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Just now, Chicken Field said:

I agree he is shit, but he has not been ever close to our worst player today, Lescott and Hutton have been much much worse. 

At least we have noticed that Gestede is playing. As he has done one or two decent things

I've only noticed him for all of the shit things he has done, he hasn't done anything good I'm afraid. 

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JESUS FFS GUZAN, he's had 4 chances to release the ball quickly for the counter attack and he's waited until Southampton gotten all their players back into position before lumping it forward. If this is Garde's instruction **** him, if not Guzan needs to to stop being such a pussy and get it out quicker. 

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Don't get why everyone is criticizing Gestede today ? goal line clearance and has won a header or two, which is more than most can say. Defense is looking awful with Hutton having a mare. 

Because we will create 1 or maybe 2 chances a game, neither of which he will look like scoring, he isn't good enough, missed a great chance today, missed a sitter at 0-0 vs Chelsea, he offers nothing, his movement isn't good enough, his football ability isn't good enough, for a shit team his tracking and hassling of their back four isn't good enough

Winning a couple of flick ons a game is all he offers

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Just now, Dr_Pangloss said:

I've only noticed him for all of the shit things he has done, he hasn't done anything good I'm afraid. 

Goal line clearance ? he has won a bunch of headers, not his fault that there is no one there to win the most important second ball

P.s I do also think he is shit, but he has not been close to our worst player today.

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