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Martin O'Neill


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I didn't disagree with any of that. Yes the club gambled. But they didn't gamble beyond our means. As in they didn't put us in real financial turmoil because of it, a la Leeds or Portsmouth.

They just gambled an amount that meant if we didn't hit our target, we'd have to cut back, which is what we're doing now.

But yes, they did gamble. I'm not saying they didn't.

MON can't take the blame for the amount of money he was allowed to spend. But he can take the blame for how some of that money was spent. I'm not blaming him for the financial situation. But to say he had nothing to do with it is also false, imo.

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Totally agree Stevo. The gamble was made in an attempt to break the top 4. Something we almost did. It didn't happen; our talent was cherry-picked; we re-assess and start again. 'Poo happens' as they say. I also agree that MON is not to blame for the amounts spent but that he must take the blame for 'how' they were spent (and the credit where it applies). Randy is to blame but the blame was that he was naïve with his profligacy not that he was malicious or overly-negligent with it. As you say, we are not a Leeds/Portsmouth. To him it was very much a learning curve too.

Basically we rolled the dice and didn't win. Big deal. It happened Spurs with the likes of Carrick and Berbatov before they finally cracked it too. It seems a long way away at this point but then I suppose Newcastle were a long way from top 4 when we relegated them.

But; again; this is nothing that hasn't been done to death 4,000 times on here in the past year and will probably continue to be.

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And, a point I've made elsewhere. After we "cut back" I do think we'll be in a better situation than we were before Randy took over.

No, that might not be a top 4 team like we were hoping. But it'll be better than we were. I'm still confident of that.

So let's say we were bad when Randy took over. He could either have rolled the dice and tried to take us to Really good before settling on average, which is where I think we'll "settle".

Or he could have spent a small amount and taken us from bad to average without that couple of seasons of excitement that we had.

I'm glad he gambled. It sucks right now because we're having to do all this cutting back. and we've taken an extra step back before we settle on average, but at least it was exciting for a bit. I'd rather we had a go like we did than just be careful and go from bad to average without anyone noticing.

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I'm not booing O'Neill as he's just another manager. I find it a little petty booing the likes of Barry and Young (Downing deserved it). I'm saving all my boos for McLeish boo.gif

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I'm not booing O'Neill as he's just another manager. I find it a little petty booing the likes of Barry and Young (Downing deserved it). I'm saving all my boos for McLeish boo.gif

Why did downing deserve it any more than anyone else? Wouldn't you want to leave if mc was going to be your boss?

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Would find it very strange if MON doesnt get booed when Barry still does
I expect he'll get cheered and have chants sung for him all game by some, where as others (like myself) will boo and hurl abuse at him all day. I just hope if things go bad and we're losing (as if often the case under McNegative) that fans in desperation don't start chanting for O'Neill. If we're going to chant for a former manager it has to be Big Ron. :)
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Would find it very strange if MON doesnt get booed when Barry still does
I expect he'll get cheered and have chants sung for him all game by some, where as others (like myself) will boo and hurl abuse at him all day. I just hope if things go bad and we're losing (as if often the case under McNegative) that fans in desperation don't start chanting for O'Neill. If we're going to chant for a former manager it has to be Big Ron. :)

Not that i'm in favour of this, but Mantis do you think chanting O'Neill's name might send a strong message to the board, that we're not happy with McLeish (like they don't know already). You never know some positives might come from doing it.

Just wodering.

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I still don't get the hatred.

There's not much evidence to suggest he screwed over the club and in spite left 5 days before the season starts.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest Lerner is a man who makes plenty of bad decisions for both teams that he owns.

There is evidence that weeks before the club were due to go to a tribunal hearing they agreed to pay MoN some part of £12 million.

There is also evidence that our issue was not just wages paid but the wages paid in relation to our income and that's something that Lerner, not MoN, should be fully responsible for.

I think the guy will get a mixed reaction when we play them but I doubt he'll care. He's loved by the supporters of his team and we've got Mcleish for another exciting relegation battle.

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