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Paul Lambert


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Lambert needs to be able to add his first choice targets to the squad.....before we can really appraise him.


fingers firmly crossed.

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Rollover for soundVilla have appointed three managers since Martin O’Neill left in August 2010 and Lerner is reluctant to avoid any more upheaval at the club.



Yeh, that's not what he means, is it?


Bloody illiterate sports journalists.

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What makes you think he will get the chance to do that? If we're priced out again it will be the same story...go after option b and then c..


Afterall what happened to all the other targets  we had in mind after hoolahan? We rang up and the quote was ridiculous and we backed off i would guess.

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I love the way that "speaking at least four times a week" is indicative of an "excellent working relationship". If my boss only spoke to me 4 times a week I'd assume I was about to be shown the door.


Your boss evidently isn't a billionaire that lives on a different continent then... 

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Whilst Lambert is here I don't think he'll be given serious funds by Randy, I think he's just going to be kept on because he's proven he can work to a budget, as daft as it may seem considering we are owned by Billionaire, but with the restrictions of the last five years or so it seems we're almost the opposite to what's happened at Man CIty, maybe that's a bit dramatic who knows though. I hope Lambert somehow gets a chance to show what he's all about with proper funding, this is the guy who went to night school with Klopp, he'd have us playing like Dortmund in no time.

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I would not give him a new deal until we were mathematically safe. If we lose to West Ham we are right in the thick of it again. I think we will be safe.. but last year i thought we were gone and we made it.. hopefully its not the other way around this season. I am concerned that every other team strengthened a lot more than we have. Hopefully we stay fit and have enough as it is.

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I would not give him a new deal until we were mathematically safe. If we lose to West Ham we are right in the thick of it again. I think we will be safe.. but last year i thought we were gone and we made it.. hopefully its not the other way around this season. I am concerned that every other team strengthened a lot more than we have. Hopefully we stay fit and have enough as it is.

I would understand wanting him gone if Villa go down. However, are you going to get someone better to get the club back to the prem if that happened?

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The new contract news takes me by surprise.


Not because he deserves it or not, just that he had 18 months left of what must have been a 3 year deal.


Coulda sworn I remember Lambert talking about a 5 year project...... :blink:

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I would not give him a new deal until we were mathematically safe. If we lose to West Ham we are right in the thick of it again. I think we will be safe.. but last year i thought we were gone and we made it.. hopefully its not the other way around this season. I am concerned that every other team strengthened a lot more than we have. Hopefully we stay fit and have enough as it is.

I would understand wanting him gone if Villa go down. However, are you going to get someone better to get the club back to the prem if that happened?


Well that would depend in the manner of us going down. I am split on Lambert at the moment. Just when i have given up on him.. he gets the players to play like they did against Liverpool and WBA and i think great.. were back to last years end of season form. But then the week after we have that negative BS like when we played West Ham and a few other games earlier on with the 5-3-2 formation.


If he continues to play the 5-3-2 and we are playing negative and poor football and we get relegated.. then yes.. i think we can do better. If we put in better shifts and get relegated then no. If we stay up and play like we played against Liverpool then give him a new deal.


So thats why i would personally just wait and see before offering him a 3 year deal. Say the worst case scenario happens and he takes us down playing rubbish football we have to pay out another 4 year contract?


I do like Paul Lambert and want him to succeed but some of his tactics and the teams performances have just been woeful in the last few years. I do appreciate we havent been belted this season so thats improvement.. Its a tough one but for me its just easier to wait and see.

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The new contract news takes me by surprise.


Not because he deserves it or not, just that he had 18 months left of what must have been a 3 year deal.


Coulda sworn I remember Lambert talking about a 5 year project...... :blink:


After paying out what he's paid out already on manager's contracts, it doesn't surprise me that Lerner didn't give Lambert a 5 year deal from the start. If he gives him another 3 years now and they look at it again in 18 months time, then that's probably sensible. No?

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That upsets me as it would probably mean Lerner isn't selling up this summer.

Or Lerner has all but officially sold up, convinced the new owner into keeping Lambert and is giving assurances to Lambert that he will have a job when it all officially goes through, or has a big pay off if he is replaced :)

No chance. If Lambert gets a new deal then Lerner selling up isn't happening this summer.

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It's amazing that so many people seem pissed off about Lambert getting a new contract yet nobody seems to be offering any better options who would be able to do an equal or better job with the current levels of funding.


It's strange because he's been getting far more stick this season than last despite the fact that we were far worse last season. Is it really all about the style of football, which isn't even as bad as some make out and has been able to get us better results than last year?


And Lambert signings a new deal doesn't necessarily mean Lerner won't be selling up either. Prospective new owners may want Lambert to continue and things can always change. Besides, if he backed Lambert more I can't even think of any bad aspects of Lerner staying in the first place.

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It's amazing that so many people seem pissed off about Lambert getting a new contract yet nobody seems to be offering any better options who would be able to do an equal or better job with the current levels of funding.

It's strange because he's been getting far more stick this season than last despite the fact that we were far worse last season. Is it really all about the style of football, which isn't even as bad as some make out and has been able to get us better results than last year?

What other options did you suggest last season when you wanted him sacked?

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It's amazing that so many people seem pissed off about Lambert getting a new contract yet nobody seems to be offering any better options who would be able to do an equal or better job with the current levels of funding.

It's strange because he's been getting far more stick this season than last despite the fact that we were far worse last season. Is it really all about the style of football, which isn't even as bad as some make out and has been able to get us better results than last year?

What other options did you suggest last season when you wanted him sacked?


No serious ones, but then again I only wanted him sacked for about a week, which you always seem to omit.


Says it all really that instead of offering better options I just get a pointless and barely relevant comeback.

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PL is obviously working to a set criteria and is doing what is requested of him, his objectives were to keep us in the prem whilst getting rid of the players on top earnings, The problem is if you have a player on high earnings he must be better than others or jealousy and wage demands will enter the frey from other players wanting the same, a vicious circle. Although our tactics are wrong in our eyes they are played to try and get points and keep the confidence up. To those saying he has been poor just look at the injuries we have had to key players, yet we are still tenth in the league. I have no doubt if we start pulling away from the bottom three then the restraints will be taken off the team and we will play better. As for transfers then we will get players in but it will be one or two who will be better than what we have hopefully and improve us. In fairness we are mid table and deserve to be there on performances, we have not been hammered like last year and you can see improvement in a lot of the players, not all but then that is to be expected and those failing will be replaced at not a lot of money wasted. In my opinion PL deserves both a new deal and a bit more respect and backing from us.

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No it says it all that you're being hypocritical moaning at people with a different opinion that you.

I'm not being hypocritical though, or moaning. You seem to think that having a lapse of rationality and calling for Lambert to go for a week after the worst period of results in this club's recent history is the same as moaning about Lambert and wanting him out all season. Should be remembered that unlike many I never called for him to go after our annual Christmas slump.


Yes I wanted Lambert out, for about a week, over a year ago. Once I'd calmed down I admitted that sacking Lambert would be counter productive. Get over it. This black and white approach is really starting to get on people's nerves.

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