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Annoying and utterly pointless when it comes to the shit ones being set off in someone's back garden whilst the rest of the family look on, for just a brief second seeing a haze of bright lights, that after disappearing leave you with a cardboard box and an empty wallet.

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The best thing to do with fireworks*: line a series of fireworks along the ground, get a friend to stand 100m away with a cricket bat or skateboard or some other instrument with a good amount of surface area, then light each firework one at a time and watch him fend them off. 'Strike' is called when he is indeed struck by a firework.






*This is absolutely not the best thing to do and if any children are reading this, don't try this and what are you doing in off topic? **** off and go to bed

Edited by CarewsEyebrowDesigner
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And the words removed who film fireworks on their phones, it's a light show that lasts for a matter of minutes watch it with your eyes, you won't be wondering around in four months time saying "hey look at this groovy fireworks display" if hey were bothered they would have had a groovy fireworks display of their own.

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Just saw about 12 little hooligans (about 13 years old would be my guess) getting a chase from someone out of the little arcade/casino place just down from me. Best part was the white kid shouting back that the bloke was "a **** honky" I didn't know kids still used that word, I thought it would have been replaced by some hip new word, then one of the other kids called him a "**** snitch"

Now it might just be me but if I walked into a random shop and started kicking up trouble I would fully expect someone to call the police on me.

Little scrotes they are

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Just finished watching series 2 of The Bridge - terrorist attacks on politicians, deadly killer viruses, police infiltrating protest groups... then switched over to the 10 o'clock news. All the same things. Disturbing.


But when they come to film The Jenny Jones Story, will they cast Sofia Helin as the lead? 



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Enjoy the sexy Jones Tones on 5 live.




Self promo over

Enjoyed it. Even told one of my passengers to STFU or get out of the car. Imbecilic student who wanted "some music" on for his five minute journey and I doubt what he wanted on would have passed my critical ear. I then asked him where he stood on the nurture vs nature debate, to which he cluelessly asked why, so I told him nature couldn't possibly have made him that much of an arsehole so asked him how much effort it had taken. His friends were pissing themselves laughing at this time. Apparently I owned him, must have done because I listened in peace after that.

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Annoying and utterly pointless when it comes to the shit ones being set off in someone's back garden whilst the rest of the family look on, for just a brief second seeing a haze of bright lights, that after disappearing leave you with a cardboard box and an empty wallet.


Unless you have kids aged 3-8, in which case the shit garden ones are amazing to them.


and much preferred to big firework shows which are 'too loud & too scary'

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