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Please tell me when to stop laughing at SHA


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People do dumb shit though. Its not excusable in any way but life's too short to have a coronary over a meaningless throw away tweet from some idiot.

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He hasn't apologised at all.  He's tried to make amends for upsetting people without retracting the original statement.  He's still an ignorant and stupid word removed who should consider his actions more sensibly.


His original statement was nothing short of hate, and he probably won't apologise properly for fear of losing face with his knuckle dragging associates.  The bloke is an absolute grade A word removed.  I still wouldn't wish ill health upon him though.

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no complaints been made, how do i complain, completely sickening and that is the worst attempt at an apology I have ever seen. He did not eevn say i apologise to Stilian petrov in that. Pond scum

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That "apology" has made me even more pissed off.


Not a case for the rozzers though. Had he sent it direct to Stan I think they should've looked in to it. In reality it's just another scum heath fan.

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Not a case for the coppers or prison. Remember what Krulak said about wrestling with pigs? Just another case of ignoring an idiot and getting on with your life. If you really want to do something, forget getting outraged by this or ringing the plod, go and rattle a tin or do a sponsored walk for leukemia.

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Would have been nice if he could have written his piss poor attempt at a retraction in English though.


Oh, so it has nothing to do with Petrov's illness, so it was just a general wishing someone would die, or was it just an innocent prediction that he (like everyone else) will die at some point, if it was a wish and it had nothing to do with his illnes, how did you want him to die, Aeroplane crash? buggered to death by your boyfriend, As for the bit about it not being a dig at Leukemia, I'm quite sure most people wouldn't give a toss if you said nasty things about a disease. This isn't an apology, it isn't even a retraction of any merit. It's a feeble attempt to excuse a stupid statement made by an F**ktard

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He only apologized because it blew up in his face, he was standing by it for hours afterwards. There was even guy saying that he works for the police and if he finds him hes going to batter him or whatever. Bottom line is we all hate/dislike each other when it comes to villa/blues but if it gets to the point where you're wishing death upon the opposite side over football then you need to leave the game, it doesnt get any more ridiculous than that.


This prick deserves everything he gets though, another case of people thinking they can just tweet what they want without consequence but again not surprised he does like a bit joey essex too me.

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