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Better Call Saul - The Final Season (untagged spoilers!)


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13 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Did you notice two of the marks that were scammed by Gene?

The first one, the obnoxious one is Buzz out of Home Alone. The last one, the one with cancer is Stuart from the Big Bang theory.

At first I thought they had de-aged Paul Giamatti.

What Is Kevin Sussman Doing Now? Being A 'Better Call Saul' Victim

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On 02/08/2022 at 22:01, TheAuthority said:

Did anyone feel that used some CGI on Saul (in color) to make him look less thin.

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Also Jessie looked nothing like he did at that point BB!


I didn’t notice but maybe these scenes were filmed after Odenkirk’s heart attack 

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14 hours ago, Mark Albrighton said:

Did you notice two of the marks that were scammed by Gene?

The first one, the obnoxious one is Buzz out of Home Alone. The last one, the one with cancer is Stuart from the Big Bang theory.

I did notice. 

I also thought one of the marks we barely saw looked a lot like Jason Sudekis

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My only negative about this episode was that scene from BB with Saul mentioning Lalo was a lovely little Easter egg before. Now it feels like it’s kinda been shoved down our throats

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Another good episode. Didn’t even recognise Aaron Paul at first though!

Hope that phone call isn’t the last of Kim! Something is surely going to go badly when Gene goes into the house - wonder if they’ll kill off the character. I also liked the scene between Saul and Mike, really shows the difference from Jimmy era to Saul era the way he talks to him.

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Wow Rhea Seehorn take a bow. Just wow. Awards in-coming surely.

The scene on the bus was spectacular. Some of the best acting I've seen in a TV show.


I thought the scene with Jesse was well written dialogue and kept the BB stuff on the periphery which I like. But it just didn't work because he looks too old trying to play the young Jesse. The voice was wrong - they should have de-aged him with CGI or kept him in the shadows. 

Finally Jimmy found a little bit of a conscience at the end but will it be his downfall? Will he have time to call the vacuum repair man? All set up for one more episode!

Edited by TheAuthority
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It hit me watching this episode how much I’m going to miss these characters after next week. I know it’s really weird but I reckon I’ll be genuinely sad. 

It’s just about overtaken Breaking Bad for me. Greatest TV show ever IMO.


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Wow, fantastic episode. Brilliant performance Rhea Seehorn. “When I knew him, he was” - presume it’s not the last we’ll see of her as I think she’ll be in the finale in the Gene timeline but what a great way to close off the BCS era for her character.

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1 hour ago, chappy said:

Wow, fantastic episode. Brilliant performance Rhea Seehorn. “When I knew him, he was” - presume it’s not the last we’ll see of her as I think she’ll be in the finale in the Gene timeline but what a great way to close off the BCS era for her character.

It would be fitting if she featured in the last episode but I thought this came across as her finale and where they left her was the perfect ending for her, character-wise - completely breaking down after everything that’s happened; letting out everything she’s been holding in. I hope I’m wrong and they’ve figured out a way of including her.

Either way, I can’t believe that I predicted a happy little neat and tidy Nebraska reunion!

If I had one criticism of this episode it would be that I thought they went a little overboard on the mundanity of Kim’s ‘new’ life.

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Pete Peppers on his YouTube channel thinks the mundanity and the refusal to ever make even the simplest of decisions is so that she never again risks inadvertently causing harm to anyone else. That's how much she's damaged by the Howard saga.

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I won’t be able to watch the final episode when it comes out, gonna have to wait until the Friday which I’m not terribly pleased about. Ah well.

Yeah I’m also going to feel a bit sad when it’s over, not being in that world, not seeing these characters again (I could happily watch an animated Saul talking to a mildly irritated Mike, for hours). 

I don’t know if it’s surpassed Breaking Bad for me, but the fact that it’s even a consideration is crazy. It’s certainly close. Gilligan, Gould and the writers putting out over 120 episodes of incredibly high quality consistently is a phenomenal achievement.

Edited by Mark Albrighton
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On 09/08/2022 at 07:00, TheAuthority said:

Wow Rhea Seehorn take a bow. Just wow. Awards in-coming surely.

The scene on the bus was spectacular. Some of the best acting I've seen in a TV show.

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I thought the scene with Jesse was well written dialogue and kept the BB stuff on the periphery which I like. But it just didn't work because he looks too old trying to play the young Jesse. The voice was wrong - they should have de-aged him with CGI or kept him in the shadows. 

Finally Jimmy found a little bit of a conscience at the end but will it be his downfall? Will he have time to call the vacuum repair man? All set up for one more episode!

Caught up with the show over the last couple of days, and was thinking these exact thoughts last night. She is just incredible, and that scene was just the pinacle of a truly remarkable body of work with the Kim character. Hall of fame type stuff. 

Overall, this final series is just brilliant. Spectacularly good TV. 

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2 minutes ago, choffer said:





The scene where he intimates he'll be able to swindle out of it by convincing a juror that he was a victim is pure GENIUS.


The show ended in kind of devastating, sad way but it was absolutely perfect.


The whole show has been one long exercise in a decent-ish guy trying to do the right thing and getting nowhere with it, yet getting everything he wants by cutting corners and engaging in chicanery. In the end, he does the right thing at the expense of his entire life.


Just brilliant. Hats off. Awards all around! 



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