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Rik Mayall


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All day I've been wracking my brains, certain there was something else that he did which I absolutely loved.


And, finally, here it is, recognition of that thing that's been etched on to my subconscious for all those years.



Those legs.

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Gutted to wake up to this news this morning, gutted. Such a huge part of my youth. So damn many brilliantly funny characters... Rick, Richie, Kevin Turvey, Flashheart, B'stard...
Comic Strip Presents showed just what a talented actor he was too, as well as being a genius comedian. So sad.




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Total shock and sadness.


If you grew up in the 80's then he is a small thread that has just snapped connecting to my childhood.


At no point in my life have I ever looked forward to a new episode of anything as much as the Young ones / Bottom / Blackadder G F.


Sheer brilliance of a comedian.


It does make one feel very old also.

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I remember when Diana died and I was massively out of step with every one around me. The internet it seems universally loved Rik Mayall, as a performer I didnt find him funny in the slightest. I never liked Bottom or The Young Ones and his appearance in things I did like spoiled it for me. Anyones death is sad but for me its merely a foot note.

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Comic idle gone

Eric has gone too?


Too many geniuses passing at once. ;)


Was so shocked and saddened when I heard this yesterday afternoon.

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His wife doesn't know how he died. I just wonder whether it had anything to do with the horrific accident he was in 10 or so years ago, where he was dead for 5 days or so and months later the blood wouldn't drain from his brain. His surgeon said go home and day goodbye to your kids, tomorrow i am going to cut cut the top of your skull off and try and remove the blood manually. Miraclessly the blood had drained next day... Coould have been something lying dormant in his brain for all these years.


Its true not everybody found him funny and genuis is handed out too easily but not in his case. Influenced by the pythons, he connected with a lot of people....I'd put him up there with comic greats like Tony Hancock and Spike Milligan.

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Could have been a blood clot or summat? Its all so out of the blue. Could have just been that sudden death thing, heart attack, its all speculation I suppose though. Still seems so surreal though. Such a shame.

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TBH I could only take Mayall in small doses. OK if you like everything full-on, but it tires you out after a while. Punk comedy, really. 

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TBH I could only take Mayall in small doses. OK if you like everything full-on, but it tires you out after a while. Punk comedy, really. 

Yeah, a lot of his comedy was pretty manic. Still loved most of it though, but it was my era I guess, as I was a kid and then teenager/20s when he was at his 'peak'.

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