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Scottish Independence


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I would like to see a Scotch Army in battle.

Men in kilts tossing cabers while drinking irn bru and eating haggis, all ginger and covered in tartan, with a bagpipe-player spurring them on. Ptthhhhh. Ross Kemp and Vinnie Jones would take them all on!

Or, to be a bit more boring, they could be some of the hardest contingent of modern warfare soldiers in the world.

The Black Watch and the Highlanders may have bagpipes, but history has shown they are very talented at wasting people.

The Scotch have always been very talented at wasting people, or rather, getting people wasted. World leaders in that ...
Let's call it both
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We're in a world of peak oil, but it's not oil supply that's peaking, it's oil demand.


Actually, according to the economist John Quiggin here, "Oil has become steadily less important as an energy source in recent years. U.S. consumption of petroleum for gasoline peaked in 2005, well before the recession, and economic recovery has not produced a rebound. Consumption of oil per person has been declining since about 1980. At least as far as the United States is concerned, Peak Oil is an event in the past, not the future."


Incidentally, that's a really good and interesting piece concerning a number of commonly-held myths about oil. 

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Can we refer to the Scottish as Wildlings if they were to vote yes?


I made similar reference to them earlier as Wildlings.


We should be rebuilding the Wall and having the Black Watch man it.

The Black Watch aren't they a bit of a wildling army?

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My god miliband looks and talks like such a mong. Cringe every time I see him holding the scottish flag and discussing the 'no' vote. Still cant believe they voted the wrong brother.

Prey that the scots see sense and vote 'yes'. Scotland just fack off.

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Don't think it's going to happen (Sorry Donnie)

Nah neither do I. The people of Edinburgh are wonderful and its a beautiful country in parts however the fact they get free university, free healthcare and still have the CHEEK to whine grates on me.

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Edinburgh is a great city no arguments there.Lost my wallet in a bar there went back next day on off chance it had been handed in ..it had with the cards and 50 quid in cash.

My cousin suspected the fact is was an AVFC wallet put people off touching it ..

Fringe in August a great if expensive time to visit.

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well, I don't know what the hell's happening to my head, but I've just watched George Galloway warn the youth of Scotland that if they want to work for big international companies or the banking sector they'd best heed the warnings of the business community and vote no - told them about all the capital leaving and the money wiped off shares


George Galloway?


head **** now

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Hmmm just a thought, if they vote yes does that mean the BBC can finally stop reading out their football results?

Bin Dunne. Yes though.
Sorry, that's wrong. Alex Salmond has a mandate from the Scottish People to negotiate that the BBC not only continue to read out Scottish results, but in fact place them at the start, as partial redress for decades of having been read out at the end.
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