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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Personally I dont think its anyone's business what he does in Tenerife providing its not against the law. However do they have the same drunken disorderly laws as we do? Either way what he did was stupid as opposed to disgraceful. Where are his mates? He could have been mugged (assuming he wasnt) or worse.

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He makes the headlines again for the wrong reasons. Not about tearing the young man down but passing out in the street is not 'laddish' or particularly bright. Nor is he the only footballer I'm sure. But after the laughing gas photos you'd think he'd be a little more sensible.

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2 things for me:


1) The club need to seriously rebuke/fine/threaten him for this and remind him that this can't carry on.


2) He is a 19 year old being paid a shed load during closed season, of COURSE you're going to do this. Totally sympathise with him, but at the same time he has a job in the limelight and he's got his future and the image of the club to think about. Part and parcel of the job unfortunately.

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2 things for me:


1) The club need to seriously rebuke/fine/threaten him for this and remind him that this can't carry on.


2) He is a 19 year old being paid a shed load during closed season, of COURSE you're going to do this. Totally sympathise with him, but at the same time he has a job in the limelight and he's got his future and the image of the club to think about. Part and parcel of the job unfortunately.

image of the club? our image gets worse most saturdays.

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Aaaand now the club statement has made top story and breaking news on the BBC website. What a load of old bollocks. The path this story has taken is so pathetically predictable.

You know what avoids everything?

Jack Grealish doesn't do this. So simple!

He is 19. What did you do when you were 19?

Unless he's a professional footballer playing at the top level I can't see how that is relevant.

2 things for me:

1) The club need to seriously rebuke/fine/threaten him for this and remind him that this can't carry on.

2) He is a 19 year old being paid a shed load during closed season, of COURSE you're going to do this. Totally sympathise with him, but at the same time he has a job in the limelight and he's got his future and the image of the club to think about. Part and parcel of the job unfortunately.

image of the club? our image gets worse most saturdays.

Exactly. So shit like this is not helpful.

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Well Pongo was inebriated every Friday night and Macca was known to be whilst playing on a Saturday.


but when you are doing the business, you can get away with it.


I'm not sure the club will share the majority view on here.


the crime is getting caught.

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Jack is not another 19 year old on the piss with his mates abroad though. 




He is only Human, BUT


You can't be special one minute and one of the lads the next, sorry.


If it was charlie creamstick from Nechells, who would give a sausage....but he's not.

Edited by TRO
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I am absolutely flabbergasted at the amount of people who think that being so intoxicated that you're lying unconscious in the middle of the road, is standard behaviour. That's bad enough for a normal person, never mind a professional athlete.


Could someone take useless out after dark on a Saturday? :)

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Young footballer getting blotted and doing something stupid has been happening since the dawn of football. The only thing over the last few years is that you are now way more likely to be photographed and have those images spread across social media.


I don’t really have any issue with what he has done either in this instance or the laughing gas episode. The only difference between Jack and a lot of other players is that he has been caught doing it. Bottom line is that he is 19 years old, has way too much money in his pocket for someone that age but is still a young kid. Despite the responsibility that comes with being a professional athlete you can’t instil maturity into someone, that comes with time, and a few hard lessons like this one will almost certainly help him mature a little quicker.

You also have to be in much better physical and mental shape now than you did a couple decades or so ago.


More games, faster tempo, more exposure, more money, more pressure, more competition...


You don't see many Jan Mölbys or Gascoignes at top level anymore. Players like Merson, Adams and McGrath would never have made it for more than a season or 2 in todays football, no matter how talented they were.


I have to say that Gazza would have been at the top level if he was playing today and that Merse, Adams and Paul would have made it for more than a season or two today as well.


Best, Greaves and Bobby Moore liked a drink as well. But if they were available today these players would be worth a fortune and I for one would love to see them playing for us at Villa Park.   


Sterling's dalliance with laughing gas has also not stopped clubs looking to sign him for a massive fee. Jack does need to take more care with his off field activities and needs to surround himself with trusted family & friends when out on the pop rather than with snap happy people like the one that has published this photo. Jack is one of us and he can learn lessons from this.        

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Aaaand now the club statement has made top story and breaking news on the BBC website. What a load of old bollocks. The path this story has taken is so pathetically predictable.

You know what avoids everything?

Jack Grealish doesn't do this. So simple!

He is 19. What did you do when you were 19?

Unless he's a professional footballer playing at the top level I can't see how that is relevant.


2 things for me:

1) The club need to seriously rebuke/fine/threaten him for this and remind him that this can't carry on.

2) He is a 19 year old being paid a shed load during closed season, of COURSE you're going to do this. Totally sympathise with him, but at the same time he has a job in the limelight and he's got his future and the image of the club to think about. Part and parcel of the job unfortunately.

image of the club? our image gets worse most saturdays.

Exactly. So shit like this is not helpful.


hes entitled to get pissed out of season though.

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as long as its not a continuous thing then there is no problem, but cut the young lad some slack. just after the season is probably the only real time players can let their hair down, there are other things im more concerned about at the club.

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He's not really "entitled" to get "pissed" like that though. Not at all. He's a professional athlete getting paid tens of thousands of pounds every week to look after himself. To get that drunk is undoubtedly a breach of contract and brings the club into disrepute.

It's no wonder we're shit if that's the attitude we are happy with from our players.

I love Jack as a talent, I rate him very highly. Higher than most. In my opinion he needs a wake up call.


His disregard for how these things get span by the papers is what worries me. Especially after the first story regarding the balloon stuff.

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