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I didn't really like the Sam Raimi Spider-man trilogy, they weren't particularly well done for me. The third movie was a joke, Raimi obviously didn't care about the Venom story, it was just fan service and poorly done. He said himself that Sandman was always his personal fvourite Spidey villain (why I'll never know) so it seemed to me that he made 90% of the film about Sandman and then a quick bit about Venom whereas instead of turning Peter Parker dark and evil, it turned hi emo and ridiculous. I'll never forget the Saturday Night Fever-esque walk down the street or the Jazz piano scene, people actually laughed in the audience, it was cringing.

So as a big Spider-man fan, I'm really looking forward to this reboot. I thought both trailers looked really good and Andrew Garfield is a good actor, he really impressed me in The Social Network, which is another top film.

I really have high hopes for this though.

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Spider-Man 2 was probably the best comic book film ever till the Dark Knight came out.

I didn't mind Raimi's films, they're not the perfect adaptation - Tobey Maguire isn't an amazing Spidey, you either like Dunst or you don't, the Green Goblin design was terrible, Raimi clearly didn't give a shit about the 3rd film which was an utter mess from start to finish, and Raimi has always had a clear style with his films that can be annoying. But they're decent enough.

This reboot doesn't grab me largely because it feels like a cash in. Sony are worried they'll lose the rights to Spider-Man and Marvel dearly want them back, so they wanted to churn out another film and no-one involved in the previous films wanted anything to do with it so they decided 'Yeah, just reboot'. I guess you hope they iron out some of the issues Raimi had and bring in some more things the comic fans want.

I'm not sure about it. I dunno about Garfield as Spidey, I like the Lizard but not this version on the face of it, I don't want another origin story, I don't really like the costume design either... but it looks alright by and large.

I'll probably see it, but I reckon this might wind up 3rd in the big 3 comic adaptations this year.

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I assume you mean third to The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises? You may well be right, although personally I'm not that fussed about The Avengers film. I liked the Iron Man films, Thor was ok but a bit meh, The two Hulk films they did were ok, even though I think Mark Ruffalo is playing Bruce Banner and not either Ed Norton or Eric Banner which seems a bit weird but Ruffalo is a good actor anyway so that's not a problem, I didn't see Captain America but I didn't hear great things about it and as a whole, that bunch of superheroes were never my favourites as a kid. It'll no doubt be better than The Fantastic Four films though, they were dire in my opinion.

Spider-man is probably my favourite Marvel hero so I'm looking forward to the reboot, but I know what you mean about it being yet another origin story. To be fair though, from what little I know of the film, I think it has enough different about it than the Raimi films. Parker seems to be a bit more science-orientated, they seem to be focussing on his dad more too, and The Lizard and Doc Connors should work well, since it was only ever hinted at in the third film I think.

I think it'll be different enough to be fresh and exciting, although what you say about the battle for the movie rights is probably true too. I guess, as with most things, we'll just have to wait and see. I think I'm probably more excited than most because I'm a Spider-man fan and I'm looking for a film that finally does the story justice, a sort of redemption perhaps after Raimi left a bad taste in the mouth with his final film.

That being said, I'm still looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises more than probably any film this year. But then again, I'm probably a bigger Batman nerd than I am Spidey.

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Yes, I think on current showings it'll come in third behind the Avengers and DKR. Although saying that the Avengers, as much as I'm really looking forward to it, is either going to end up being an horrendous mess or great fun and I honestly couldn't say for sure which it'll be yet... though the last trailer made me lean towards the latter. I'm not particularly a big fan of the Avengers, or the characters (I always felt Cap was dumb, Thor really dumb, and the Hulk usually quite dull), but I've enjoyed the films so far by and large - Cap is worth a look by the way, I don't understand how some people really derided it, it's basically a boys own adventure, pure pulp fiction.

I'm a Spidey fan, I just don't see this reboot blowing anyones socks off. I think it'll just be a decent action film. There's nothing so far that really looks outright bad (though I'd argue they've made a really, really big error with the Lizard design and some of the CG looks ropey at this stage). I suspect audiences might be tired of Spidey and will feel a reboot is a little cynical right now.

