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Big Brother Power Trip 2014


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Yes its the summer and its back

Launch night Thursday 9pm

All you need to know this year http://www.channel5.com/shows/big-brother/articles/power-trip-coming-to-channel-5-in-june

Bg Brother weeknights 10pm for catch up what's going on
Big Brothers Big On The Side follows main show 11pm

Always watch it. I know some will just to see what kind people there putting into the house

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Seeing as this thread is a carbon copy of the Big Brother thread every year, I will play my part and post what I do annually - **** em Andy, BB fer life

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I suppose I'll have to record this because my dad is in Spain and he will have a full on meltdown if he misses the opening night.

I remember when it used to have a massive build up weeks before it started, these days you wouldn't know it was on if it wasn't for Andy's annual post.

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Big brother 1 was good.

Big Brother 2 was average.

Everything after that has been balls.

I can't imagine how shite it is these days


I liked the first 3 or so as they were generally normal people, who had everyday jobs. Now they are all cliches. Generally picked from the extreme boundaries of society. Hopefully they'll all kill each other!

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