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That was a finale? Where they won 45-7 and her old flame came to town. Didn't feel like a finale at all, which is why it never crossed my mind that it was one.

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Well the woman who came on beforehand and said "Coming up next on Sky Atlantic, blah blah followed by such and such" claimed it was the Season 2 Finale.

But you're right, certainly didn't feel like one.

Maybe that was a mistake. I would assume the season would end with their final game, which that clearly wasn't.

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Well the woman who came on beforehand and said ...

I never ever listen to those bastards. They always seem intent on ruining what you're about to watch. "And now [insert character] finds himself in a bit of a bother and [insert character] finds that something isn't all it's cracked up to be". Well gee f**king thanks. I still find it utterly incredible that TV execs haven't realised that maybe the viewer doesn't want the programme spoiled on them.
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Yeah I do agree. I only heard it because I was fast forwarding the adverts on my sky + and that was exactly where I stopped it.

And as I've said before, especially on Friday Night Lights, the "Previously On..." bit totally spoils it most of the time.

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'Previously on...' should be bits you've already seen. I think the only thing they spoil is that they might give you the elements of the storyline that are about to be expanded in this episode. So when the 'previously on' was Garrity/Riggins-centric on Tuesday, you knew they'd be a big part of this episode. I don't mind those at all though tbh because they don't tell you what is about to happen, whereas the intro-**** do :rant:

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I hate those "Next time on..." teasers at the end of episodes - where they show you most of what's going to happen in the next episode. I switch off quickly.

Oh yes, that's another one and they're harder to miss as they put them in almost so seamlessly that you watch until you realise you're not watching the current episode any more. The Walking Dead is particularly 'good' at that. Although with that show you've a fair idea that it involves killing zombies and moving from place to place :)
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'Previously on...' should be bits you've already seen. I think the only thing they spoil is that they might give you the elements of the storyline that are about to be expanded in this episode. So when the 'previously on' was Garrity/Riggins-centric on Tuesday, you knew they'd be a big part of this episode. I don't mind those at all though tbh because they don't tell you what is about to happen, whereas the intro-**** do :rant:

Yeah but I feel on FNL they make it obvious what's going to happen..

Although that might be a result of, as I previously mentioend, a lot of the stories on FNL being very telegraphed anyway.

Oh, Matt Saracen has a new miad and they looked at each other a bit funnily. I wonder what's going to happen there.

Then 3 episodes later it's "Previoulsy on Friday Night Lights" and they show that bit again. You know in this episode they're going to shag.

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I hate those "Next time on..." teasers at the end of episodes - where they show you most of what's going to happen in the next episode. I switch off quickly.

What I've noticed with these lately is them doing double cliffhangers (although these are mor eon programmes that I'm sure no-one else on this board watches apart from me)

So they'll say "Next Time on This Show" and show some sort of fight or seomthign happening. Then when you watch that next show, the fight happens RIGHT at the end, and you don't actually get to see what really happened until the week following that. So it's actually 2 weeks until you see what happened on the "Next Time" bit.

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I caught up with season 4 of Fringe just before the new series started the other week. It's long been one of my favourite shows, in fact since Lost finished it's been the only one I've gone out of my way to watch. I'm not really taken with the new series so far, they're really really pushing the fact that Eta is more of a product of her time/surroundings than a product of her parents, and its making her come across as just plain unlikeable. There may be a reason for that though, which may present itself further down the line. Maybe she'll sacrifice herself or some such...activate The Machine in Peter's stead and send them all back to 2012?

Time travel was hinted at in last nights episode, so i wouldnt be surprised if they end up back from where they came - or maybe back to when the Observers invaded in 2015. Episode 9 is going to be this series' wth is going on episode, and I fully expect it to be set in the Observers home 'native time'. I can't quite recall when September said it was - 2500, something like that? The Observers who have invaded in 2015 appear to be more emotive than September and his lot, so maybe they are less advanced, and maybe September is the key to stopping the invasion...? I hope so. I like September.

As it is the final series though, and as it's only a short one (13 episodes) I kind of hope they get the 2036 stuff sorted pretty quick, then throw in some way of checking up on the Other Side, plus there's Bell to polish off.

Wow man I could talk about that show forever.

I started re-watched Twin Peaks the other day. Lucy is still my favourite.

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With regards to Friday Night Lights, season 2 was never actually finished, due to the screen writers' strike a few years back. As such they jump straight to the beginning of season 3, but never actually explain what happened. Which sucks, but what are you going to do?! If you don't feel cheated, then just try and forget about it, and just plough on all the way through to the end of season 5.

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Ahhh, yes, I was watching LOST at the time that the writers' strike happened. That's OK then. On to season 3 we go. No doubt season 3 will be very good as a kind of apology. I know LOST tried harder when they came back from the strike.

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