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Liverpool FC in 2011/12


Will Liverpool finish in the top 4 this season?  

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I really hope that once Liverpool appeal against the eight-match ban for Suarez, and if he is still found guilty of it, that whoever decides on the punishment take into account the blatent fact that Liverpool are leaving it til the last second to appeal, just so that the saga rumbles on longer and Suarez can avoid the ban for as long as possible. I hope they punish him and them further for just wasting more time unnecessarily.

If he's still found guilty of course.

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Apparently Tony Evans from The Times is getting alot of abuse from the liverpool fans for an article he put up

I don’t know much about South American culture and slang. I do know, however, a little about the mechanics of confrontation. Even at Sunday League level, I’ve had verbal spats and faced down opposition players from Everton Valley to East Los Angeles. As a fan, I’ve exchanged insults — and worse — with rival supporters from Trafford Park to the Tiber.

That’s just the football-related stuff. In real life, I’ve been in the middle of riots, squared up to police on picket lines and fought fascist bully-boys with bare knuckles.

What have I learnt? Not much, but enough to know that if I’m having a row with a black man and I make a reference to his colour, he’s going to think it’s a racist slur.

Luis Suárez, Liverpool Football Club and legions of their fans seem bewildered that the word negrito directed at a black man in the course of an argument would lead the individual concerned to assume that he had been racially abused.

Nobody would deny that the exchange between Suárez and Patrice Evra was acrimonious. Nobody would deny that the word negrito makes reference to blackness. So where are Suárez’s grounds for defence?

Well, the linguistic experts tell us that negrito is not a pejorative term. In fact, it appears that it is a friendly phrase in Hispanic culture. In one defence of the Liverpool striker, the writer talked of hearing a young, white woman with a dark complexion being referred to by the same term during a business transaction in Buenos Aires.

The problem with this is that Evra is not a young white woman, nor is he Hispanic. He is a short, black Frenchman, who, from his perspective, appears to have been called something akin to “little black boy” by someone he was having a row with. Suárez, quite clearly, was not being genial. He was winding up Evra on the pitch in the heat of a Liverpool v Manchester United game. No wonder the defender felt racially abused.

In September, a mere handful of Liverpool fans would have even heard the term negrito. Now they are experts in the semantics of Hispanic slang, describing in detail how it is a term of affection. Well, if Suárez was being affectionate to a United player during a game, the club should crack down on him. An eight-game ban? Surely that should be a sackable offence?

There are so many words in English, French and Spanish that can be used in a quarrel that referencing colour in any way seems at best ill-advised and at worst racist. Either way it’s ****** stupid.

Suárez may not have had any racist intent but the Hispanic subtleties were lost on Evra. They’d be lost on most in Britain.

So this unedifying spat continues with Liverpool supporters — almost to a man — behind Suárez.

It is embarrassing. Is it not possible for Liverpool fans to have some empathy with Evra? To see that he felt racially abused? Seemingly not in the pathetically tribal world of football, where basic decencies are thrown out the window and the “my club right or wrong” ethic prevails.

If it were all a cultural misunderstanding, why didn’t Liverpool nip it in the bud in October? It may be me, but once the word negrito cropped up I winced. I may be culturally naive, but it sounded ugly. It would sound worse to a black man.

The club should have put out a statement that read something like this: “Patrice Evra has alleged that Luis Suárez made racist remarks to him during the game at Anfield. Suárez denies this emphatically but has come to realise that it was easy for Evra to misunderstand the nuances of the Spanish phrase used and believe that he had been racially abused. Suárez would like to apologise unreservedly for any upset caused and make clear that he is against racism and discrimination in all its forms. It was a poor choice of words in the context but any student of South American culture will explain it has no racial overtones. In future, Liverpool Football Club will issue its players with a set of guidelines as to what is acceptable and not acceptable.”

Effectively, just say sorry, I didn’t mean that, I feel a bit stupid now.

Suárez is not a racist but he has been a fool. The trick is not to compound foolishness.

