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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Fair do's to Jack! It does anyone good to let your hair down from time to time and have a bit of a blowout. Only an issue if it becomes the be all and end all surely? 


In my work i have seen many professional footballers out on the P*** and getting absolutely smashed. And that's during a season especially when they're maybe out injured or something. We used to get regular visitors in one of the venues midweek and would close the doors and curtain the windows for privacy, often not getting out until 4 or 5 am.


So it happens, he just needs to realise there are leeches out there who will do anything to make an easy buck off someone else's position of fame. Low lives as i call them.

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Aaaand now the club statement has made top story and breaking news on the BBC website. What a load of old bollocks. The path this story has taken is so pathetically predictable.

You know what avoids everything?

Jack Grealish doesn't do this. So simple!

He is 19. What did you do when you were 19?

I wasn't an internationally known superstar...



internationally? He could walk into a pub in London or Manchester and nobody would know who he is

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Aaaand now the club statement has made top story and breaking news on the BBC website. What a load of old bollocks. The path this story has taken is so pathetically predictable.

I agree BOF. But in that pathetically predictable path, I would also include the many people on here that have jumped on the backs of anyone who feels the need to criticise Grealish for this.

I've done my fair share of drinking, but I've never been passed out in the street. If the rest of you have then fair enough, but to me, that isn't what we should be citing as 'normal' teenage drinking behaviour.

Lots of people have ended up having their stomachs pumped from drinking too much. Is that normal too? Would photos of Grealish being taken to hospital (or worse, having his stomach pumped in the street), be also met with the responses of 'oh get a life peeps, this is normal and if you haven't done this then you need to get a life!' ?

I don't think it would, and passing out in the street is one step away from hurting yourself or someone else, in my opinion.


Yep I don't actually disagree with any of that. My problem is that people are taking this one incident and extrapolating a wasted career out of it rather than taking it for the isolated drinking incident that it is. He is at the age where you might do something like this. My stance would be different if he was a] older and b] this was a repeat or a common occurrence. But it isn't. It's his first such incident with alcohol and we'll see what happens from it going forward. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'word' that the club have in his ear is "just don't get caught next time".



Nobody is extrapolating a "wasted career" - the consensus from anyone criticising Grealish has been that he's been daft here and it's an issue because of that.


(As an aside, he's already been caught with the whole gas thing.  Maybe he should go for cigarettes next as that would be his "first time smoking"?)

Edited by bobzy
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Kevan having a row with the girl that took the picture


Because he covers himself in glory.......

I've just read some of her twitter page, Kevan needs to pull his head in now otherwise some nutter will do something to this girl and then the shi t will really hit the fan.

After reading her posts it seems she did try to get him up but he was well gone, still they shouldn't have taken a photo and left him.

Sad that he was left on his own in this condition.

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Aaaand now the club statement has made top story and breaking news on the BBC website. What a load of old bollocks. The path this story has taken is so pathetically predictable.

You know what avoids everything?

Jack Grealish doesn't do this. So simple!

He is 19. What did you do when you were 19?

I wasn't an internationally known superstar...



internationally? He could walk into a pub in London or Manchester and nobody would know who he is



That would be nationally.


Tenerife would be internationally.

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I'm glad to see most of the comments on here are supportive / don't seemed fussed by the event, however a few of the comments on here are utter ridiculous.


He's a teenager, enjoying the summer and his youth with his friends. Admittedly it may seem like he's enjoying it a bit too much, but he's not the first and wont' be the last to have one too many. 


The press theses days go to such lengths to reveal every little detail about a celebrity or sportsperson's life that we as a nation now feel part of that life, and that they should live their life to the rules and philosophies that we as a (intruding)public set. I genuinely feel for Jack.


I will concede that he is under contract by the club and so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club etc. etc.


But Jesus Christ, let the guy live a little.

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internationally? He could walk into a pub in London or Manchester and nobody would know who he is


That would be nationally.


Tenerife would be internationally.

That's the point that was being made. He isn't even known nationally yet. But that's kind of an irrelevance to the discussion.
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That's the crux of it, isn't it, that he's been caught? That's the issue.

If instead of this mess, we'd just been told by an 'ITK' that Jack got extremely drunk and passed out at a private party; then hardly anyone would have a bad word to say.

The issue is that he's put himself in the position of getting caught, by getting drunk in and around the street (by the looks of it), and not in the privacy of 4 walls somewhere. That's Jack's fault.

