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Is this more of a dislike for the film/character that the actor?

I've not seen him in anything else, but really enjoyed Drive. I can imagine it's tricky to portray a fairly dry character well. Bit like the opposite of being offered the Joker in Batman, you're being offered a role I think some would dislike you in even if you nailed exactly what the writer/director was after.

Can anyone recommend similar characters that show a lack of emotion in other films? Did actors there do the role (in)justice?

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On the subject of not getting why people think an actor's great, what is the deal with the ham-master Daniel day-Lewis? Apart from his early stuff (my left foot, my beautiful laundrette) he has been **** awful in every film I've seen him in since.

(oh I also think Gosling is good btw)

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I thought Gosling's character in Drive had autism or aspergers. I'm probably very wrong with that as I don't remember much violence in Rain Man.

I thought this too. There's clearly something very, very wrong with his character and I like that its left to interpretation.

Honestly, I thought his performance was Oscar worthy. If the Oscars were worth a shit it probably would be. That hammer scene in particular - perfection. His movement, the slight hesitation and the cracks in his voice. Remarkable. I believed in his character every single second.

He's very watchable as well, if you know what I mean....

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Fully agreed when it comes to the performance from Gosling. He certainly deserved at least an Oscar nod. His performance in 'The Ides of March' was also very good and was released the same year. Quite how he didn't get nominated I will never know...

Refn should have been on the list of directors as well. He nailed everything in that film and it's about as close to perfection as you are ever likely to see on a screen. 'Drive' just oozes class throughout in my opinion. It's come to the stage now that I am clearly putting 'Drive' into my top five films of all time.

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Is this more of a dislike for the film/character that the actor?

As I said I think the film was mostly decent and I've not seen Gosling in anything else, nor do I know him. For me it's either he played the part terribly or the character was just awful to begin with. Either way, I was very disappointed as I went into it expected something very good.

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I would say that I thought the point of the character in Drive was to be emotionless. He showed his emotions through his actions rather than expressions.

There are plenty of movies where Gosling shows a lot of emotion. Blue Valentine, Ides of March and the Notebook to name a few

But he did very little throughout the entire movie and was very wooden whenever on screen.

As I said, Drive's the only thing I've seen him in so can't say. But in this he was really awful I thought.

What can I say though, you didn't find Tony Stark funny in the Avengers. :P


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Is this more of a dislike for the film/character that the actor?

As I said I think the film was mostly decent and I've not seen Gosling in anything else, nor do I know him. For me it's either he played the part terribly or the character was just awful to begin with. Either way, I was very disappointed as I went into it expected something very good.

If you ever watch it again just try and think why his character is so quiet, untrusting, unwilling to let people get close, I can understand the 'wooden' comment but to me his character was very unnerving at times, just little nuances here and there that lets you know this guy is a bit **** up but is still capable of caring for someone. That's the difference to me between Goslings 'driver' and characters played by keanu reeves/seagal etc...

Not knocking your opinion at all btw as I can completely understand where your coming from and its such a fine line in the way he plays it that it isn't gonna be to everyone's liking but for me it was so assured and on the mark.

Got a **** broner over him now.

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Add me to the Gosling fan club .. I think he is one of the best of his generation

His performance in the believer was Oscar nomination worthy .. Though may have been hard pushed to beat Washington in training day / Brody in the Pianist that year ( not sure what year it would have been released in as it want given a proper release at the time )

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That hammer scene in particular - perfection. His movement, the slight hesitation and the cracks in his voice. Remarkable. I believed in his character every single second.

You see that's exactly the sort of thing you should be looking out for in a performance.

Gosling is perfect in that role. There is a reason for every little movement, every look, every hesitation. He studies everyone, he trusts pretty much no-one and he's a walking bag of suppressed rage. It's a pretty difficult character to convey convincingly, but Gosling does it superbly.

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Not knocking your opinion at all btw as I can completely understand where your coming from and its such a fine line in the way he plays it that it isn't gonna be to everyone's liking but for me it was so assured and on the mark.

Fair enough. I'll probably give it another watch in the future and see if my opinion has changed on it, maybe I'll see the character in a different way as I did previously and be able to appreciate Goslings performance.

This is quickly becoming one of my favourite topics on the entire forum honestly, some of the posts in here are brilliant to read.

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