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Aston Villa Protest Group


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For me it's not a question of supporting the team, we can still do that and walk out on 74! The walkout is designed to show our distain for the way in which the club is being run and for the people that are running it.


Good luck tonight guys, cant be with you in person but will be walking out with you in spirit. UTV #OTDO74

Edited by Supervillan78
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5 minutes ago, Wainy316 said:

Any word on expected attendance? Obviously it will be more effective if the ground is already covered in empty seats.

Id be amazed if there was anymore than 24,000 there

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39 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

I see some fans have divided already. Claiming anyone who walks out is not "supporting the team". You know, because the team are separate from the club obviously. 

The main argument appears to centre around "making the Holte End roar". Isn't that the responsibility of the team? 

As long as respect is shown both ways...

our supports done so well so far hasnt it? keep burying your heads in the sand and this madness will continue. the protest your making gets most of VT support

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If there is anything left that makes me proud of this club, its the fans. When the owner and the players care factor hits zero, its the fans that remain to uphold the passion and pride of Villa. If I wasn't half a planet away, I would love to be walking out with you. My thoughts are with you all, and hope that OTD74 brings the ivory towers crashing down.

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73% of The Mirrors poll are in favour! 

Villa fans have had enough and the ‘Out the Door on 74’ campaign group are planning a walk-out in the 74th minute of Tuesday’s game at Villa Park in protest at owner Randy Lerner.

Watch — The 'Out the Door on 74' campaign's call to action: 


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I am fully behind the walkout but it seems that everything is conspiring against us currently. Now its the fixtures. The impact that a walkout will have will be massively diluted by the fact that in each of the 3 games in question (Everton,Chelsea and Tottenham) we will be at least 2 if not more down by the 74th minute. If we were playing Bournemouth for example, there is a reasonable chance that we would still be very much in the game, thus I believe that walking out at that point would have considerably more impact. For many watching, they will just assume its a bunch of bad losers going home as the scoreline won't be pleasant reading by then in any of the next 3 home games. Oh well, such is life!

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5 minutes ago, Lomaski said:

I am fully behind the walkout but it seems that everything is conspiring against us currently. Now its the fixtures. The impact that a walkout will have will be massively diluted by the fact that in each of the 3 games in question (Everton,Chelsea and Tottenham) we will be at least 2 if not more down by the 74th minute. If we were playing Bournemouth for example, there is a reasonable chance that we would still be very much in the game, thus I believe that walking out at that point would have considerably more impact. For many watching, they will just assume its a bunch of bad losers going home as the scoreline won't be pleasant reading by then in any of the next 3 home games. Oh well, such is life!

The media are on to it. They'll report it correctly I'm sure. People have worked hard behind the scenes to make sure of that and will continue to do so. 

I get your point though. Listen, no matter what happens you're never going to please 100% of the people even 1% of the time. I reckon if we're winning tonight only a handful well follow through. But maybe that it's gotten this far will inspire the next crew to have a crack, or this one to have another.

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Won't be there tonight for obvious reasons but good luck to all involved. 

The campaign has won me over with the dedication and hard work of everybody. 

Lets hope this is the beginning for of something big with regards to turning our fantastic club around. 

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Thanks very much to those in this thread who have shown their support. It's been encouraging to read increasingly positive posts over the last ten days. 

Can I ask a favour for those fans who maybe aren't going tonight, but believe in and support this protest? If you have a Twitter account, please consider sending a positive tweet with the hashtag #OutTheDoorOn74, expressing your support for this action. At the moment, our social media feed is topped by a few posts expressing their disagreement with the protest. It would be nice to have a number of positive tweets of encouragement, to help persuade those wavering and as a show of solidarity for those who have worked so hard behind the scenes to make this happen tonight (and I DON'T include myself in that, but I have seen first hand the effort that a dozen or so of our members have put into this, and it hasn't been a small job).

Thank you for your support. 

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Best of luck tonight lads.  I've just tweeted some positivity :)  Everton tends to be a high attendance every season although Tuesday eveings tend not to be great.  We've only had the one this season and it's our lowest league attendance of the season by some margin (28,245 v Palace, next up is Norwich on a Saturday at 3pm @ 32,472).

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