A lot of people have posted how lots of footballers get this drunk. But the difference is that I can't remember seeing a photo of a footballer passed out, lying in the street on the floor.

Photos of Ronaldo or Messi looking w*nkered whilst standing up is a bit different to someone lying on the floor looking into lala land.






This could be considered footballers having a good time with alcohol.




This doesn't portray the same thing.

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I'm glad to see most of the comments on here are supportive / don't seemed fussed by the event, however a few of the comments on here are utter ridiculous.

He's a teenager, enjoying the summer and his youth with his friends. Admittedly it may seem like he's enjoying it a bit too much, but he's not the first and wont' be the last to have one too many.

The press theses days go to such lengths to reveal every little detail about a celebrity or sportsperson's life that we as a nation now feel part of that life, and that they should live their life to the rules and philosophies that we as a (intruding)public set. I genuinely feel for Jack.

I will concede that he is under contract by the club and so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club etc. etc.

But Jesus Christ, let the guy live a little.

This sounds very hypocritical Gillz. In one breath you're calling people utterly ridiculous, noting how he's enjoying his youth with his friends.... then next you say that he is under contract so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club... ?

Well what is it? Is this behaviour acceptable or not?

If you think this is just a lad having fun, and we should be supportive of that, then would you be happy if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also.

That's fine right? Because it's normal behaviour and most lads his age will be doing the same thing?

If that isn't acceptable, then why not? As you've said: He's on holiday, he's young and he's enjoying the summer.

Edited by Rob182
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If you think this is just a lad having fun, and we should be supportive of that, then would you be happy if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also.

That's fine right? Because it's normal behaviour and most lads his age will be doing the same thing?

From my own POV I've already said that I wouldn't be happy with a pattern of this behaviour, but that one incident does not represent a pattern, and is perhaps rather a lesson that he will learn at his age.  The lesson being 'don't get caught', not 'don't get drunk'.

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This sounds very hypocritical Gillz. In one breath you're calling people utterly ridiculous, noting how he's enjoying his youth with his friends.... then next you say that he is under contract so should act in a manner that represents the value of the club... ?

Well what is it? Is this behaviour acceptable or not?

If you think this is just a lad having fun, and we should be supportive of that, then would you be happy if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also.

That's fine right? Because it's normal behaviour and most lads his age will be doing the same thing?

If that isn't acceptable, then why not? As you've said: He's on holiday, he's young and he's enjoying the summer.



It's not acceptable, it's excusable though. Is it stupid? F'n hell yeah, it's damn stupid, but then most 19 year olds are stupid. The club should get him someone to look after him and make sure he surrounds himself with the right people and if such things happen then it wouldn't be public. 

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He's been caught before FFS and told before.


So how does it go?


Gas - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught

Drinking and passed out - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught


If next we have

Smoking - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught

Weed - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught

Naked pictures on the net - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught

Cocaine lines in a toilet - Jack dont be stupid dont do it again if you do dont get caught


Not saying he has done any of the last four,  but say he did.  Would it be fine then as it is different things and not gas and not drinking? Which one would not be fine? When do we stop excusing something as it's "not the same thing" ?

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When do we stop excusing something as it's "not the same thing" ?

Not this time anyway. Let's see if it happens again and then we'll re-visit this.
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If you think this is just a lad having fun, and we should be supportive of that, then would you be happy if another photo comes out tonight of him on the floor again? And how about on Friday again.... and then on Sunday..... and next Tuesday also.

That's fine right? Because it's normal behaviour and most lads his age will be doing the same thing?

From my own POV I've already said that I wouldn't be happy with a pattern of this behaviour, but that one incident does not represent a pattern, and is perhaps rather a lesson that he will learn at his age. The lesson being 'don't get caught', not 'don't get drunk'.

Obviously this is only your view BOF, and doesn't represent everyone, but if this is the general opinion, that it's seen as foolish behaviour, but it's a one off - then I don't understand the people moaning about Grealish being criticised.

If we're generally agreeing that it's foolish behaviour, then in my opinion, it's down to an individual's personal opinion of whether we should be 'accepting this one off' and letting him off, or fairly criticising him for being a fool.

I'm just a bit perplexed by all the people taking the moral high-ground and calling out anyone that has a bad word to say about this.

I know that if I saw another young player/ young sports person/ young celebrity in a photo like this, I'd be thinking "what an idiot". Not for getting drunk, but for drinking himself into the position that he's lying on the floor with the world able to view him like that.

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