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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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I got one for Christmas, gonna learn a song I wanna learn, rather than just learn separate chords. Is that the best way to do it?

I'd say so. That's what I did anyway, but I'm no expert. I just remembered the chords for future reference.

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Is the "big sam" spoof twitter account still going?

Yes. Its **** brilliant.

My favourite from him was after a WH defeat he said something like "Jack Collison won't forget Big Sam's filthy invading fingers for a while"


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I found this little tinker hovering around on the third page, too low IMO. Bump.

Madness, the band. They never fail to put me in a better mood.

Madness SERIOUSLY get on my tits. Very irritating sound.
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I found this little tinker hovering around on the third page, too low IMO. Bump.

Madness, the band. They never fail to put me in a better mood.

Madness SERIOUSLY get on my tits. Very irritating sound.

After re-discovering my love for them over the last few months and telling people so, I discovered a lot of people think the same as you. Marmite, perhaps.

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Bit of a weird one, still at work currently, been here since 07:45 am (09/02/11) and I am still at my desk (servers upgrade and stuff). Now that don't make me smile but watching almost everything that contains Frankie Boyle on You Tube for the last 3 hours certainly did. Never laughed so much ever, genius.

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Pointing out to my boss that for the past 6 months, more or less, a guy who nobody likes and is no better at the job than me, has gotten more hours than me rota-ed week in week out, and having my boss be unable to tell me why, only to immediately schedule me more hours. Woohoo.

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