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Fire's on the go, swiss roll to my side with the mandatory cup of tea...Kenneth Brannaghs 'Hamlet' on DVD.


I approve.

I do aswell.

Although I'd shift it to tonight and get the port and strong cheese out.

Yep, that'd work too. :thumb:
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Finding four, two litre bottles of cherry coke, a large Maccies Coke and 2 normal bottles of coke have taught me two things.

First I should probably lay off the coke and 2nd, I should probably clean my room more often.

Quite happy though, brother's GF moved in and she does all the cooking, home made pizza's, fish pie. She's a great cook and a good addition to the household because of those skills which were severely lacking around here.

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I can't beleive how Haiti has been totally abandoned by the World as soon as the media hype ceased after the massive earthquake earlier

this year.

It's a disgrace that people are still living in squalour even more so that they were prior to the earthquake

Consequently it's no surprise that there is a major outbreak of cholera.

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Have they been totally abandoned, or have the news crews just gone home?

No I watched a news report a few weeks ago.

Firstly IIRC The UN has only been able to collect about $2Bn of the $10Bn pledged

Secondly again IIRC the UN doesn't trust the Haitian government with the monies, so hardly ANY rebuilding aid is getting through to the people who need it.

One wealthy American developer was shown actually privately helping some locals with re-construction of simple homes rather than living in tents... but it's a drop in the ocean and the infrastructure is non existent eg sewerage etc.

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Very droll Gringo. My understanding is this kind of thing often happens in the aftermath of disasters in countries that are unable to get on their feet quickly, heavily aided or not.

My point was simply 'totally abandonned' is a pretty subjective term.

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Can we afford to help them?

Well personally speaking I think we should.

I've seen how the Haitian's live in the Dominican Republic, it's appalling.

The only thing is - Is the aid reaching the people who actually need it? or is it being sold on the black market so corrupt government officials can pocket the dosh or spend it on other commodities like arms.

Now 3,000 people infected with Cholera and another 250+ dead due to unsanitary water and unhygenic conditions.

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Can we afford to help them?

What's disgusting is that Obama just pledged $2 billion to Pakistan, so they can stuff it away in private bank accounts or funnel it to their cousins in the Taliban. We're supporting the people who want to destroy us. It's incredible how stupid the US govt. is.

Meanwhile, Haiti sinks further into despair. Being a former French colony, I happen to think France bears the moral burden of supporting Haiti. But they can't be bothered either. The G-8 nations are content to keep the 3rd world firmly in the 3rd world.

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7 people were shot in Boston yesterday, one woman was shot dead in the middle of the day in a convenience store right next to a police kiosk....Every city in America is turning into a war zone, and we dole out billions to crooked countries like candy to little kids. Detroit is a wasteland, and instead of using billions to build cities back up and create jobs, we fund terrorists.....so that we can justify war, reward defense contractors, and keep the machine rolling. It's a **** disgrace.

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It's only right that foreign aid should be increased but the cynic in me believes that the money isn't going to the right places/people.

The Pakistan funding is a good example, despite millions (or even billions) of $$$ being handed over, the country has yet to feel any significant effect a few months on. The money doesn't go to the people who need it.

So my question really was can we afford to consistently aid these governments who in turn do little to no good with the money?

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Could we spend the money building flat pack shelters here (er, thus employing us), that could only really be used as shelter 'there'. Thus taking the money out of the transaction. I know you wouldn't get as much value buying materials here and building stuff here, but at least at the end haiti / Pakistan / Sierra Leon / Nigeria etc actually gets a hospital / class room / row of houses as opposed to never quite seeing the £20k sent over to have one of those built.

keeps people off the dole, gives people a purpose, gives a genuine visible item to the receiving country.

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It's only right that foreign aid should be increased but the cynic in my believes that the money isn't going to the right places/people.

The Pakistan funding is a good example, despite millions (or even billions) of $$$ being handed over, the country has yet to feel any significant effect a few months on. The money doesn't go to the people who need it.

So my question really was can we afford to consistently aid these governments who in turn do little to no good with the money?

My answer is no. Not until we all take care of our own problems at home. Massachusetts ranks close to the top of every positive category you can find, but there are people here that live in pure squalor, all over the state. I'm talking pure poverty. And this is one of the wealthiest states. So you can imagine what it's like in every city and rural area in the country. I'm sick and tired of watching my taxes go to fund lost causes overseas, when back here at home, the country is slowly imploding.

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