Instead, Liverpool put out a statement that threw the blame back at Evra, then gave us the risible sight of Suárez warming up at the DW Stadium before the Wigan Athletic match in a T-shirt supporting himself.

Pointing the finger at Evra is shameful. It can only harden the FA’s determination to make its point. And despite the more rabid conspiracy theorists, this is a battle that the FA would rather not have.

This situation — along with the John Terry/Anton Ferdinand incident — has brought the game into disrepute and exposed racial fault lines in football and society that most thought had been buried forever. One look at the abuse that Stan Collymore — a former Liverpool forward — has been receiving shows that. Sadly, it looks like decency has been buried instead.

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The way the club is standing by their investment (and thats the rub) is understandable but entirely wrong.

Absolutely. Remember that Liverpool FC are a club who suspended their reserve goalkeeper for 14 days for having the gall to smile at the Hillsborough memorial service in 2009. They arent suspending Suarez over his (much worse) behaviour despite him being found guilty by a third party with no axe to grind either way. If Suarez were just a squad player rather than the guy who is the first name on their team sheet then Liverpool would not be acting in the childish way they are. This isnt about them supporting Suarez's cause, it is about them badly needing him in the team and trying to flex their muscles to get the Premier League to back down. They probably didnt anticipate the backlash they are currently getting though.

If you think we give a **** about what anybody thinks about us or Suarez or how much of a 'backlash' there is you are very much mistaken.

We stand by Suarez because we don't believe he is guilty and we don't believe he is a racist.

If I defend someone who has been found guilty of murder who I believe is innocent and been wrongly accused and convicted doe's that mean then that I support murder?

I am waiting for the official written report from the FA where they will finally disclose what evidence made them arrive at a guilty verdict. This report was meant to be with us 24hrs after the verdict being announced and we have now been told it may not arrive until February. How convienient that is.

I would suggest everyone, LFC fans and people who hate us and Suarez wait until the written report is released before coming to any final conclusions on Suarez's guilt.

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I'm not sure why, and it's probably completely irrational, but my disdain for this bucktoothed wonder from Uruguay is beginning to rival the scorn I have for Carlos Tevez. I'm not quite at that point yet, (I really hope I never see CT kick another football again to be honest, at least nowhere in Europe) but getting there...

...and as for his club, well, where do I start...

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I would suggest everyone, LFC fans and people who hate us and Suarez wait until the written report is released before coming to any final conclusions on Suarez's guilt.

Couple of things really, firstly Suarez's guilt has been proven by the group of people who are charged with that responsibility - the report will tell us how they reached that conclusion, but Suarez is guilty.

Secondly, it is your inability to understand that not everybody fits into the two groups that you mention that most prevents you from having any kind of perspective on this situation.

For what it's worth, in my opinion, The FA have found Suarez guilty of the charge based most likely on his confession that he did it.

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We stand by Suarez because we don't believe he is guilty and we don't believe he is a racist.

If I defend someone who has been found guilty of murder who I believe is innocent and been wrongly accused and convicted doe's that mean then that I support murder?

He's not been found guilty of being a racist. He's been found guilty of using racist language. Which he's admitted doing.

Is there really anything more to it than that that needs to be disclosed?

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If you think we give a **** about what anybody thinks about us or Suarez or how much of a 'backlash' there is you are very much mistaken.

We stand by Suarez because we don't believe he is guilty and we don't believe he is a racist.

If I defend someone who has been found guilty of murder who I believe is innocent and been wrongly accused and convicted doe's that mean then that I support murder?

I am waiting for the official written report from the FA where they will finally disclose what evidence made them arrive at a guilty verdict. This report was meant to be with us 24hrs after the verdict being announced and we have now been told it may not arrive until February. How convienient that is.

I would suggest everyone, LFC fans and people who hate us and Suarez wait until the written report is released before coming to any final conclusions on Suarez's guilt.

You know what matey, almost nobody thinks Luis Suarez is racist. Including as it happens The Football Association. Just like I don't think many people believe Ron Atkinson to be racist either. It is however completely unacceptable to use racial language on a football pitch, regardless of the connotations or the mood at the time. It's 2011, two-thousand-****-eleven, why on earth are we still having this debate.

