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im 29, been with my missus 13 years, not married and no kids, just about to buy a house for the 1st time


been engaged 10 years, have very little interest in paying £10k+ for a wedding but have equally little interest in doing it on the cheap so never bothered


don't think we'll ever have kids, im from a huge family with plenty of kids to borrow at the weekend but its not often i even bother doing that


i'd say its pretty acceptable among my friends but my family are constantly on to me about it, wouldn't say its the lazy reason of the gf wanting a career or anything (which i often see given as a reason for couple not having kids earlier but in reality i don't think that's the case with any of my friends) its more me than her, i cant justify the cost of either

Winds me up when people say "I don't want to get married because I can't afford £10k +.  It doesn't have to cost that.  I had a dream wedding in Vegas for little over £3000 inc flights, venues, Caesars Palace Suite rooms, Helicopters + Champagne picnic in the Grand Canyon in my Wedding Suit and photos that I'll never get bored of looking at.


Getting married in a Church when I'm not religious, standing at an altar for 45 minutes, photos in a nice - but probably rainy location - doesn't interest me, especially because that's when weddings start getting too expensive. 


You can get married abroad in amazing locations for very cheap compared. 




It depends what you want though, surely.


People might not want to get married abroad. I certainly wouldn't. I'd want it to be in the UK or maybe Ireland so that all my friends and family could be there. Those are the kinds of weddings I like attending myself and so I'd like mine to be the same. 

I'd guess it would cost a pretty penny for the wedding I'd like.


Not that it matters, I spose my wife (whoever she might be) would get whatever wedding she wanted.


I got married abroad as i was living in Budapest at the time  ... I'd been home a couple of weeks before and played football with my mates and caught up and sorta handed out token wedding invites to people so at least i could say with good concious I'd asked  ... bugger me if 78 people didn't come from the UK  .... ultimately they were all curious about Hungary and Budapest and it gave them an excuse to come 


So don't rule out a foreign wedding , obviously not somewhere that is going to cost people £2k each to get to though  !!


12 years on and it always embarrasses me as invariably we are at someone else's  wedding and it comes up in conversation about the whole 4 day trip they had and the wedding and what not  ....  for me it's poor form to be kinda comparing , Weddings should be like the Olympics where by which ever one you are at is always declared the best one ever


Sounds good, but mines better.




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I have quite an understanding and travel happy missus and she's Welsh also but I don't think I could rack up the countries like Tony manages.


leave your socks on the floor , toilet seat up that sort of stuff and you'll soon be asked to travel more :)

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I have quite an understanding and travel happy missus and she's Welsh also but I don't think I could rack up the countries like Tony manages.


In fairness, Tony is the exception rather than the rule. Father Christmas is happy if he covers as many countries as Tony in a year!


I have the added bonus with my mrs that she comes from a largely untravelled family, and bless her, she knows little of the world. I can pick wherever I want to go and convincing her will be easier than, well, something very easy. 

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I can never see myself having kids. I think I'm too selfish to be responsible for looking after a little human. I may change my mind if I meet the perfect lady but in my mid 30's and got no interest in settling down. 

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I will never get why it's still such a taboo to be heterosexual and declare that you are not interested in kids at all. Or at least it's not taboo but challenged by plenty without an agreement on what your feelings are. It took a long time for my sentiment to kick in, but I have always been crap with kids, I am selfish and have no desire whatsoever to give anything up. What happens when I tell family this?


"Never say never"

"You wait, things will change"


No. They won't. That's why I'm telling you this now. I don't want children.


...apparently is not an understood response to this.

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I will never get why it's still such a taboo to be heterosexual and declare that you are not interested in kids at all. Or at least it's not taboo but challenged by plenty without an agreement on what your feelings are. It took a long time for my sentiment to kick in, but I have always been crap with kids, I am selfish and have no desire whatsoever to give anything up. What happens when I tell family this?


"Never say never"

"You wait, things will change"


No. They won't. That's why I'm telling you this now. I don't want children.


...apparently is not an understood response to this.


Well, you say that now...

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I get the same thing every time I visit family. They find it impossible to believe that they don't know me better than I do myself.


Even if I was considering changing my mind, I wouldn't be after a day in the presence of their little shits.

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I want kids. I want to take my lad down the Villa. Want to go on long family walks. Want to teach them to read. Want to see them grow up. If nothing else goes well for me in life, a wife and kids would be worth it.

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I too get the 'just you wait' bollocks, and it's always said with an intolerable self-satisfaction.


Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying everybody deep down wants to have kids, or everybody should. 


I'm talking about the "not sure" people, who have considered it, but wonder whether or not they would regret it. I don't think many of them would. 


Of course, there are some advantages to being childless. Mrs M and I took the stance that we basically wanted to be parents, but it wasn't the be-all and end-all. If it had turned out that one or both of us was infertile, we said we would not go down the IVF route, but we'd take advantage of the freedom in time and money, and enjoy life anyway. 


As it happened, parenthood was (and is) brilliant, totally glad it happened. I wouldn't swap my my kids for the dozen holidays and better cars that we would have had instead. No regrets whatsoever. 

Edited by mjmooney
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Don't misunderstand me.


I think all were having a pop at pushy family members rather than anyone on here :)


People can do what they want with their lives, if it makes them happy. I mean, we're all going to wind up dead and everything we do with our lives is ultimately doomed to vanish into oblivion, so you may as well live for yourself and in the present - which doesn't mean being self-absorbed, it means doing what you want, and if you want a wife and kids and a nice cosy family life, then do so, if you want to take another route, so be it; there shouldn't be any pressures to act either way, or expectations that people act or behave a certain way.

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