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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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Hi General

For 4 years I had nothing negative to say about the Club, the Manager, or certainly not Randy (check my posts 100% behind you all through thick and thin),

So it greives me to ask this question but I think it is a key question -

Whatever the reasons MON left we all know that in one form or another it was related to money (whether signing players, wages, players not used or whatever).

Have the Board now realised that whatever that disagreement was - MON was right in what he assessed as being needed ?

The consequences of the Club not giving following the logic of his assessment, in whatever way it is described, is there for all to see, from knocking on the door of Champions League to hovering over the trapdoor of relegation in the space of 6 months, and in a season when the League is so wide open it could feasibly have been our year had MON been 100% given what he wanted.

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Sorry Gen but I dont agree - if Houllier is trying to be a Chess master he is clearly failing.

Don't get me wrong - I can see what he is attempting to do - ie: make us a better passing side, and as with the team that destroyed us today - attempt to keep the ball for long periods.

However, you can't win the Formula 1 Championship or NASCAR series driving a 48 tonne truck !

He doesn't have the players to do that General ! - in time, he may buy them, but you cannot get Richard Dunne and James Collins to suddenly become Bobby Moore.

Thus, he has, in the space of three months took what was a no-nonsense solid defence (what I would call an old fashioned "you don't score from row Z" defence) to an utter shambles !

And lo-and-behold - we are fighting relegation.

Now, lets take for example Owen Coyle - who played a passing, very attractive style at Burnley that even in the Championship were beating the likes of Spurs and Man U !.

He went to Bolton and took over the masters of Hoof ball - but has he tried turning Kevin Davies into Ronaldo ? - has he tried to turn Gary Cahill into Paulo Maldini - has he heck !

He has played to Bolton's strengths whilst he slowly buys his own players so he can change it gradually.

Sorry General - I've said it before, I am now sick of the spin - I want action. And it is sodding obvious what the Villa have needed for 4 yrs, and for 4 yrs you have said "MON sees what you see" "Gerard sees what you see" and now above "Randy sees what you see"

So one question

If you can all see it - why haven't you done something about it ?

and I know I am like a stuck record but I will say it until it sinks in - and if you don't know what I mean - look it up.

The non-signing on Darren Bent was our Juninho moment

Our chance for 10 yrs has gone !

You know - I was no Martin O'Neill lover - but I am absolutely amazed his name has not been chanted at Villa Park yet - lose Wednesday and I will guarentee it will be next game !

Oh Gen - before I forget - injuries ?

Weren't Arsenal missing Fabregas, Van Persie, Walcott, Vermaalen, Diaby, Eboue today, so please don't use our injuries as an excuse for today ! Lets face it, even with a fully fit squad, the only players we would have had back in the line up today was Gabby, NRC and maybe Petrov (however that one has to be debated as Clark and Bannan would surely stake a claim to that spot at the moment)

Oh and if you say Albrighton - so who you gonna drop - Ashley Young ? - apparently the manager thinks he is worth 80 million !

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I am glad to hear you and Randy are hurting and I hope like me it is hurting like hell. You and Randy are in the fortunate position of being able to do something about this shambles though so please ensure you do.

Four years hard work appears to be going down the drain. We were on the verge of really achieving something General, for 4 years we improved season on season and had relative success getting closer to achieving something really meaningful. And then bang overnight it appears the plugged was pulled and taking that final push seemed too much of a risk. Speculate to accumulate. We spent a reasonable amount, but boy did it need spending, to get us from 16th to an established top 6 club. That all seems a waste now as it appears we were not prepared to take the final push.

The previous manager clearly foresaw what could happen although we certainly wouldn't have been in this mire had he stayed.

I attend all the games General home and away and I can assure you that the mood is not good amongst the fans and a loss on Wednesday followed by defeat against Liverpool and West Brom and Houllier won't know whats hit him.

We are certainly feeling the pain but it could be about to get much worse sadly.

All the best


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When will the stewarding around away fans improve?

I have spoke to so many away supporters who have visited Villa Park and they describe it as a great away day as they 'get to do what they like'.