If you can't see why people like myself, who previously had no strong feeling either way towards Liverpool FC, are now turning against your pathetic, childish, ignorant stance then I might as well argue with a dish cloth.

The statement, the t-shirts, the one eyed "woe is us" attitude. That mong Dalglish. Liverpool FC should hang it's head in shame. I'm actually starting to feel a little bit sorry for Suarez, his name is being tarnished forever because of your sordid little club. This could have gone away a long time ago....

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If you think we give a **** about what anybody thinks about us or Suarez or how much of a 'backlash' there is you are very much mistaken.

So your posting on here about it why exactly?

We stand by Suarez because we don't believe he is guilty and we don't believe he is a racist.

I don't think anyone knows if he is or isn't but that is largely irrelevant to the charge he has been found guilty of and the actions he has seemingly admitted.

If I defend someone who has been found guilty of murder who I believe is innocent and been wrongly accused and convicted doe's that mean then that I support murder?

No but I would have to question your sanity if the person you are defending has admitted the charge.

I am waiting for the official written report from the FA where they will finally disclose what evidence made them arrive at a guilty verdict. This report was meant to be with us 24hrs after the verdict being announced and we have now been told it may not arrive until February. How convienient that is.

I wasn't aware it had been delayed, most unfortunate for all concerned and those with a passing interest in it. I can't really see who it is convienient for or what benefit there is to anyone in its delay, what do you think people are doing making up evidence?

I would suggest everyone, LFC fans and people who hate us and Suarez wait until the written report is released before coming to any final conclusions on Suarez's guilt.

He has been found guilty already you seem to have missed this bit, we aren't waiting to see if he is found guilt but to see why.

I'm still struggling to understand why Liverpool fans think the FA and the independent panel that decided the case were in some why biased against Liverpool. Is there any logic or suggested motive for this or just the same sense of 'everyone is against us' that Kenny keeps pouring out?

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As for the claim the 24 hour claim it seems there is absolutely no basis for this at all, so much of the handy delay.

An Independent Regulatory Commission has today [Tuesday 20 December 2011] found a charge of misconduct against Luis Suarez proven, and have issued a suspension for a period of eight matches as well as fining him £40,000, pending appeal.

On 16 November 2011, The Football Association charged Luis Suarez with misconduct contrary to FA Rule E3 in relation to the Liverpool FC versus Manchester United FC fixture on 15 October 2011.

A hearing took place from 14-20 December 2011 before an Independent Regulatory Commission of The FA to consider the charge.

The Independent Regulatory Commission announced its decision on 20 December 2011, which is as follows:

Mr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1);

the insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2);

Mr Suarez shall be warned as to his future conduct, be suspended for eight matches covering all first team competitive matches and fined the sum of £40,000;

the [penalty] is suspended pending the outcome of any appeal lodged by Mr Suarez against this decision.

The Independent Regulatory Commission will provide written reasons for its decision in due course setting out:

(a) the findings of fact made by it;

(B) the reasons for its decision finding the charge proved; and

© the reasons for the penalty.

Mr Suarez has the right to appeal the decision of the Independent Regulatory Commission to an Appeal Board. An appeal must be lodged within 14 days of the date of the written reasons for the decision.

The penalty is suspended until after the outcome of any appeal, or the time for appealing expires, or should Mr Suarez decide not to appeal. The reason for this is to ensure that the penalty does not take effect before any appeal so that Mr Suarez has an effective right of appeal.

FA statement here

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Suarez is looking more of donkey by the week. Certainly has the teeth for it.

Funny to see an LFC supporter who "Doesn't give a **** about what other supporters think", but is registered here on VillaTalk defending Suarez. :lol:

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Suarez is looking more of donkey by the week. Certainly has the teeth for it.

Exactly. Despite the ridiculous misjudgement and the moronic ignorance and generally being considered a bit of a word removed, Liverpool are wrecking the guy here. I never thought I would feel for Suarez, but I'm starting to.

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