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What's your tipple this evening then?


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Ah right. I know of plenty of similar Jamesons stories from down here. Although I think in all of those stories, without exception, the person was turned off whiskey full stop.

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I've been dabbling in English bitters.  You've got to understand that we don't 'do' bitter over here and the closest we've got to them would probably be Smithwicks which is probably more popular with foreign tourists (particularly ze Chermans) than it is with the locals.  Bitters are not unpleasant though.  They're certainly 'different' and that's good.


If you ever pop over for a visit I can highly recommend a pint of Bathams.


:thumb:   Massively seconded.

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it was jim beam and dry ginger, before moving on to wine. Tonight it will be more of the jim beam and dry ginger, a little wine and then cider. Still finishing off the christmas booze following januarys dryathlon.

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I don't get the hype about Bathams. Brother and Dad bang on about it all the time. It's quite good, but not knock-your-socks-off good.

There are four breweries at the moment that consitantly churn out brilliant beers - Oakham, Wye Valley, Black Country and Redempton (Tottenham).

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Had a bottle of this last night. Uber delicious: Export-Porter-Cacao-300x300.jpg


Ah, drank some stuff from the Kernal brewery in the past year or so. I understand it's made under the arches of the track by Waterloo station. Their IPA and Porter is brilliant, but everything else is far too strong for me!

Why have I not been checking this thread regularly?!

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I have decided that it is the weekend I am going to stop being a miser and have put the heating on.

It's warm enough to drink in this **** flat now so I have had 2 cans if red stripe and am just about to have a Stella then a premier and then I'm gunna start on the jagermeister.

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Tonight I will be supping this:




And it won't cost me a penny, as we have a good bit of pub quiz winning credits in hand. :)


EDIT: And will hopefully top them up again tonight. Free beer FTW.

Edited by mjmooney
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I'm not familiar with the term Session Ale but I assume it just means a beer strength that 'isn't Belgian'.



Cooking lager as I call it.

Ale. Not lager.


I agree that 3.8% lager is worthless piss. 3.8% ale can be delicious.

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