Once again away fans got on the pitch yesterday and I think I personally sore about 6 on the pitch with 2 getting kicked out, and the other 4 just being pushed back into the crowd. Im sure a lad got kicked out against Birmingham for falling onto the pitch.

So how come it appears to be a different rule for away fans? And also because this has been happening for so long now when will this be stopped? It doesnt happen at grounds like the Emirates, Stamford Bridge or Old Trafford so why is it happening at Villa Park?

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Hi General

Regarding away fans getting on the pitch. This only happens because they are sat right next to the pitch, without any sort of barrier to stop them getting onto it. I know half are in the lower Doug Ellis and half are in the upper Doug Ellis. Why not stick them all in the upper part where they won't cause trouble, won't be heard as much and therefore won't have as much impact on the game. Also it will mean our fans will be closer, surrounding the whole of Villa Park with Villa fans.

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As usual some posts have been deleted, please stop having conversations with fellow posters, we don't allow that in this topic at all (for good reason - it helps the General read the relevant posts easier), so please limit your usage here to questions and comments TO the General, Ta

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General Krulak here:

1. terrytini: I am not going to get into a debate over the previous manager...other than to say that I doubt if you could find anyone on the Board who would agree that the previous manager was "right in what he assessed was needed." I think that one need only look at the funds expended over the past 4 years to question that comment. Again, Randy backed the previous manager...no one can question that fact.

2. paulanddonya: "Sick of spin"...I don't know how many times and in how many ways I have to say it....I do NOT come on these sites to "spin" anything....I come on here to 1) answer questions, 2) get input from Fans that I can give to the Club and 3) give my PERSONAL opinion. If that is "spin", well I guess I don't understand the meaning of the word. As for "seeing it" and "doing something about it"....I am not sure what more Randy could have done over the past 4 years that he has not done. He has supported his Manager to the tune of a large amount of money, he has provided a world-class training facility, he has turned Villa Park into a show place, he is obviously very concerned about the individual fan, etc. etc. At the end of the day, Randy is not going to get into the Manager's business re. players...his job is to support the Manager to the best of his ability. I would say that the last 4 years he has done just that!! This is not "spin", this is reality!! As for the Arsenal injuries...let's be totally honest...take a look at the impact of their losses on their roster vs. ours. Take a look at how long their lads have been playing at the PL level vs the ones we have had to put on the pitch. I think that you have used a pretty poor comparison.

3. markavfc40: Threatening to "dis" the Manager or telling me that we will soon feel even more "pain" isn't going to help the situation. Booing GH or Randy may make the Fans feel better but it sure isn't going to change the dynamics of what we are trying to do. It amazes me when a fan makes comments like that...as if this sort of treatment is somehow going to make GH try harder or Randy worry more. I can promise you, GH doesn't come to Bodymoor Heath every day and say, "I can't wait to screw it up today!" He comes to do everything in his power to make things better for the Club. I think he is doing a fine job...and is dealing with some real negatives surrounding the injuries. I certainly know that Randy has a laser focus on the Villa...he was there for the game this weekend even though the Browns had a huge game. Bottom line: Every Fan has the right and privilege to boo and rant as they like...they are fans...they paid their money. At the same time, it honestly does nothing to improve the environment for the players, coaches, managers or Club. EVERYONE of those want to have a successful Club and are doing all in their power to achieve that goal.

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Hi General,

I was at the game on Saturday and got in early bought a program sat down with my cup of tea etc..I noticed about 6 kids leaning over the advertising boards whilst the players were warming up..As Gerard Houllier walked past a couple of them held out a pen and asked for an autograph,shouting out "Hello Gerard"..Now this is early and Gerard wasnt too busy at the time,he was just walking past after just doing an interview for French television...Yet he never even said hello back..

Then Theo Walcott came running out of the tunnel and our same fans,these few kids shouted over "Hi Theo" they held out a pen and he came over said hello and signed a few cards,it took no more than 30 secs.

I also noticed Ian Taylor walk over and Brad Friedel at one point.

Now ok,Gerard is a busy man but I think a quick wave or hello costs nothing..

I not getting on Gerard's back here as I like the guy and what he is trying to do..But these kids mean no harm and are our future support..


