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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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You might remember me from such posts as "I bought dinner for a Nazi".


Another first date last night, and this time I think I'm knocking it on the head for a bit, there's clearly something wrong with me that makes me attracted to the mentally unstable. Short and sweet, after 2-3 hours, over dinner, she tells me that she had a nightmare the night before we met, that started as a really hot sex dream, then ended in me molesting children.





Did you wear a tracksuit with a large amount of jewelry, saying how can I fix it for you?

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Seems a bit daft to knock it on the head over that. It was only a dream?


Whay Ings said. It's only a dream FFS. Loads of people have really weird dreams, and she was obvs a bit nervous about meeting and how the date would go, and had a weird dream about it. No biggie, IMO.

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People say daft things when they're nervous all the time. If you had a nice time before that and this was the only thing, you should definitely give her another chance. Chances are you're never going to find the woman that you click with on every single level the first time you meet them.

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Don't listen to CED :P

Give her another chance and if you're still unsure then fair enough but something like that wouldn't scare me. I like kooky birds though.

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Things were going really well before she came out with that, and we'd already agreed she'd come to mine on  Saturday. She just messaged me to let me know she's booked her train tickets.

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This girl could have been saying very similar things to her mates all week?


"Like oh my gawwwwd, I was having such a great time, then for some stupid reason I basically accused him of being a Freddy Kruger type kiddy fiddler.  He just shrugged his shoulders and got all defensive.  The guy still wants to meet me though, Should I run for the hills or at least leave a note with the local police of my whereabouts if I go through with this?"


At least if tis relationship does last, you will have a funny 'first date' story to tell people anyway.


On my first date with my current partner, I burnt the roof of my mouth on a 1000c stuffed mushroom, not sure what came over me but I offered the resulting skin piece to my g/f as a token of my love.  At first she was a bit freaked out, but after some gentle persuasion she decided to eat it.  That's true love.


Ok the last part is a lie about her eating it (she has it encased in a necklace instead LOL )  but it's still something stupid on my part.  Most normal girls would have probably left, Not this one, I like the kooky ones too ;)

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It's not the only piece of skin I've offered either, I lost my foreskin during a drunken barbed wire hurdling incident, she now wears this lovingly on her wedding finger.


This bounty hunter is my kind of scum.

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Well as you lot are such judgemental bastards, I thought id try and make a bit of effort to start with, just like dating :D .  Don't worry, I don't make my girlfriend wear my body parts.


Knew I should have opened with the  'who's Thom Yorke'  line :mellow:

Edited by simont123
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