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The banker loving, baby-eating Tory party thread (regenerated)


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2 hours ago, blandy said:

Because of our FPTP electoral system. I live in a safe seat area. Any/all votes I cast are totally wasted (other than parties get some funding based on how many votes they get, thus a vote for (say) Greens gives them a few pence.

Our system is completely broken, but it the tories love it, and Labour do too, as long as they think they have a sniff of outright government.

in the 2015 election Ukip won 12.6 per cent of the vote and only managed to get one MP into parliament. By contrast, the SNP only got 4.7 per cent of the vote and returned 56 MPs


if we could get a system whereby both those parties got 0 MP's I'm sure we'd all be happy :)


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3 hours ago, markavfc40 said:

I'd be amazed mate if by scraping busrsaries and since September charging 9k a year is going to get more people into nursing.

My daughter is 18 months into her mental health nursing degree. She missed out on the bursary but was in the last year of students that don't pay the 9k in fees. The bursary I think was approx £500 a month.

Most of the course is placement based and she does 37 hours a week. The closet hospital she has been placed at is 12 miles away, the furthest has been just over 20 miles. Much of the time on placement she is doing the work a nursing assistant should be doing so things like observing patients, general ward observations, doing meals, cleaning up patients etc. This is because the wards are so under staffed. It is therefore like going to work for 37 hours a week for nothing. From September students will have had to pay 9k a year for three years for that privilege. I genuinely can't see how removing the bursary and charging students 9k a year is going to entice more people into the profession and I'd imagine figures will either be out now or out in the near future to back that up.

They are in cloud cuckoo land if they think people are going to pay for the privilege of learning to get a job where the people above and Tory policy are setting us up to fail. Scrapping the bursary was the worst thing they could have done for the nursing numbers, but the best thing for the Tories as it gives them another round in the chamber.

If Labour don’t get back in in the next GE then the nhs will finally die. 

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This is just further evidence for weak May is. Not only can she not sack anyone, the only ones that should be sacked she's not even trying to. Apparently being a **** up saves your job in this government. Keeping things barely ticking over gets you moved.

But she's so weak if you fancy not moving you just say no.

How is this government still going?

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Justine Greening's move to the backbenches could hurt, she's now bound to join the Anna Soubry gang on the back benches. A remainer herself, elected by a very remain constituency... 

Could be more significant than it first appears

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1 minute ago, Chindie said:

Esther McVey in as DWP head.

What a choice.

If the minister isn't hated by the people affected by the department they aren't doing a good enough job.


She'll fit right in, odious witch

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1 hour ago, bickster said:

Justine Greening didn't fancy Work and Pensions so much she resigned from the cabinet

Very sensible.  It's likely to cause a lot of political damage to whoever is in charge.  You'd have to be a pretty dim, careerist airhead with little grasp of political reality to take it on.

Oh, hi, Esther!

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Estherday, career advancement seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though I'm here to stay
Thanks Mrs May, for Estherday.
Suddenly, you're not half the man you used to be
Disability came suddenly
Do you think this comes for free?
Well, you can appeal,  
it will cost a fair few quid.
You're a parasite,  
you don't need our benefits.
Interviews, I'm already bored of interviews  
Some losers commit suicide
It's really not my fault you see  
Because all I care about is me
Oh Estherday, it's me, me, me


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