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May have bin dunne but I've only just seen the trailer. As I understand, although I haven't seen them, the Swedish films were a bit of a disappointment., Hopefully Fincher can do better

swedish films started promisinglyu and went downhill at end though the main 2 was brilliant casting and needs to be replicated for it to be successful

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Saw Cowboys and Aliens this evening. Not a great film.

It started very well but lagged an awful lot and was a bit of a mess at times. Even Daniel Craig and the hot woman from house couldn't save it.

On a good note it did have possiblely the greatest add ever before it in the previews.


Might not be the safest for work though.

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I went into shock when I heard this the other day. On the way from work and I read went to /Film to be greeted with the news.

As you can probably tell (from my avatar) I'm a big fan of Blade Runner. I really don't think they should touch it or go anywhere near the universe. However, I suppose if anyone is going to do it then I would have some faith in the man who gave us the brilliant original.

The only downside for me is that his methods seem to have changed over the years. His films seem to be more action based now and less atmospheric, even though I am still a fan of his.

Anyway, time will tell I guess.

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Went to see The Inbetweeners earlier. Thought it was quite funny but the jokes didn't come thick and fast enough in my eyes. I also thought that the whole thing went a bit too romantic towards the end.

Gave me a good few laughs but I prefer the actual TV show to the film.

Off to see Project Nim and Arrietty on Sunday/Monday as well. I shall report back with my findings.

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Should leave well alone.

Tho am actually excited by Prometheus - they've already finished filming it ... is out next summer - so theyve got a long time in production so should be no excuse - especially the very generous budget it was given... but at same time dread it....

ie-for instance Damon Lindelof (the Lost bloke) was co-script writer for Prometheus

which is a worry...

and who rather disturbingly hinted while back in some interview that Prometheus being possibly being even somehow 'intertwined' with Bladerunner or some bullshit like that ...whatever that means

I just hope Ridley Scott isn't about to be shitting on his finest two films

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Anyone else looking forward to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA?

May have bin dunne but I've only just seen the trailer. As I understand, although I haven't seen them, the Swedish films were a bit of a disappointment., Hopefully Fincher can do better

Massively. I was sold the moment the cover of Immigrant Song (Karen O and Trent Reznor, fantastic) started, absolutely dripping in atmosphere. I've not seen the originals either, though I understand that the first is superb, if grim, and the sequels were more like TV movies.

At the very least, Fincher will make a hugey watchable film.

I think the sequels were actully TV movies, not just like TV movies.

But yeah, I agree, the trailer for this one is awesome, a lot of atmosphere as you say. Really hope it lives up to expectation.

Craig is a great choice too, although I must admit I'm a little concerned given that he was in the last of my favourite trilogies that was turned into a movie, and that did not turn out well...at all. Hope that's not an omen.

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Anyone else looking forward to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA?

May have bin dunne but I've only just seen the trailer. As I understand, although I haven't seen them, the Swedish films were a bit of a disappointment., Hopefully Fincher can do better

Massively. I was sold the moment the cover of Immigrant Song (Karen O and Trent Reznor, fantastic) started, absolutely dripping in atmosphere. I've not seen the originals either, though I understand that the first is superb, if grim, and the sequels were more like TV movies.

At the very least, Fincher will make a hugey watchable film.

I think the sequels were actully TV movies, not just like TV movies.

But yeah, I agree, the trailer for this one is awesome, a lot of atmosphere as you say. Really hope it lives up to expectation.

Craig is a great choice too, although I must admit I'm a little concerned given that he was in the last of my favourite trilogies that was turned into a movie, and that did not turn out well...at all. Hope that's not an omen.

Golden Compass?

Saw Inbetweeners last night, like others have said it is really funny. I was expecting a train wreck and went in with low expectations and it really surprised me. Top film :thumb:

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Anyone else looking forward to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA?

May have bin dunne but I've only just seen the trailer. As I understand, although I haven't seen them, the Swedish films were a bit of a disappointment., Hopefully Fincher can do better

Massively. I was sold the moment the cover of Immigrant Song (Karen O and Trent Reznor, fantastic) started, absolutely dripping in atmosphere. I've not seen the originals either, though I understand that the first is superb, if grim, and the sequels were more like TV movies.

At the very least, Fincher will make a hugey watchable film.

I think the sequels were actully TV movies, not just like TV movies.

But yeah, I agree, the trailer for this one is awesome, a lot of atmosphere as you say. Really hope it lives up to expectation.

Craig is a great choice too, although I must admit I'm a little concerned given that he was in the last of my favourite trilogies that was turned into a movie, and that did not turn out well...at all. Hope that's not an omen.

Golden Compass?


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Saw the Inbetweeners last night. Better than I was expecting.

It has all the same problems the TV show has (terrible, terrible acting), and indeed it does feel like a long episode with a bigger budget and a couple of fancies camera shots to show for it. It lags a little about 45 mins in and picks up just a bit in the last 15. You'll know the story the moment some characters that are introduced recur for the first time, but I guess thats not really the point and it has some great laughs, as well as some really obvious jokes and a couple of riffs on jokes they've done before. Only 1 joke genuinely failed for me, and seemingly most of the audience around me too, a 2 second gag with a disabled flavour.

It's a good watch though and for fans of the series there won't be any disappointment.

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In Bruges in my top 5 films list, love it so I'll definitely be seeing the Guard when I can. The reviews I've looked at so far say it has the same sort of feel to it.

Recently watched:-

Forbidden Planet- Brilliant, stands the test of time. I bet people were amazed when it first come out. One of the best sci-fi's I've seen.

The War Zone- Went into it not knowing what it was about, christ... One of the most messed up films I've ever watched, but it's brilliantly made by Tim Roth in the only film he's ever directed. It's a shame as based on this he looked like he had the good makings of a director.

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Anyone else looking forward to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVLvMg62RPA?

May have bin dunne but I've only just seen the trailer. As I understand, although I haven't seen them, the Swedish films were a bit of a disappointment., Hopefully Fincher can do better

Massively. I was sold the moment the cover of Immigrant Song (Karen O and Trent Reznor, fantastic) started, absolutely dripping in atmosphere. I've not seen the originals either, though I understand that the first is superb, if grim, and the sequels were more like TV movies.

At the very least, Fincher will make a hugey watchable film.

I think the sequels were actully TV movies, not just like TV movies.

But yeah, I agree, the trailer for this one is awesome, a lot of atmosphere as you say. Really hope it lives up to expectation.

Craig is a great choice too, although I must admit I'm a little concerned given that he was in the last of my favourite trilogies that was turned into a movie, and that did not turn out well...at all. Hope that's not an omen.

Incidentally, I watched the first Swedish film last night.

Thought it was pretty good, but the first half seemed very rushed, and Salander didn't really act the way i imagined her to act from the book. THink they need to spend a bit longer developing her character.

She looked very good though

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