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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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On 30/05/2023 at 12:38, Jonesy7211 said:

Boris and Co's WhatsApp messages surrounding the Covid enquiry being redacted and withheld for now, and the deadline for a decision on this extended until Thursday. This stinks. It's like one of us being in court and our barrister asking for evidence to be removed because it makes us look bad. I'd love to know what the messages say. Heard somebody on the radio jokingly say it could be because there's an admittance of a one night stand between Nadine Dorries and old bunter 😄 In all seriousness, as bad as you or I could imagine the messages to be, they'd probably be worse.

Yet another case of one rule for us...

And yet people are still going to vote Tory.


It’s amazing how stupid these people actually are. They haven’t realised that the more they protest about having to disclose all this the more determined they make the inquiry to get them because they, like all of us, know that if they’re fighting this hard there must be something really bad in them.

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22 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

To be fair its the only reason I ever visit that grave.

There's a Dracula esque story in there somewhere.

Best to stick with pissing on the evil bitch.

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The issue is, who decides what’s relevant, as Baroness Hallett has stated, for this enquiry to be seen as fair, it has to be both morally and legally her decision. I think the judiciary should, and will, support that principle. 

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9 hours ago, Dodgyknees said:

True story, I once met with @bickster at a Villa game, he told the people with him that he had a cheeky wank over Maggy Thatcher quite often.

Must’ve been either 1981 or 1982, as I believe, he then moved his allegiance to Liverpool once we didn’t win the league or European cup

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The problem for me, is that on the radio in the morning tory agent Nick Robinson offered the anecdote of private matters such as a child’s health shouldn’t be handed over as they are so obviously private and irrelevant. 

Really? Well maybe if you’re telling a ministerial friend that your wife is a bit ill with cancer so you’ve started shagging the help, then yeah I can see how that might not be relevant. But what if you’re worried that your child has a condition and you suspect the vaccine could make it worse?

We can’t let a tory government with an absolute proven track record of being self serving be the body that decides what’s relevant.


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I'm quite torn on this. Ignoring everyone's lack of trust for the current tory government I do think it's important that ministers have a private outlet for conversations and this could really harm how those things happen. 

I fully expect that the government would have had very open conversations about different scenarios during covid and a level of death that is perhaps acceptable for a greater good. Publishing this will just detract from the actual enquiry while journalists queue for a sensation headline and it may limit how these things happen in the future. 


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16 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Like an old fashioned conversation face to face?

If its worth recording, it’s on the record.

I can’t tell my employer there is stuff about work, on the works phone, that I’m not prepared for them to see.

Coincidentally, I also tend not to use the work phone for shagging or ordering ket. If ministers in future will need to keep more formal notes and more delineation between private life and public service, and think of future consequences of flippant decision making, that’s surely not a bad thing? This is the government during a pandemic, it kind of needed to be done properly. Not perfectly. Not right first time every time. Properly. If this bunch of shagggers and schemers weren’t capable of running an orderly government it would be worth knowing. 

Absolutely this

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27 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Like an old fashioned conversation face to face?

If its worth recording, it’s on the record.

I can’t tell my employer there is stuff about work, on the works phone, that I’m not prepared for them to see.

Coincidentally, I also tend not to use the work phone for shagging or ordering ket. If ministers in future will need to keep more formal notes and more delineation between private life and public service, and think of future consequences of flippant decision making, that’s surely not a bad thing? This is the government during a pandemic, it kind of needed to be done properly. Not perfectly. Not right first time every time. Properly. If this bunch of shagggers and schemers weren’t capable of running an orderly government it would be worth knowing. 

I don't think the world works face to face anymore. It definitely didn't during the pandemic. 

My opinion is that a place still needs to exist for conversations that my explore extreme scenarios, those conversations may not be best shown in the public light. 

That's my concern here, the precedent and the limits it may place on the future development of policy, to be clear im not bothered about who the tories are shagging. 

Imagine a scenario like Dunkirk and place it in the modern day. You would expect people to explore scenarios that may determine how many lives should be risked to save some. I think politicians and others need the freedom to have those conversations and challenge each other without it becoming public record. 

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9 minutes ago, cheltenham_villa said:

I don't think the world works face to face anymore. It definitely didn't during the pandemic. 

My opinion is that a place still needs to exist for conversations that my explore extreme scenarios, those conversations may not be best shown in the public light. 

That's my concern here, the precedent and the limits it may place on the future development of policy, to be clear im not bothered about who the tories are shagging. 

Imagine a scenario like Dunkirk and place it in the modern day. You would expect people to explore scenarios that may determine how many lives should be risked to save some. I think politicians and others need the freedom to have those conversations and challenge each other without it becoming public record. 

Dunkirk is a decent example.

Would you expect your government to be sending each other telegrams and letters that discuss juicey contracts for boat fuel and stretchers alongside what knickers they’ve bought the new spad, alongside discussing how many deaths would be too many to try and get a good propaganda spin alongside policy decisions on the direction of the war?

No, neither would I.

Oh, and face to face meetings were definitely happening in government during the pandemic, we have the party photos that prove it.

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