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The, he's finally GONE! Tell us your thoughts Thread


Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?  

370 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you THINK McLeish will be gone by next season?

    • Yes I think he will
    • No I think he will be here

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Get Curbishley in, you want somebody to steady the ship and sort out the football side, get him in.

He is not the bright young thing we would hope for, but he should be able to stabilise the club and try to undo the damage McNightmare is inflicting.

This is like a bad dream, it really is.

Yeah have to agree with you there... McNightmare haha.. good one.

Also he knows how to play to DB9's strengths and can bring the youngsters through... as we have no money he would be a decent option when it gets thought about...

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How the **** can McLeish have such a mesmerising hold over everyone? Ferguson sent a letter to Lerner saying how amazing he is, our board obviously think he's the dogs' bollocks, you've got players like Keane coming out and saying he can get us to the Champions League and the media thinking he's being unfairly treated by Villa fans.

There seems to be a concensus amongst those in the media and within the game that just because McLeish has a reputation for being respectful and is "a gentleman" then that alone should protect him from criticism.

I couldn't care less if the guy is a genuine saint, I don't particularly care about a manager being a likable person, I'm far more concerned with one capable of doing his job. He can be the biggest word removed in history as long as he gets us results. Ferguson, Wenger, Mourinho? All tossers of the highest order, very sore losers and disrespectful at times. But who really cares?

The other thing that seems to protect McLeish is that officially, yes, he has won things. But SPL achievements are pretty much an irrelevance when it comes to translating that success to the Premier League. And the fact he won a minor trophy with the dogshit is seen as a real acheievment by some mainly due to their dire history and lack of silverware. Every dog has its day, even that lot and winning the league cup is all well and good but getting relegated the very same season surely takes the shine off things? Many within the game don't seem to see it that way. Blues getting relegated is hardly a shock as far as the media are concerned. If he takes us down, it will tarnish his career far, far more. Its unthinkable.

McLeish is as old school as it gets. Pundits, ex-players etc love all that. Its an old boys club to them and its much easier to point the finger at us, the "fickle" fans for getting on his back. We're to blame, apparently, for the negative shite that has us sitting near the bottom of the league.

Agree with all of this. McLeish is seen as a "gentleman" (even though he's not) and a good old fashioned British manager whose teams play with heart and effort (also not true).

The sad thing is whenever he does go you can bet the media will be saying things like "it was never going to work out there due to his Birmingham connections" or "McLeish is a good manager who was hounded out by the fans. He needed more time".

Oh by the way, what's the record for number of draws in a season?

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I've got to the point where I hope we survive relegation on goal difference just to get rid of this guy. The amount of average teams out performing us is almost laughable. McLeish seems to be our Ramos.

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Lerg, I trust the 'Peoples Popular Front' to ensure they know exactly how we feel and make it clear our views on his tenure :)

With one mostly in another time zone and the others counting the remaining pennies, I'm not sure they know what a PPF is, Denis!!

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"McLeish calls for maximum effort in spite of Bent absence"

That'll be on the OS tomorrow.

"We need to show more fight!" or "We need to show more commitment!"

Are his usual favourites.

Yep, if I were part of a team at work that were being led by a tosser then I think I would go on long term sick!

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