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Confirmed: Houllier is the new Villa manager


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"Lerner has taken a major risk in adopting the continental strategy favoured on the continent" - His English is terrible, and so I think what the reporter is clainming must be false.

Whose english? Surely you dont mean Houllier?

The journalist, mate.

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If Staunton joins in any capacity I will put serious thought into disowning Villa.

I cant believe how anyone could write that. See you later then, you wont be missed. Its fans like you that give this club a bad name

I think some people just want an excuse not to support Villa.

Unless Randy gets us a Hiddink or a Hitzfeld I reckon there'll be some people who will be ready to go into a fit of rage and say how they're tearing up their season ticket and wont support Villa anymore. Mark my words.

Well for me I'll never stop supporting Villa, but as an Ireland fan, Staunton should never be allowed near this club as anything, he would make us a lot worse, he would make us a laughing stock, well that's my opinion,

and I think you would find it hard to find any Irish Football fan to think good of Staunton's job with Ireland...

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If Staunton joins in any capacity I will put serious thought into disowning Villa.

I cant believe how anyone could write that. See you later then, you wont be missed. Its fans like you that give this club a bad name

I think some people just want an excuse not to support Villa.

Unless Randy gets us a Hiddink or a Hitzfeld I reckon there'll be some people who will be ready to go into a fit of rage and say how they're tearing up their season ticket and wont support Villa anymore. Mark my words.

It's simply a case that if the board approve the appointment of Staunton in any role I will know they have lost control of their senses and the direction of this club.

Staunton is a walking disaster zone, who cannot get on with anyone and you only have to witness what happened at Leeds and Ireland to notice that.

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If Staunton joins in any capacity I will put serious thought into disowning Villa.

I cant believe how anyone could write that. See you later then, you wont be missed. Its fans like you that give this club a bad name

I think some people just want an excuse not to support Villa.

Unless Randy gets us a Hiddink or a Hitzfeld I reckon there'll be some people who will be ready to go into a fit of rage and say how they're tearing up their season ticket and wont support Villa anymore. Mark my words.

It's simply a case that if the board approve the appointment of Staunton in any role I will know they have lost control of their senses and the direction of this club.

But disown your club??

Staunton is a walking disaster zone, who cannot get on with anyone and you only have to witness what happened at Leeds and Ireland to notice that.

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There is no way the Mirror patch work management thing will happen. Its made up, like most Mirror stuff, cobbled together from internet websites. If you look at all the good sources and informaton it all points to Houllier as Manager and K Mac as coach. And that is what I think we will have come the Stoke game.

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I didn't want MON to go and I definitely didn't want Mcdonald on the basis of a couple of games.

But I think some of the reactions to what may happen are over the top.

Surely all we can ask for is that the Board do all they can to make a good chioice then we should all accept it ? Whether it's 3 man, Staunton and Mac, Curbishley, or whoever, we are all surely convinced now that a great effort has gone into trying to get it right ?

We haven't done a Newcastle and try for populism or messiahism, we haven't simply promoted from within, the Board have done it all properly.

Regardless of who it is, we should back them, and regardless of the seir sucess or failure we should accept it's been done the best way given the circumstances.

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steve **** staunton? this better be a joke

what an erath ha sthis guy done to warrant assitant amanger at vvilla? flopped at all palces he has managed

not impressed randy if its mac and staunton. recipe for disaster. just do houllier and mac as his assitant

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steve **** staunton? this better be a joke

what an erath ha sthis guy done to warrant assitant amanger at vvilla? flopped at all palces he has managed

not impressed randy if its mac and staunton. recipe for disaster. just do houllier and mac as his assitant

Why not trust their judgement if they have done all the groundwork ? Sometimes certain partnerships work and others don't. No-one would have appointed Clough on the basis of Leeds had it been his first job would they ?

Maybe they've all hit it off in great chemistry with the Liverpool connection of all 3 and the old bootroom philosophty there. Maybe it would work ?

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Was Staunton in any way comparable to Mclaren in his England reign?
McLaren was much much much better than Stan.
Stan may have fared better if Robson hadn't got ill when he did. Staunton had zilch experience and needed a guiding figure. Without such it was clear he wasn't really very good as an international manager or tea boy come to that. Does that mean he would be terrible in an asst mgr role at Villa. No.
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Steve Staunton...........jeez we are really scraping the barrel :oops:

I bet Stevie Ireland will be pleased :lol:

Is this the best Faulkner and a team of head hunters can come up with? People moan on here about how they think others think football is like playing Football Manager on their Xbox.

Well it seems those that are making the decisions at Villa are doing exactly the same.

Fcuking laughing stock if this story is true :twisted:

I can live with Maaca and Houllier, but Staunton? fcuking hilarious :lol::lol::lol:

Lights out on the good ship Villa :(

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Regardless of who it is, we should back them, and regardless of the seir sucess or failure we should accept it's been done the best way given the circumstances.

There can be a vast difference between trying your hardest, which I'm sure Lerner et al are doing, and doing it the best way.

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