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plans for the weeeeekend


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Was in St Annes/Lytham/Blackpool this weekend in the campervan. Its been great.

Lytham is a lovely place. St Annes OK, but crimey, Blackpool is a sinkhole, as Rob said

To be honest I make regular trips to all of them and love all three for different reasons.

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Was supposed to be going out for a few beers tonight but my mates pulled out. I'm facing a night in on my own as the missus is stopping at her moms to look after her. I'm so **** bored already it's unbearable.

I fear another night of QC and looking at naked ladies on the t'internet.

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Was supposed to be going out for a few beers tonight but my mates pulled out. I'm facing a night in on my own as the missus is stopping at her moms to look after her. I'm so **** bored already it's unbearable.

I fear another night of QC and looking at naked ladies on the t'internet.


Sounds like a good night to me! 

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Was supposed to be going out for a few beers tonight but my mates pulled out. I'm facing a night in on my own as the missus is stopping at her moms to look after her. I'm so **** bored already it's unbearable.

I fear another night of QC and looking at naked men on the t'internet.


Sounds like a good night to me! 


yeah and me.

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ok ish, friday night me and the missus did not talk, saturday morning was the same then we made up, but when we were about to leave to take the kids to this farm we fell out again  :D soon made up AGAIN and had a nice day at the farm. saturday night watched an old classic film " 10 rillington place"  then had the paramedics round early this morning because thought i was having heart attack  :rolleyes:  anyway just chilling today listening to music before the united game comes on. what about you dude.

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Doing two DJ sets at a big party / mini festival, next weekend. It's going to be ace, but I'm also going to have to camp out. Need to buy an inflatable mattress at some point this week, as I need to make the camping as bearable as possible.   

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I haven't been camping in a long time.


I don't miss it.


Yep. It sucks balls. The party is in a field in the middle of nowhere though, and I plan on getting out of my head, so driving home is not an option.

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Doing two DJ sets at a big party / mini festival, next weekend. It's going to be ace, but I'm also going to have to camp out. Need to buy an inflatable mattress at some point this week, as I need to make the camping as bearable as possible.   


Is that DJ as in two turntables and microphone, or DJ as in press play?




Either way, I suspect it will be very danceable.

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Doing two DJ sets at a big party / mini festival, next weekend. It's going to be ace, but I'm also going to have to camp out. Need to buy an inflatable mattress at some point this week, as I need to make the camping as bearable as possible.   


Is that DJ as in two turntables and microphone, or DJ as in press play?




Either way, I suspect it will be very danceable.



CDs, but on proper decks, so I'll be able to mix if I want to. Vinyl decks are available, but I'm not taking my records. I have a digital copy of most of my vinyl anyway, so easy to burn onto CD.

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