The Dark Knight Rises I'm all over ;)

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It's a shame that Marvel didn't get the rights back for Spider-Man after it was decided Sony wouldn't be continuing with their trilogy. I think their own movies have been the best group put out so far personally, which is why I'm looking forward to The Avengers way more than I am The Amazing Spider-Man. Will expect the latter to be nothing more than average, so I don't think I will be disappointed.

Even though I thought The Dark Knight was brilliant, I just can't get excited for the next one. DC and it's characters have never really done it for me, though I'm sure it'll be another good movie.

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Le Corbeau 9/10 - superb film - a noir based on poison pen letters in a French town. In the context of being made in 1943 it has clear allegories, hints, and subtle cautions to the issue of trust in a split nation of resistance v collaboration. Really well done, in drawing suspicion over a number of the towns inhabitants and the lead character Dr. Germain who is the 'focus' point of many of these letters is excellent too.

Weekend / Tous va Bien Two Jean Luc Godard films from about 1970. Will cover them both, as they are so evidently painted with the same brush. So unbelievably heavy on the political polemic - though in the world of late 60s and May 68 in particular AND being French, that's hardly a surprise. Both include some 'unexpected and slightly provocative' scenes to say the least, and some frankly very boring longwinded lectures, the content of which im not necessarily unsympathetic too, but its overkill for me. Weekend for the first 40 minutes or so is a deliciously vicious satire ( and as subtle as a mallet to the face ) on bourgeois materialism with a testing traffic scene which includes non stop honking for a good 10-12 minutes! Gloriously unsubtle though the second half does descend into some 60s new wave trippy shit that can quite simply GTFO.

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That being said, I'm still looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises more than probably any film this year. But then again, I'm probably a bigger Batman nerd than I am Spidey.

Batman, especially the one in the movies, is really not a superhero. That's what makes him so appealing to me.

My most anticipated movie of this year by far.

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You don't have to be a Batman nerd to look forward to those movies. They're just bloody good movies on their own. That's the true sign of a good movie like that, if it brings in just normal film fans.

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i just want them all rebooted and the franchise established so they can do a civil war series, unfortunately i dont think it'll ever happen :(

I would do a man wee if they did a Civil War series on the big screen. It would be difficult to do it justice though.

On this comic front again I'm quite happy thaf Vaughn is back for the second X-Men film. I just hope he gets more time and a bigger budget for this one. Plus I hope he cuts out the shitty childish stuff that plagued First Class.

'The Wolverine' has been penned in for a 2013 release now aswell. The story they are following is the best they possibly could have. I just hope that they do Wolverine justic this time as Origins was awful for the most part. I still wish that Aronofsky was involved in the new one as I'm sure he would have made a brilliant film. Fingers crossed that it will turn out well though. My favourite comic book character by far and I still have all of my old Wolverine comics in a box.

On another note I think I'll be checking out 'The Muppets' over the weekend. You're never too old...

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On another note I think I'll be checking out 'The Muppets' over the weekend. You're never too old...

By all accounts The Muppets movie is supposed to be pretty damn good.

Bret from flight of the Conchords wrote the songs in it so I'm going to watch purely for that . It has 97% on RT right now and I also like Jason Segel to boot.

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i think segel wrote a fair bit of it and is a life long fan

i'll probably go see it in the week, i love the orange advert before every film, as soon as i see pepe the king prawn "kermit, kermit, kermit, we're saved..."

got phantom menace in 3D tomorrow, i hate 3D and PM is utter garbage but i told my little brother id take him to see all 6 because he's too young to have seen any on the big screen and im too young to have seen the originals

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battle:los angeles

i know its got average at best reviews but i like it, it snatches defeat out of the jaws of victory, should be really good its well filmed and has some great action scenes plus the aliens are well designed but the writing in it is **** awful both the characters and the script and parts of it are a marine wankfest

would make for a good series IMO where they jump from country to country using a different city and special forces

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I'm also going to see the Muppets tomorrow and I'm not ashamed to say that I can't wait.

I've always been a little freaked out by the Muppets. Weird, unblinking, somewhat devilish-looking eyes on most of them. Kermit I find to be particularly disconcerting.

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