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General Just wanted to ask if it was too late for the club to arrange a shoe box scheme for the troops serving abroad over the Christmas period? Its just a box that contains some essential items and a few treats that may seem nothing to us but to them would mean a lot. I have no idea of the scale of such things so it may be a bit late in the day but using the club as a drop off point for these could be an idea.

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I can promise you, GH doesn't come to Bodymoor Heath every day and say, "I can't wait to screw it up today!" He comes to do everything in his power to make things better for the Club. I think he is doing a fine job..

Hi General,

I find your comment above very worrying. You say Houllier is doing everything in his power and you think he is doing a fine job. We are talking about the manager of Aston Villa here aren't we? The guy who as won 2 league games in 10, presided over two of the worst home performances I have seen in years ( the negative tripe against Sha and Saturdays disgraceful selection/performance ). The guy who signed a 37 year old has been who should be coming on for 15 minute cameos but started on Saturday and who strolled around like an old man who'd excreted in his shorts.

If you class this as a fine job and someone doing everything in his power then god help us if he ever gives less than a 100% and starts doing poorly.

Kindest Regards


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Hi general.

You should not be put in a position to field some of these absurd comments and questions. I love having a voice from a board member but some of these comments are taking the p....

Just know that there are so many fans who are in full support of what Randy & company are doing at Villa, I wouldn't swap him for all the money in the middle east!

Take care.

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It's been announced that we spent £2,279,536.50 on agents fees last season.

Could it possibly be broken down further and explain where this money has gone? It's a lot of money for a club who has bought no players in the past year.

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.I am not sure what more Randy could have done over the past 4 years that he has not done

General do you believe that after our best season in years that spending no money and insisting on selling before buying was the best way to push foward?

Do you believe the plans for the summer was the best way to try and achieve our goal of a top 4 finish after finishing just 5 points off?

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General Krulak here:

1. steakandchips: As I did not observe the incident you mentioned, I cannot comment on it. If GH was involved in an interview just prior, I would imagine that may have had something else on his mind. I know the man and he does care for the Fans...I would give him the benefit of the doubt on this one....neither you nor I have a real sense on what was going on with him at that time.

2. markavfc40: So let's agree to disagree. I think that GH has done a remarkable job under the circumstances he found himself in. Rather than shoot on his target, it might behoove you to think about what he is trying to achieve here...to include establishing an effective scouting system, putting in a different strategy of play on the ptich, dealing with a significant number of injuries, taking over after the season started, etc. etc. If you think he is no good, so be it. We can just disagree on that point.

3. Richard: We are doing many things to improve revenue to include more sponsors, more functions during off-game days, getting more corporate groups into the Club, opening up new food distribution, improving the OS to include bringing more sponsors into the site itself, etc.etc.

4. Pilchard: I am not sure it adds anything to the conversation to start breaking down and explaining agent fees.

5. A HUGE game tonight. UP THE VILLA!!!!!

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4. Pilchard: I am not sure it adds anything to the conversation to start breaking down and explaining agent fees.

I know it's not our money but I am still left a little puzzled about this. If I had an agent and he negotiated me a payrise then I would expect that I would pay for his services not my employer. £2m is fees for someone doing work for someone else seems a little crazy...... is this how it works over the pond?

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Honeymoon = OVER !

You go on about Gerard doing a remarkable job. Sorry, as said above, it was not Gerard it was YOU who came on here stating "sell to buy" well, General - the board have shown what that means.

Disgusting. and you are right - it's not Gerards fault - it is THE BOARDS

Having lived by one of the Villa greats - Gary Shaw, and spoken to him on many occasions, I once said about how Graham Turner ruined the club. His response - "don't blame Turner, blame Doug Ellis - Turner was told to get rid of all the high wage earners.

Well that sounds familiar doesn't it. And the "kids" that took over - well some of them went onto great careers - unfortunately, not at our club - because they left as well soon afterwards and left this club in Division 2.

History seems to be repeating itself.

Oh - and if you don't believe me about the above story - go and speak to our first team coach because he was one that was sold !!!!

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