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What the Feck has happened to Fringe. Last 2 episodes made no sense at all. None. Zilch.

Funny you say that. For me it has just gotten a lot better. I've got one of those 2 still to watch.

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nicked it from the Who do you want as next Villa manager topic :)

dont get me wrong, The Office is still fun but it was much better before Michael Scott left [imo]

Here is a link to the top 30 Michael scott Gif's ;)

And im currently watching The wire season 2 on sky player, as well as fringe.

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What the Feck has happened to Fringe. Last 2 episodes made no sense at all. None. Zilch.

Funny you say that. For me it has just gotten a lot better. I've got one of those 2 still to watch.

Agreed. I thought the whole of the current season had been a bit of a drag. But towards the end it's getting better. Some of it is still extremely stupid though.... but I wont mention any of it due to spoilers! 8)

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Can't find the original thread but a client of mine and his friend rowed across the pacific from Japan to San Francisco back in 2009 in an attempt to be the first people to row across it unaided

Discovery channel tonight at 21:00 has a documentary about the attempt complete with footage

I saw pictures at the time and it should contain some pretty amazing stuff

( and with a happy ending than Andrew McAuley for those that watch the documentary about him )

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I have watched House since day one. Is had its highs and lows but I have to say this series has had some fantastic episodes. The last couple have been top draw. With only two episodes left it will be a big miss in the schedules.

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did anyone watch that awake last week?

I am on about episode 8 or 9.

Real good series IMO.

I like it a lot, makes you think a bit.

Touch is good also but saving that.

Watched the 1st episode of Missing last night. I really don't know what to think. The stunts are truly awful and she just walks in palces that are alarmed etc.

Dunno yet.

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finally finished the second series of The Walking Dead - it was pretty decent, right up until the last episode!!!

Loved the conflict (and conclusion) between Rick and Shane but the whole thing was ruined by the sudden introduction of a 1,000 zombies and carnage.

It felt as if the writers had run out of ideas and needed an excuse to cull cast members!!!

Don't know whether i'll bother with series 3....

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Don't know whether i'll bother with series 3....

I am, because the Governor is coming...


David Morrissey is playing him. Good choice imo, big fan of DM.

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Don't know whether i'll bother with series 3....

I am, because the Governor is coming...


David Morrissey is playing him. Good choice imo, big fan of DM.

Okay D1 - you've convinced me!!!!

Don't know which series to start next!?!?

The Bridge, Homeland or Alcatraz are my options!!! (Still compiling Game of Thrones S2)

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