselves, O'Neill made his career off it, but it requires simplicity and playing to the strengths you have. Martinez insists his teams play in the manner he wants, not what fits it.

Lambert is a better fit for our team imo. We have a team that doesn't suit itself to 'technical' football, a holdover from O'Neill, and Lambert can make use of that and build on it imo.

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Lambert has adopted a "buy british" policy at Norwich which reminds me painfully of someone else. However, I think he is more tactically astute than Mon and would be a vast improvement on AM. I just think that a number of our potentially talented young players would gain more from Martinez than from PL.

Poyet could be a risky appointment because of his lack of experience. I think he could produce an exciting footballing team, but Randy quite rightly will not take the risk after his two disastrous previous appointments.

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Randy quite rightly will not take the risk after his two disastrous previous appointments.

These last two appointments were supposed to be not risky based on the "premier league experience only" rule. I think it's time they do take a risk.

Let's not get carried away though. We have to sack the current donut in charge.

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