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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Surprised it's not on iTunes really :/ and yes can't imagine it would easy to download either - just the 6 episodes and not all that well known. You may have to buy it :(

although http://www.amazon.co.uk/Garth-Marenghis-Darkplace-Matt-Holness/dp/B000EU1P1Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318340106&sr=8-1 at 6.47 its not bad value here

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Watched the last available episode of Breaking Bad last night (series 4 finale episode 13) - Awesome TV.

From the beginning of series 1, I've enjoyed all 46 episodes to date and I'm looking forward to the last ever series of 16 more episodes next year. :D

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Thanks, still hoping for a download. Had a few dud DVD's in the post. My Tim Vine Live and Fast Show ones wouldn't play on anything, even no-zone DVD players. Some people would sue, or try to get their money back. I just put the thing on the shelf and go into a sulk. I think Amazon have stopped shipping to the colonehs as well :(

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I normally don't watch sitcoms, but "Parks and Recreation" is pretty funny, in particular the character Ron Swanson.

It's derivative of The Office, but manages to be it's own thing.

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Watched two things yesterday (Basically because I have caught up with Dexter and have to wait for the next episode like everyone else):-

American Horror Story S01E01 - Proper funny and looks to be something I will watch from now on. 2 Ginger nuts get done in the first episode, what's not to like ? Think Adams family but scary. 8/10

Homeland S01E01 - Not sure what to make of it, I will watch the next few but looks hopeful. Feels strange though as it's supposed to be American but feels like it has gone through a English TV filter whole filming. Shame the main character in these things always seems to have a psychotic problem or similar. 7/10

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just acquired breaking bad, what is it like, without ruining it for me?

and is it easy to get into?

I haven't watched a single episode, so no danger of spoilers from me, but it is one show that just about everyone on here rates very very highly, as do people I know that watch it. I plan to acquire it myself.

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just acquired breaking bad, what is it like, without ruining it for me?

and is it easy to get into?

You are one lucky person. 4 whole seasons to go at. Its the best thing ever on TV as far as I'm concerned, and you should be with it after 10 minutes. If you aren't with it after epsiode one you are a freak.

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just acquired breaking bad, what is it like, without ruining it for me?

and is it easy to get into?

I'm very jealous of you as I wish I had 4 unwatched series to go at!

I enjoyed every minute of it all. The secret for me was that I liked all the characters, the 'baddies' as much as the 'goodies'. I'm not a fan of mafia or gangster type TV or movies so I really enjoyed the more realistic and 'down to earth' contrast that this provided.

The non-spoiler summary is that family-man Walt is a Chemistry teacher with a lowish income and no health insurance (or NHS!) and after becoming very ill he needs to be creative in providing for his family's future, potentially without him.

Enjoy! You lucky sod! :D

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just acquired breaking bad, what is it like, without ruining it for me?

and is it easy to get into?

There is only 1 person i know who doesn't like it and thats because he doesn't appreciate tension before the drama. So basically if you watch any drama you'll find this very easy to get in to.

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