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The now-enacted will of (some of) the people


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5 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Ignorance prevails

Yep. People voting leave willingly admitting they don't know what they're talking about and that it's just a gut feeling. Even though tens/hundreds of experts laid out reasons why it would be a mistake. 

The whole thing is a shambles. 

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1 minute ago, Chindie said:

Ignorance prevails


And arrogance loses.


Everyone has a right to have their say and the people have spoken, whether you think its right or wrong.

So 52% of the nation are ignorant, racist, xenophobic farage supporters then! 



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Waiting for the penny to drop with ill-educated, selfish, bigoted voters that the 'bullying scare tactics' were actually FACTS;

Pound down 10%, FTSE down 20%, Scotland/ Ireland already talking of leaving UK, businesses already talking of leaving...


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I don't think it's arrogant to consider myself and all those experts for remain as more intelligent and well-read than a moron who thought that using a pencil at a polling station meant his vote was going to be changed. 

We're being dragged out of the EU by people like this. Allow us to be angry and disgusted 

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Just now, RimmyJimmer said:


And arrogance loses.


Everyone has a right to have their say and the people have spoken, whether you think its right or wrong.

So 52% of the nation are ignorant, racist, xenophobic farage supporters then! 



They absolutely do. I hope they enjoy they voted for.

52% being racist, xenophobic and ignorant? An overwhelming majority of that 52% are at least one of those, I'd wager. But not quite all.

As for arrogance... I'd sooner be arrogant and informed than ignorant. And I don't like arrogance.

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14 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

It's the belief i have i don't know why i just have a good feeling right now and will probably skip into work this morning maybe it's just elation and the fact leaving was something i felt so passionate about


Nice one pal. You just **** every single one of us right up the arse. With a pitch fork. Your guts are going to be in tatters by the time they're done. 

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13 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

So you ignored the experts because of a feeling in your gut?


Well it was a combination of factors really this was one of them, sovereignty and immigration were also big reasons also the way the government went into overdrive with project fear and i was fed up of those outside the UK putting the boot in as well.

I'm sorry if you voted remain unfortunately in these situations there is always a losing side who won't be happy but were all winners in the end because we are villa fans after all

Edited by AshVilla
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2 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

Yep. People voting leave willingly admitting they don't know what they're talking about and that it's just a gut feeling. Even though tens/hundreds of experts laid out reasons why it would be a mistake. 

The whole thing is a shambles. 

Its democracy. 

There is an underlying tone, especially on here, that anyone voting leave is somewhat mentally challenged and don't know what they're talking about.

Nobody knows how things will pan out in the next ten years, whether we would have remained or not, but some of the comments on here are ott....its like the end of the world is nigh!


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3 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

Well it was a combination of factors really this was one of them, sovereignty and immigration were also big reasons also the way the government went into overdrive with project fear and i was fed up of those outside the UK putting the boot in as well.

I'm sorry if you voted remain unfortunately in these situations there is always a losing side who won't be happy but were all winners in the end because we are villa fans after all

You completely **** it mate. It's not a competition, you don't get a prize. Only misery for all. 

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Just now, AshVilla said:

Well it was a combination of factors really this was one of them, sovereignty and immigration were also big reasons also the fact that the the government went into overdrive with project fear and i was fed up of those outside the UK putting the boot in as well.


The sovereignty argument was so roundly debunked I'd suggest you don't understand what sovereignty is. Hint - read up on the words 'Act of Parliament' and how it relates to the European Union. Even if you reject that, look at how many decisions the EU has made that the UK didn't agree to or with. I'll let you know that it's a very small number.

You agreed with project ignorant hatefilled fear. As is your right. I hope I works out for you.

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The reaction on here truly is toxic and unbelievable and i'm done

Being labelled a racist and a xenophobe because i exercised my right to vote in an election that i felt was important for the future of my country

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15 minutes ago, Chindie said:
6 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:


Nice one pal. You just **** every single one of us right up the arse. With a pitch fork. Your guts are going to be in tatters by the time they're done. 



This is the sort of nonsense i find hard to understand. I haven't got my way so everyone else is an imbecile?

Thought it was the 'outers' who were the ill educated

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4 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

The reaction on here truly is toxic and unbelievable and i'm done

Being labelled a racist and a xenophobe because i exercised my right to vote in an election that i felt was important for the future of my country

Our Country. 

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17 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Right then, I'm off.

@StefanAVFC, prepare that welcoming party. 

I've always rolled my eyes when people say they'll leave if an election doesn't go their way...but this one? Maybe. My job is heavily reliant on funding from the NHS, which is no doubt going to be hit pretty hard by the imminent financial shitstorm, despite the £350m a week bullshit.

I'm giving it a year to pan out and to get an idea of how things are going, if my job lasts that long, but I'm thinking either ROI or Sweden.

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the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Patriotism the acceptable form of racism.

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